Teach Him Cultivation Base?

The monkeys had already left the hall, stomping their heavy feet in defeat. Watching them, I couldn't be happier. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard, recalling their faces—angry monkeys!

"What did you do? I didn't see what happened." Full of curiosity, I questioned Jaxon, eager to clear my confusion.

I had indeed thought it was all over for me. But it seemed I didn't know everything about Jaxon. Had he trained his body without my knowledge? As I looked closely, he seemed to have gained height and muscle.

Wait a second… Did Jaxon look incredibly different right now? He exuded an unusual aura, as if he had just gained a different energy… Power, maybe? Had he gotten stronger?

"Hey, tell me honestly, what was that? How did you survive that attack?"

Although the confrontation seemed absurd, I liked it. Nobles often showcased power to assert dominance, and such showdowns were common despite their foolish nature.

At first, I thought Jaxon was just being arrogant because he worked under me. But now, I was beginning to understand his nature. He loved making people miserable.

"That wasn't a big deal. I just channeled my mana throughout my whole body. When he tried to overpower me with his, I gained an advantage," Jaxon answered, showing no interest. "It's a matter of who has a stronger cultivation stage."

I couldn't help but look at him narrowly. Here he went again, sounding unusual. If it were the Jaxon from the past, he wouldn't answer me. Defiance had been his weapon against me, knowing his skills. However, with the allure of money, he seemed to be slowly changing his views. Could it be… he had become attached to me to the point he would sacrifice his life for me?

Ah-ha! My joy couldn't be contained! It was only a matter of time before he confessed his feelings towards me. I knew he had realized his role in this world! It was to serve me!

"You know… I've been thinking about your skills. It won't be long before I share with you a top secret that only we, real nobles, know."

I saw Jaxon raise an eyebrow at how I sounded. Of course, he wouldn't know about this.

"Cultivation base." But I was wrong. As soon as he heard it, he became dejected as if he had been expecting something different. What was he waiting for?

"I still have to convince Father about teaching you how to create a cultivation base. With your strength, you will surely be acknowledged. But, loyalty comes first."

Jaxon turned his back, baffling me. Wasn't I still talking?

"You disrespectful insect! I am giving you an opportunity, yet you act like that? Don't you want to get much stronger?"

"Strength is not my goal. If you are giving me an opportunity, then continue if you see I deserve it. But don't forget that I won't grovel before you. Loyalty is not my thing."

Then, as if he didn't work for me, he left me alone in the vacant hall.

Now, it left me pondering if I should suggest this to Father. Since he already knew about Jaxon, it wouldn't be a bad decision to recruit him under his teaching. But Jaxon would still belong to me.


My social debut passed like flower petals along the wind. It captured people's attention, their love and memories of it lingering in their hearts.

As I walked down the corridor to Father's office, my purpose kept ringing in my head. I wouldn't waste a talent like Jaxon. With Father's intelligence, he would find a way to make him loyal to me. I entered the room with his permission and found him busy with paperwork.

Hesitant, my voice loomed. "Father, I have a suggestion. Can we teach Jaxon how to create a cultivation base?"

Father stopped what he was doing and intently stared at me. His eyes narrowed, and my throat swallowed nervously. Every passing second made me more agitated as the room enveloped us in silence.

"He is not part of the family. Straighten your mind."

"But Father, he has talent. You know we can use him."

Father didn't reply immediately, contemplating my suggestion. Of course, Father was a smart man; it was impossible he hadn't thought about this himself.

"Jaxon… I sense something peculiar about him," Father finally said.

"Because he is strong. Recruit him and train him; you'll understand what I mean. But don't own him; he is mine," I pressed, making Father smirk.

"Why would I steal Jaxon from you?" He set aside some papers before retrieving something from his drawer. "Take this." He slid an orb across his table.

I stared at the oddly silver orb he passed to me, pondering if it was an artifact. It made me nervous, knowing I had lost the Spell Buster and hadn't informed him. Now, another artifact was entrusted to me.

"This is…?"

"A gauge artifact. Teach him the technique and put it to use," Father explained. My brows furrowed at his words.

"Just this? What use could a gauge artifact offer Jaxon?" I asked, skeptical.

Father chuckled at my reaction and shook his head. "Do you think I would give away a unique artifact so easily? I know you lost the previous one I gave you, so stick with this. Consider it a test to see if Jaxon becomes loyal to the family. If he proves himself, I'll consider giving you another unique artifact."

My head lowered involuntarily under the weight of Father's words. He knew about the lost artifact, yet he was lenient with my mistakes. Even though I hadn't fully proven myself, he supported me to prevent embarrassment to the family.

My throat felt thick with emotion, and I bit my lip in embarrassment. I still struggled to meet Father's expectations, yet he remained patient and supportive behind his stern facade.

"I will remember it, Father. Thank you," I said, bowing respectfully before preparing to leave.

"By the way, I am tasking you with bringing all the tribes in Giant Valley under our control. Form a subjugation party and clear the mountain peak above us. I sense the giants are planning something," Father added calmly.

A smile curled up on my lips as I excused myself. Father was depending on me, and I was determined to prove myself worthy.