Nine Sewing Needles & A Baseball Bat

The following day, everyone avoids Austin like the plague.

Following his embarrassing display during orientation, Austin had passed out and woken up in the infirmary the following morning around six AM.

Nurse Bleach had kindly checked up on him once he woke up, examining his tiny penis to make sure everything was still in working order after putting it through such a rigorous workout on stage.

"Yep, this little fella seems perfectly fine!" She beamed, looking down at his white dick with a magnifying glass. "You can pick up a new uniform from the headmistress. She wanted to speak with you before classes start anyway."

Austin attempted to cover his nudity with his palms, as a drone in the nurse's office circled around him. "B-But I'm naked now!" He said. "Can't you give me something to wear on the way to her office?"

"Oh, I suppose so," Nurse Bleach ruffled his soft hair and gave his penis a teasing flick. "But only because you're my favourite!"

And that's how Austin found his way into his current situation, walking down halls of BBC High in a skimpy hospital gown. The mint-green gown was tied loosely in the back, meaning everyone behind him could see his exposed bubblebutt. And the gown was so short it may as well have been a t-shirt, with the hem of the gown just barely covering his dick and giving everyone a clear view of his hairless coinpurse as he walked.

Austin kept his head tucked low, clutching his book bag to his chest as all the boys in the hall gave him a wide berth and gossiped quietly.

"—thought it was never going to stop! How could he even shoot that much cu—"

"—so tiny! I'm really glad that I was born bla—"

"—mom sounded so hot! Do you think she'd let us fuck h—"

"—Couldn't even see his peepee from where I was sitting. And I was only in the third row!"

Austin's face burns red with mortification and he hastens his pace to the headmistresses' office. As he hurries to turn the corner he bumps into a sturdy wall of flesh, dropping his books in the process.

"S-Sorry! Sorry…" he stutters, crouching down to pick up his stuff. As he bends over, a drone zooms in on his pink virgin hole.

"Nah, don't worry! That was my bad," the other boy replies, scooping up all of Austin's books back into his bag in one smooth motion and offering it to him.

Austin gratefully accepts his bag and quivers slightly when he looks up and sees that the boy he ran into was Terry. "Thanks…" Austin whispers, quiet as a mouse.

"No problem. Listen." Terry lays a comforting hand on Austin's shoulder. "I know yesterday must have sucked for you, but people will get over it!"

Austin sighs disbelievingly, though he appreciates the effort. "I have the smallest dick of all time…People aren't going to get over it…"

Terry grunts in sympathy, unsure how to respond to that frank statement. He soon brightens back up however. "Well, that just means you're special, right? One-of-a-kind! That's always a good thing if you know how to spin it!"

The young whiteboi's weewee twitches as Terry soothingly rubs his shoulder, as if to remind him of its presence. "B-But nobody will want to be my friend now! Everyone is avoiding me!" Austin's lip quivers.

"Hey," Terry bends his knees to look Austin in the eyes. "Forget them, 'aight? I'll be your friend."

Green eyes flick up to meet Terry's uncertainly. "R-Really?"

"Really," Terry confirms, holding his fist out for a bump.

Unfamiliar with fistbumps, Austin clasps his tiny pale hand over Terry's and gives it a firm shake. This shocks a laugh out of Terry who pats Austin on his exposed back and says that he'll see him in class.

With a little more pep in his step and a hopeful grin on his lips, Austin skips the rest of the way to the headmistresses' office, rapping his knuckles against the dark oak doors once he arrives.

"Enter," Olga Snow's muffled voice calls out.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Austin enters the Nurse's office. Looking around, he's surprised to note that the office is surprisingly spartan and minimalistic. A woman in Snow's position could likely afford a more decadent space, but Austin supposes this suits her personality more..

As he approaches the headmistresses' desk, the sound of rhythmic, fleshy slappin and a woman shrieking in pleasure can be heard blaring from her desktop computer. From this angle, Austin can only just see a pair of intertwined black and white legs on her monitor and looks to the side, flushed.

