Destroying a Syndicate

It was surprising that the shop attendant didn't ask any questions about my request. She just looked at the girl with concern and pity, agreeing to help without hesitation.

Even though the shop mainly sold clothes, it wasn't uncommon for people to ask for personal services. City shops often dealt with requests from nobles that went beyond their usual business.

I didn't have much money, and I wasn't sure why I felt compelled to help the girl right away. Maybe it was her condition—anyone would be moved. However, it seemed that the people in this city were too focused on their own lives to help others.

If I were a regular bystander, I might not have helped this much. If I started helping one kid, what would stop me from helping all the kids in the slums? But this situation was different—she was right in front of me, asking for help. If someone's life was at risk, I had to do something.

After a few minutes, the attendant returned with the girl, now well-dressed. She kept her head down and didn't look at anyone.

I smiled at the attendant and asked, "How much for the service?" I then glanced at the girl, now wearing a simple dress with puffed shoulders and a ribbon at the neck.

"Oh no, don't worry about it. It was my pleasure to help her. You can just pay for the clothes."

I was speechless. I had low expectations of people, especially those in the city, but she changed my view. The attendant genuinely cared for the girl.

It was a good sign that there was still humanity in the world I needed to save. Even though most people focused on their own lives, it didn't mean they were evil or that I should ignore their needs.

The girl lifted her head briefly, looking confused, then lowered it again. A small smile crossed my face as I paid the attendant, relieved that I still had some extra money.

As we left the shop, my curiosity about her grew.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Marie, sir," she replied softly.

"My name is Jaxon. Just call me Jaxon, not 'sir,'" I insisted. "Anyway, what help were you asking for? Your brother, right? What happened to him?"

Marie remained silent, visibly hesitant. Her desperation seemed to lessen, replaced by shyness, perhaps because I had clothed her.

"He was kidnapped," she finally said, her voice trembling.

"When did this happen?" I asked, concerned for Marie's well-being.

"Two… or three weeks ago."

I was stunned by her answer. When I first saw her, she appeared to be alone, but now I wasn't so sure.

"Where are your parents? Why did you ask a stranger for help?" Curiosity and a determination to assist tinged my voice. I made an effort to sound dependable, hoping to make her feel more comfortable.

"We don't have parents anymore. We live on our own, and with Lando taken, I'm alone in this world."

Her words struck a chord in my heart. Her voice carried the weight of worry and sadness as she spoke.

I sighed. I was glad I had helped her.

"Do you know who—" Before I could finish, she froze, her gaze fixed in one direction. I followed her eyes, sensing her fear.

Her eyes fixed on a tall, muscular man who stood clad in a black cloak, looking suspiciously around. His sharp eyes pierced through the nighttime crowd as if he were searching for something or someone.

I brought Marie to an inn and paid for her stay. Since she was alone, I couldn't leave her on her own. When I left her in the room, she was still frozen, clearly affected by recent events.

My suspicions were confirmed: that man had kidnapped her brother.

"I'm going to find your brother. Can you describe what he looks like?" She described his physical appearance, and I committed it to memory before leaving the inn.

The man continued scanning the crowds before finally returning to his carriage. It seemed he had failed in whatever mission he was on.

The carriage jolted into motion and rolled towards the outskirts of the city. I followed silently, using an invisibility spell, until we reached a large, old estate.

Things felt increasingly suspicious. Out here, away from prying eyes, the eerie atmosphere alone would deter most intruders.

With purpose, I sneaked inside, still invisible. I found myself in an abandoned house where hooligans lounged on couches, all sharing a similar look and expression.

My goal was to rescue Marie's brother. If he had been kidnapped, he might be held in a basement for soundproofing, or hidden in one of the rooms. A basement seemed likely, so I began my search.

Muffling my footsteps with a soundproofing spell, I followed a corridor that led downstairs. Finally, I found the basement. As I descended, I saw nearly twenty children bound behind bars.

Anger surged through me at the realization that this building was being used for such sinister purposes. The people behind Marie's brother's kidnapping were part of a syndicate that needed to be stopped.

Rescuing these children became my priority. Using invisibility and soundproofing spells, I silently freed them from their captivity.

The children looked miserable. Their vacant eyes and parched lips spoke volumes about their suffering. I couldn't bear to witness children enduring such hardships.

I wished for a world where no child suffered, but I couldn't afford to prioritize their plight over the imminent danger threatening millions of lives.

I ensured the children's safety, guiding them away from the syndicate's clutches. They seemed disoriented at first, startled by my sudden appearance, but relief washed over them as they realized they were safe. It was as if they didn't realize they followed me out.

Before leaving, I made sure there were no other victims inside the building, then destroyed it to prevent further use by the syndicate.

A/N: Please support me by giving me some of your daily power stones. I would appreciate your help.