Oliver Nux?

I had been wondering if it was possible to create my own function for the system. Even though it had already told me it was, I wanted full control over deciding and creating it.

The parts of the Mecha still weren't complete. It only had a frame. If I put circuitry inside, it could move with the core stone, but it wouldn't be smooth. For better mobility, it needed threads and an alternative brain, possibly an artifact that could sync with my ideas and commands. Controlling it consciously would be too difficult and would divide my focus.

If I could get that artifact, I could control the Mecha subconsciously. But the problem was those kinds of artifacts were only found in another country. I still hadn't found any unique artifacts here.

So far, I had made the Mecha capable of moving. The problem was where to test it.

I didn't worry too much about it and went back to my routine to earn money. I had been in Mining City for a month and had completed the frames for all parts of the Mecha. If I assembled them, it would stand almost six meters tall and weigh as much as a cart full of broadswords.

As I passed through the market, the square buzzed with activity. Vendors shouted their wares, and townsfolk haggled over prices. I wove through the crowd, still thinking about my next move. I probably needed to find the next artifact. Suddenly, a commotion to my left caught my attention.

I saw Jena on her knees, clutching a small, tattered coin pouch. Tears streaked her dirt-smeared face, and above her stood... What the hell? Is that Oliver Nux? Seeing him made my blood boil. Memories of my previous life and his mistreatment flooded back, heightening my anger.

He stood in front of Jena, his face twisted in frustration and contempt. His three henchmen loomed behind him, their sneers matching his.

"You worthless wretch!" Oliver's voice was loud and condescending. "You stole my money and now you're begging as if you didn't do it!"

He snatched the coin purse from her hands and threw it to the ground, scattering the few coins inside. Jena looked up at him, pleading desperately.

"Please, young master, I barely escaped with my life. The monster—"

"Excuses!" Oliver interrupted. "You're just a useless servant who can't even handle a simple task! You should have died! You made me worry about my daily expenses!"

The injustice of the scene boiled my blood. Without a second thought, I stepped forward, my voice calm but firm. "That's enough."

Oliver turned to face me, surprise flickering across his features before his sneer returned. "Well, if it isn't just another commoner. This is none of your business. Or, are you, her lover?"

A crowd was beginning to gather, their murmurs adding to the market's noise. I stood my ground, unfazed by Oliver's arrogance. "It becomes my concern when I see someone being mistreated. You used Jena as bait for a monster. You lost your money because of your cowardice."

Oliver's face reddened with anger. "How dare you lecture me when you don't know what happened." He gestured to his henchmen. "Teach this fool a lesson."

The henchmen advanced on me. I braced myself, quickly assessing their stances and weaknesses. The first came at me with a sloppy punch. I sidestepped, grabbed his arm, and twisted it behind his back before shoving him into the second henchman. The third tried to tackle me, but I ducked and swept his legs out from under him. Within moments, all three were on the ground, groaning in pain.

Surprising. I didn't know much about close combat as my forte was fighting monsters, but it seemed Oliver's henchmen were just as sloppy as him.

I straightened up, turning my attention back to Oliver. The crowd had fallen silent, all eyes on us. "This is the true nature of an arrogant young master," I said loudly, my voice carrying over the market square. "A coward who sacrifices others to save himself."

The murmurs of the crowd shifted to open disdain. Oliver's composure cracked, and he glared at me with seething hatred. "You… how did you do it?!"

He watched me with a calculating look, then grinned as he assessed my appearance. Despite his composure cracking earlier and hatred clouding his thoughts, he seemed calculative.

I wanted to teach him a great lesson. His attitude towards other people and what he did to me in my first life made me want to ensure he'd suffer. However, with the crowd watching us, would painting him as a horrible person be enough?

I didn't know, but it seemed if an opportunity arose, I would grab it. Matters didn't just revolve around him but also his father.

"Are you alright, Jena?" I asked gently.

Tears welled in her eyes as she nodded. "Thank you, Jaxon. I didn't know what to do..."

The crowd began to disperse, their curiosity satisfied. Oliver was still silent, but I noticed many of them glancing at me with newfound respect.

I gave Jena a reassuring smile. "You're safe now. Let's get you something to eat and rest. You've been through enough."

Oliver's voice cut through my thoughts. "I commend your actions. Are you interested in working for me?"

My eyes flashed with uncertainty as I looked at him. What was he thinking? Was he shameless? I had humiliated him in front of everyone. This wasn't like him.

However, his proposal made me hesitate. Scenarios ran through my mind of how I could use this opportunity to betray him and make him suffer. Not just him, but also to destroy his father's legacy.

"I will apologize to her. It seems like you adore her, huh."

I saw Jena's face turn red. She was still not well. She needed to eat and rest.

"Take your money first, and I will deal with you later," I said with disdain.

Despite how difficult it was to contain my contempt for Oliver, I wouldn't miss this opportunity born from his foolish ideas. He thought I would work for him? Really?