"Hmph, it took you long enough, whiteboi," Snow sniffs, rotating her chair and pointing at the spot right in front of her. "Stand here and remove your gown."

Her tone brooking no argument, Austin reluctantly stands in front of Snow and pulls the gown over the top of his head. His one-inch cock immediately perks up with interest at standing so close to the beautiful woman and Olga snorts.

"Pathetic," she opens a drawer below her desk. "I ordered you here to discuss your new uniform."

"N-New uniform?" Austin cringes, fearing the worst at this point.

"Well, the same uniform, I suppose," Olga hands him his new clothes, folded in a neat pile. "Just altered to suit our new objectives."

Not sure what that means, Austin begins dressing. He puts on the cut off school shirt, the long cotton socks and the mary-jane shoes. There's also a black leather choker with a spade symbol clasped in the centre. He curiously puts the choker on and looks to the headmistress expectingly.

"Headmistress Snow, you forgot to give me my skirt and undies!" He says, moving his hands to cover his privates.

Austin yelps when a small shock courses through him, emanating from his new collar. Snow laughs at the sight. "Mr Ivory, we just discovered that you have the tiniest clitty ever. You've become something of a worldwide phenom overnight. The people at home will want to see it! For marketing purposes you are hereby banned from wearing bottom-wear. And should you attempt to cover your tiny little acorn, the cuck-collar will shock you. Don't fret whiteboi, you can still have handsex. The collar will only activate should you purposefully attempt to cover yourself."

"But! But!" Austin stammers.

"…But?" Snow repeats, warningly.

Not wanting to make things worse for himself, Austin bows his head as a tear drips down his cheek and lands on the tip of his dick.

"That's what I thought," The headmistress growls. "Now stay still or you'll regret it."

Austin watches with mounting unease as Snow grabs a small tub of ointment from the far side of her desk. She scoops out a generous amount of cream and begins rubbing it between her hands.

She them scoots forward in her chair, cupping Austin's cocklet and balls between her hands, generously lathering the cream all around his crotch.

Austin's prick twitches and oozes precum at the headmistresses' touch, but the boy squirms uncomfortably, feeling a strange tingling down there. "What is that stuff, Headmistress Snow?"

Olga's eyes snap up to his with a cruel glint. "Why, it's penis shrinking cream of course!"

Austin shouts in horror and tries to pull away but he is once again shocked by the collar. Olga delivers a heavy swat to his plump rear with her leather-clad hand. "I said stay still!"

Unable to take much more Austin lets out a sob. That is enough to break loose the waterworks and he begins openly weeping. "Wh-Why are you doing this? Why do you h-hate me?"

To Austin's surprise, Olga's eyes soften once he starts crying. For the first time since he'd met her, she seems to briefly abandon the dominatrix character. "I do not hate you, my boy. I must simply treat whitebois with a firm hand so that they are prepared to take on the world and all its challenges. Regretfully, someone must play the villain to toughen you up…" Olga lets out a weary breath of air. "But we'll have to keep that a secret between you and I, alright? Beyond these doors I cannot give you any preferential treatment."

Austin whimpers and nods. Being humiliated by someone who secretly cares is slightly better than a true-evil psychopath. "B-But why are you shrinking my thingy? You said it was already the smallest!"

Olga soothingly rubs a hand up his milky thighs. "The Blacked Entertainment Network is going to make loads of money off of your…special penis. Everyone is being told it's one-inch, but the smaller it looks on stream, the better for selling subscriptions."

The twelve-year old sniffles, wiping at his tear-stained eyes. "H-How small is it gonna get?"

Snow pauses guiltily. "…half an inch."

When Austin begins wailing in sorrow, Snow is quick to assure him. "It is only temporary! It lasts exactly one month. We will continue to apply it on the first of each month, but when you eventually graduate you'll be allowed to let it grow out to its full one-inch once more!"

The idea that his penis will return to normal five years from now isn't ideal, but it's better than nothing. "How long does it take to shrink?"

