Dragon Revival Ritual [1]

Before the nations around the world were built, there was once a single continent under the rule of dragon tamers. Dragon tamers were humans who had gained the ability to speak to and tame colossal monsters with four legs, wings on their backs, tough scales, and a natural connection to mana.

Dragons were inherently magical beings. Only they possessed magic, but after their relationship with the dragon tamers improved dramatically, the dragons blessed these humans with the ability to adapt mana cores.

The first mages were the dragon tamers who became the first dragon kins. They not only gained the ability to connect with mana but also developed scale skin. Then, their descendants were born, known as the pachydermatous mages. These pachydermatous mages were slightly different from the dragon kins, having fewer scales but still possessing tough skin. However, the descendants of the pachydermatous mages appeared to be just normal humans.

Fearing for their descendants' safety, a group of pachydermatous mages hid them from the dragon kins. They trekked through mountains until they found a cave to hide their descendants. These descendants saw the sun only after they reached adulthood. It was then they learned they had an innate talent for magic, adapting and creating their own mana cores.

The first generation of human mages didn't reveal their existence. The fear of being killed due to their differences led them to resolve to study magic in secret. They learned spells as an alternative to the dragon kins and pachydermatous mages' control over hazardous mana.

Magic was divided into elements: fire, water, wind, earth, light, and darkness. This discovery was not enough; they continued their study until they learned more about mana cores. They discovered the four stages of colors: white, blue, green, and yellow. But this was still not sufficient. The third generation discovered the kinds and categories of spells, and the following generations mastered the control of mana, reaching the highest stage of color, the pure yellow mana core.

Confident in their achievements, they decided to fulfill their ancestors' wishes. They traveled to the land of the dragons and dragon kins, only to witness humans, who looked like them, being treated as slaves and food.

Anger consumed them. They teamed up with the rest of the normal humans and human mages to defeat the dragons and dragon kins. However, the dragons and dragon kins were innately powerful, and their spells didn't work on them.

It was only then they realized they had failed. Their fear had swallowed them until talented human mages from the recent generation overpowered the dragons and dragon kins. They were able to defeat and kill them.

After the eradication of dragons and dragon kins, the remaining pachydermatous mages lived with the rest of the humans. Hundreds of years turned into thousands, and pachydermatous mages disappeared from the land, leaving humans to dominate. However, dragons had created different species that looked like humans, and mutated from existing animals. They were called demi-humans.

The world progressed over another hundred years. Nations were erected, people were divided, and demi-humans were banished from human lands, left with no other choice but to create their own settlements. However, humans dominated the world, creating an imbalance.

It was then that Dragon Disciples appeared, discovering records of world history in old ruins. The Dragon Disciples saw the problem in the world: dragons and dragon kins must return.

Orca Nux, a man who stood above average height, slipped from his window while holding a wineglass-shaped artifact covered in gold. His greyish-white hair and medium-thick beard and mustache imposed an authoritative aura that added to his prominent strong and powerful presence. Wearing an average undergarment with a cloak lined with high-quality fur, his jewelry gleamed under the moonlight.

A small smile appeared on his face as he watched the scene from his window. The clouds of dust forming at the entrance of Giant Valley indicated the monster stampede coming. Furthermore, the dispatched personnel covered the whole end of the town to ensure no one would escape.

"Finally… The other disciples will be embarrassed to see that I will get the first revival." He murmured, excitement surging through his system.

The plan was perfect. He attracted people to work under him, live inside his territory, and comply with his words. The human sacrifice was accomplished without anyone suspecting his goal.

He had planned this for years, and just as he gathered the ingredients and the population of humans under his territory, he called for the assistance of other Dragon Disciples.

He wanted them to see the event with their own eyes. The dignity he had lost from the humiliation of other disciples needed to be regained. Hence, with the successful progress of his plan, he couldn't contain his excitement.

However, he saw the clouds disappear and a giant earth wall had been erected, something he hadn't noticed sooner.

"What the hell is that…?" He gripped the artifact, patiently waiting for what would happen next. He expected the earth wall to collapse, but it didn't. "Don't tell me someone is stopping?"

He took out his communication artifact, a black rectangular-shaped block of wood and metal. He pressed an intricate pattern and shouted into it, "Inspect the entrance of Giant Valley. Kill whoever you see fighting off the monsters!"

Agitated, he walked back and forth, checking the window every few seconds. He couldn't calm down, fearing that his efforts would crumble at any moment.

After a few minutes, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He left his room and went straight outside the manor. He inspected the view from the manor, still seeing no monsters rumbling around the town to kill the humans.

A click of his tongue escaped. "Who dares to stop my plans?" His hand clenched hard, almost wounding his palm.

When he was about to leave the manor, he was stopped by a familiar young voice calling for him.

"Father? What is happening?" He turned around, seeing Oliver in his sleeping attire. Orca simply smiled before shaking his head.

"Nothing. Go back to sleep. I have a visitor that I must see."

"Are you sure?" Oliver asked with a pondering look.

Orca assured him with a nod. "Yes. It is crucial. When I return, I will tell you the deal and the family secret. How about that?"

Oliver was surprised by what his father said. A smile curled up his lips, and excitement washed over him.

"Alright. Be careful," Oliver said before turning back inside the manor.