Another Unrecognized Hero

The disaster—the carnage that occurred in Nux Territory—had reached the attention of the kingdom. Seraphis Kingdom knights and soldiers had marched to the territory, bringing the king's order. Led by Captain DeMarcus, they reached the town within a week. Lyra, at that moment, had stayed in the town to wait for her uncle. When they finally arrived, she cooperated with the investigation.

First, it started with the invitation to the tribes and outside settlers. As Lyra shared how suspicious it was, DeMarcus agreed with her notion.

"After the carnage, I saw scars of the battlefield and the bodies of the townsfolk as well as the attackers who were covered in black clothing," Lyra said, as DeMarcus scrutinized the previous plaza of the town. His eyes fell onto the depressed land and the infrastructures that had fallen. The debris scattered showed traces of mana, indicating a fight between mages had occurred.

DeMarcus nodded at Lyra's continued report.