Olga stifles a giggle and looks down pointedly.

Austin follows her example and groans at the sight of his minuscule dick. Where before there used to be a hint of shaft visible, now it truly did look like a pink acorn. When he reached down to test it out, he could only grip onto the shaft by pressing his fingers into the plush chub of his pubis.

"I really have to walk around with my shrunken willy out, ma'am?"

Olga shrugged sympathetically and gave him a comforting pat on his bum. "Try to own it?"



The private meeting with the headmistress unfortunately dragged on for a few moments longer than anticipated, and Austin was late for his very first anatomy class!

The good news was he was all alone in the halls in his new state of undress as he scurried to the classroom, his tiny dick jiggling as he ran.

The bad news was that class was already in session, and all eyes would be on him as he entered! Because of the collar, he couldn't even cover himself up!

Austin's mind drifted back to Snow's words. 'Try to own it?' Without any other options, Austin figured that he may as well give it his best shot. He was going to be walking around with his cocklet out constantly, so the sooner he got used to it, the better.

Taking a deep breath to centre himself, Austin opened the classroom door, placed a hand sassily on his bare hip and sauntered into the class like he owned the place.

The boys all broke out into giggles at the sight of Austin entering the room with his lower-half exposed, but the only sign that he heard them was the pink blush high on his cheeks. He wasn't going to give them the satisfaction anymore.

Austin's half-inch microdick rested comfortably atop his tiny balls as he approached the front desk. The anatomy teacher, Becky Chalk, beamed proudly at the confidence the little sissy was exhibiting.

"The headmistress warned me over the intercom that you'd be running late, Austin. Don't worry," she gestured to the sea of boys looking back at him. We were just about to perform a little experiment. There are two seats still available, so sit wherever you'd like and we'll get started."

When Austin looked at the two free seats he was torn. One seat was next to his best friend, Kyle, who waved at him excitedly and beckoned Austin towards him. The other seat was next to Terry, who saluted Austin with a peace sign and a kind, toothy grin.

Austin's mind flashed back to orientation when his fellow whiteboi Kyle had laughed at his penis along with everyone else. Then he thought of Terry, who had defended his babydick and offered him comfort this morning when nobody else would.

He shot a hurt look at Kyle before bounding off to sit next to Terry. The strapping young black boy smiled and pushed their desks together, placing a soothing hand on Austin's bare thigh. "This is a good look for you, man! I'm proud of you, Acorn!"

Austin's face flushed with happiness at Terry's praise before falling at the 'Acorn' comment. Even Terry wouldn't let him live that down…

Terry must have seen Austin's crestfallen expression, because he was quick to clarify what he meant. "I ain't makin' fun of you, dude! I was just thinkin', if you let your friends call you Acorn then people won't be able to use it to hurt your feelings anymore!"

The timid whiteboi understood the reasoning, but he wasn't sure if Terry was being sincere. "…You think so?"

"For sure!" Terry nodded. "Besides, Acorn is a badass nickname, bruh! You sound like a superhero!" Terry deepened his voice and posed dramatically. "The Mighty Acorn — He can cum faster than a speeding bullet!"

Austin giggled despite himself, holding his hands over his mouth to keep quiet. Terry was so silly!

"That's enough. Don't make me split you two up already!" Ms Chalk warned, but there was a charmed look in her eyes as she saw the whiteboi and black boy becoming such fast friends.

Terry held his hands up and shot Austin a sneaky wink. "It ain't me, teach! It's this one here, he's a bad influence!"

Austin shook his head with a smile and turned to face the professor, thankful that Terry was here to lift his spirits.

"Well," Becky drawled. "If you two are so keen on getting attention, maybe you can help start off our little experiment. Come to the front of the class, please."

Austin may be trying to become more confident with his body, but he's still afraid of being put on display again, not wanting a repeat performance of his sissy meltdown yesterday.

