

This kind of upscale attack to cause terror to a town was undoubtedly a threat to the kingdom. First, the unnatural monster stampede was clearly meant to kill the townsfolk of Nux Territory. Second, it would destroy the balance in the area. And lastly, the possibility of it being repeated in other territories or places in the kingdom could threaten the kingdom's safety.

For sure, whoever did this had hatred towards Count Nux or the kingdom. Hence, I would have to pause my search for Jaxon and report this to Uncle.

I also had an inkling that Count Nux knew about this, especially given the suspicious traces of a magic circle in the city. I was still worried about people's safety.

After the troll, another one appeared. I eliminated it immediately before the next monster arrived in front of me.

Minutes had passed with the nonstop eradication of stray monsters from the stampede. I hadn't felt tired, but I knew I had to replenish my energy. My mana was almost depleted, and I couldn't fully rely on swordsmanship. Who knew what could happen if I drained my mana?

And just as I feared, someone tried to stop me from killing the monsters.

"Here! Someone is stopping the stampede!" "Kill him!"

Three men appeared behind me. I hadn't seen their position, but I was sure of the presence I sensed.

There was still a monster ahead, and I couldn't let it pass. Thus, using the chance, I dashed to the coming troll, with the men behind me in pursuit.

A small smile appeared on my face as I slid under the troll. With precise maneuvering, I faced its back, and in my sight, the three men in black cloaks were present. They were facing the monster as well, which just made it easy for me.

Now with the threat of a monster, they wouldn't have to focus solely on me. Hence, I dove into the coming stray monsters, letting them divert away from me while killing some.

It would be difficult to deal with three humans at the same time. The problem didn't only lie in their undetermined capabilities but their tricks as well.

Hence, I let the monster kill them before stepping back to where the Giant Valley's entrance ended. But I was a fool; it wasn't over as more men in black arrived.

Despite the situation, the small number of stray monsters brought ease to my collapsing composure. Before the men could surround me, I used the monsters as my shields again. The previous monster versus me became a team with me against the men.

As the stray monsters died and some of the men remained, I gripped my hilt tightly. Bracing for the clash, I dashed toward one man with icicles from my free hand. I shot them at their legs, sliding while evading an incoming sword.

Sprinting at each of their immobilized states, I swung my sword, precisely slashing them in their openings. One lost his hand, another lost his legs, and others lost their heads.

Almost twenty men had arrived nonstop, but I was relentless. I couldn't let them stop me from defending the town. I wouldn't be an honorable knight if I let them defeat me.

I defeated all of them, but it left me breathless. I had kept up with them, but I sacrificed a tremendous amount of energy.

"Shit… If that man was here, I wouldn't face such difficulty. He could just rain some of his arrows and kill them immediately." But I knew I wasn't a talented mage like that person. I wondered how his situation had turned out.

I needed to see for myself, hence I ran towards the First Mountain.

With my remaining energy, I passed through dense trees and uneven terrain. The mountain was difficult to trek, with the steepness and depth being inconsistent. But I followed the trails of the monsters, finally hearing their clashes after a few minutes.

As soon as I arrived, I didn't see the man on the metal golem's shoulder. I paused, narrowing my eyes, scrutinizing the area. But I still couldn't see the man.

Despite not seeing him, I continued to move forward and inspect the area better. Trees had fallen, the terrain was flattened; it was now a huge battlefield in this area of the First Mountain.

The crease of the mountain had slowly disappeared with the fallen huge monsters on the ground. Ahead of me, the giant metal golem was fighting alone.

How was this possible? Artificial golems or weaponized gadgets were impossible to control without the owner touching or holding them. Before, I thought there was a reason why the man was on its shoulder. Could he control it remotely? Was it his familiar?

Suspicion that this metal golem was just a result of his magic appeared in my head. It could be possible, but difficult. However, if he managed to do it, it meant he was greater than the court mages or the historical figures and legends. He could be a new legend to be told.

Excitement washed over me. I had to discover this man's identity. But that would have to wait until after we defended the town and eradicated the monsters.

Leaping on the fallen trees and using them as platforms, I managed to jump high enough to reach a standing tree's branch. I carefully climbed to get a vantage view, deciding to support the giant golem.

It would be impossible for me to maneuver on the ground. The ground was filled with carcasses and fallen trees, and my balance would be disrupted by the continuous tremors as well. Hence, with my remaining mana, I would kill as many monsters as possible.

The giant golem's position was to my right, on the slope of the First Mountain. And just in front of it were a variety of monsters—small, big, and colossal—ganging up on it. But before they could pin it down, it would leap and land on them, still ensuring its position on the ground.

I couldn't help but be more amused. However, I would handle the monsters on the left, which seemed to be crawling on top of the piled carcasses.

Chanting a spell, I aimed at them, then unleashed it the second I finished. "Ice Spear!"

Although it was a common one-target offensive spell, it would be efficient as it wouldn't immediately drain my mana.

Targeting their heads and weak points, after almost an hour, we finally killed all the monsters. My joy was contained. I wanted to jump in exhilaration, but I remembered the giant metal golem. As I looked at it, what I witnessed was strange. It stood frozen, with some of the dead monsters grasping at it as if the golem had died.

I waited for a few minutes, thinking it might be regenerating its spent energy, but it didn't move. Just as I patiently observed it, I was startled as a strong beam of light suddenly appeared, removing the monsters that hindered its movement.

A smile curled up my lips, and relief refreshed me. I thought it was down, but it appeared that it had a plan. But how did it unleash such a strong beam of magic?

Well… I shouldn't be overthinking it. Its existence was extraordinary enough that the next features it would show would be incomprehensible again.