Training the kids

The Adventurer's Guild's training field was bathed in the warm glow of the late afternoon sun. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees, adding a soothing whistle to the day's activities. Jaxon stood at the edge of the field, watching with a fond smile as Lando practiced his sword techniques with unbridled enthusiasm.

Lando's small frame belied his determination as he swung the wooden practice sword with all his might. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were set in a thin line, showing his full concentration. Each strike and parry was performed with growing confidence, though not without the occasional stumble or misstep.

"Keep your stance wider, Lando," Jaxon called out, his voice both instructive and encouraging. "It'll give you better balance."

Lando nodded, adjusting his footing as he resumed his practice. Marie, who had been sitting on a nearby log, clapped her hands in support. Her bright eyes sparkled with excitement.