He is about to make up some excuse to stay seated when Terry wraps a friendly arm around his shoulder. "I'll be right there with you, Acorn. Don't worry."

Nodding with determination, Austin strolls back down the stairs and faces the class with his head held high. He'd like to see these dummies say anything with Terry backing him up!

Predictably, everyone keeps their mouths shut once Terry moves to stand beside him. Austin pushes down the urge to smile smugly.

Ms Chalk points at Austin's puny nub with a laser pointer. "After Mr Ivory broke the smallest penis record yesterday, I thought it would be an appropriate first lesson to compare the white peepees and black cocks of boys your age!"

The teacher types in 'one inch' under a column on the holoboard which reads 'Team Whiteboi.' Another column soon appears adjacent to it which simply says 'Terry.'

"Looking at Austin's clitty now, I'd swear it's actually LESS than one inch," Becky frowns, yet ultimately shakes her head and moves on. "But no, I'll trust Nurse Bleach's measurements…"

She then claps her hands together happily and addresses the classroom. "Today's experiment is this — I am going to call on whitebois at random to join little Austin here, and we're going to add all of your peepee inches together! Then, we'll see how many white babydicks it takes to measure up to what Terry is packing!"

The whitebois in the class all shift and squirm uncomfortably and Austin can't help but feel a small pang of schadenfreude. Let's see how funny they think it is when they're up here!

"But, lets not get ahead of ourselves," she stands in front of Terry, tugging at the hem of his slacks. "May I?"

Terry nods without a care, as if the teacher was asking about the weather.

And with a swift pull of his pants, out flops Terry's big black cock and Austin feels another sissygasm start to build immediately.

The dark brown pillar of meat swings freely between Terry's legs, the plum coloured head actually hanging LOWER than his knees. His huge ball-sack has an admirable heft to it, looking as if it were filled to the brim with thick, virile cum. A wide, pronounced vein can be seen running down the full length of Terry's shaft and Austin is pretty sure that just that one vein on Terry's BBC is thicker than his entire white clitty.

Austin panics when his hips start thrusting of their own volition like they did yesterday. He's about to burst all over again when Terry grips his elbow with his hand, grounding him. "Hey, none of that, okay? Enough."

It seems like a minor miracle when Austin's tiny dicklet seems to actually listen to Terry, his rapidly building ejaculation slowing down to a low-simmering arousal.

'This must be like the thing mommy did to make me stop,' Austin thinks to himself, wondrously. 'Terry is dominant over me, so he can stop my peepee from squirting!'

Austin looks at Terry like he hung the stars for him, eternally grateful that the black boy had saved him from another humiliating incident. Terry merely shakes his head in that universal 'it's no problem' fashion and smiles back humbly.

"Ahem!" Ms Chalk clears her throat. "If you want to spend all class staring at Terry, why don't you do me a favour and measure his cock for me, Austin?"

As if in a trance, Austin takes the tape measure from Becky and drops to his knees in front of Terry. Panting heavily, he grabs the shaft with one hand and measures with the other. His stubby fingers can't even reach halfway around Terry's girth.

Measuring from root to tip, he balks at the number the tape measure shows. His little white wiener starts drooling onto the floor at the result.

"F-Fifteen inches, ma'am," Austin says as he stands back up and faces the class. In a haze, Austin presses himself hip-to-hip with Terry, subconsciously wanting to compare dicks.

It was like the empire state building next to a garden shed, Austin thought, cheeks flushed red at the fourteen and a half inch difference. Terry took advantage of Austin's close proximity, throwing a chummy arm over Austin's shoulder and bringing him in to cuddle close to his chest.

"Very impressive, young man!" Ms Chalk praised, causing Terry to puff up with confidence. "Unlike whitebois, who reach penile maturity at age twelve, black boys keep growing for a few more years. Usually at your age, black cocks will be about seventy-five percent of their adult length. So by the time Big Terry here turns eighteen, his BBC will be about twenty inches long!"

