Chapter one hundred twenty nine

The mountain was not what Alina thought it was, she thought it was an actual mountan.

Last month when she followed Susan into the woods, That is when she found out where they were heading too had nothing to do with the mountain

Susan took her deep inside the forest in the mid night that day after they parted with Dana and the rest , Emma did not follow., it was only she and Susan.

Alina was very confused but she kept quiet ,for a while but when they kept walking deep and deep into the woods that seems it was never going to end she had to ask

Mom.where are we going ,

To the mountains of curse

Then what are we still doing in Rainbow city, we should be traveling or maybe getting on a plane because there is no mountain in our town.

You think we still in Rainbow city. Honey we've left that place long time ago. Susan retorted with a soft chuckled

I don't understand. Alina's said stopping