None of the black boys in the class seem surprised at this revelation, probably having grown accustomed to the mammoth organs between their legs. The whitebois are all trying to make themselves look small, wanting more than ever to not be called up.

Seeing no volunteers, Becky begins by calling up Kyle. Austin can feel Kyle trying to make eye-contact with him as he stands beside him, but Austin isn't ready to talk to Kyle — not until he apologizes for betraying Austin's friendship.

Austin can hear the sound of a skirt and panties hitting the floor next to him, as Ms Chalk exposes Kyle's penis and takes his measurements.

"Wow!" Becky exclaims. "Exactly three inches! Like Nurse Bleach told you all yesterday, that's pretty much as big as whiteboi weewees get, outside of world record holders!"

Austin huffs, puffing his cheeks out as the total score for Team Whiteboi changes to four inches. 'Of course Kyle would have a big dick for a white boy,' he thought angrily. No wonder he laughed at Austin's yesterday…

The lesson continues as Ms Chalk calls more random whitebois to the front of the class to measure.

"Benny, two inches. Average."

"Sam, one point five. The smallest possible, not counting our special guy, Austin!"

"Mike, one point five."

"Alex, another one point five."

"Gabriel, two inches!"

"Dylan, another one and a half! So many pindicked whitebois in this year! How cute!"

With Team Whiteboi still only clocking in at fourteen inches altogether, the teacher was forced to call up one more student in order to surpass Terry.

"Hmm," she pondered, looking out at a sea of red, mortified white faces. "Toby! Come on up!"

Unlike all the other whitebois, Toby eagerly pranced up to the front, shucking his skirt and panties off himself. He even took his shirt off as well, despite the fact that it wasn't required.

Toby posed for the drones streaming their class online, shaking his hips to waggle his clitty around. "It's only one point five inches, ma'am! I measured it myself! Hehe!"

Becky cooed at the boy and kissed the crown of his head. "As you can see, Toby here is the first whiteboi in the class to get mindbroken by the BNWO. It happens to all whitebois eventually, so there's no point in fighting it! Austin came close to being mindbroken yesterday but his mother stepped in and interrupted, unfortunately…"

Austin looked at Toby curiously. That was what was going to happen to him during orientation? But that was so scary, and yet Toby looks so happy!

'Maybe being 'mindbroken' wouldn't be so bad,' Austin thought.

He was torn from his reverie when Ms Chalk gently separated him from Terry and lined him up close together with the other exposed whitebois. When he looked to his right and took in the sight of them all he noticed that all the white babydicks were twitching and leaking excitedly.

Without Terry to help calm him down, Austin's tiny helmet also started pulsing and spurting precum onto the floor.

"As you can see, it took a total of," Ms Chalk wheezed hard, trying to control her laughter. "S-Sorry! As you can see it took a grand total of NINE little white cucky peewees to match Terry's cock!"

It would be hard to tell who started cumming first without instant replay, because seemingly in unison, all nine of the lined up whitebois started spurting their weak cummies together!

One drone slowly swept by them at a dutch angle, getting a slow, cinematic shot of all the inferior whitebois shooting their sissy loads on to the floor. Most of the whitebois seemed to be caught between humiliation and ecstasy, except for Toby who had abandoned all pride and was unabashedly enjoying jerking his dinky off with his thumb and pointer finger.

For the second time today, Austin wished he could be as carefree and uninhibited as Toby, as he shamefully shot rope after rope of cum out of his pink acorn.

It took five full minutes for all the whitebois to stop squirting, leaving them all lying down in a puddle of their shared cum together as they caught their breath…

Terry leaned down with concern to check up on Austin specifically. Because of the fact that Terry hadn't pulled his slacks up yet, he accidentally laid the full length of his cock across Austin's face as he crouched beside him. This set Austin off, as he began cumming all over again, eventually starting a second chain reaction causing the other whitebois to follow suit…

Becky Chalk held the button on the intercom down, looking at the giant pile of spasming whitebois as if this was business as usual. "Send the janitor down to Anatomy 101, please!"