Testing the sharpness of daggers

David took a deep breath and focused; he was only going to get one chance. If he failed, things were going to become a lot harder for him.

The transformed youth walked quickly, and when he was a few meters away from David, he grinned and muttered something. As he spoke, the feathers of the youth shone with a metallic glow, looking extremely sharp. The orange glow of the setting sun cast a huge shadow on David's face, an abyss threatening to devour him.

A gentle gust of wind blew, causing the grass on the ground to flutter slightly.

"Die." The youth suddenly shouted and moved at an incredible speed, his hands aimed at David's chest.

Just when the youth's hands were about to reach David's chest, he moved like lightning. A kitchen knife had suddenly appeared in his hand, and without any fancy movement, he sidestepped and pierced the youth's throat.

The youth's eyes turned lifeless, and he fell to the ground.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. David had perfectly managed to catch his enemy by surprise.

However, he wasn't satisfied.

"I lack combat experience," David thought as he moved in the direction of the middle-aged man. He felt his actions were too stiff and lacked momentum.

Only when the lifeless body of the young man fell to the ground did the middle-aged man realize what was going on.

After realizing that he had been deceived, the man wasn't angry. He just calmly flicked his wrist, and two-meter sharp daggers made of unknown material appeared in his hand.

"How come everyone's got a storage ring these days?" David couldn't help but think when he saw the actions of the middle-aged man. Storage rings were supposed to be rare.

Judging by the pressure he felt, the man was definitely above the Body Refining Realm.

Thinking up to this point, David's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, the man's eyes flashed with ferocious light, and he threw one of the daggers in the direction of the still-sleeping Sophie while charging at David with the other.

Clang! David's kitchen knife and the man's dagger clashed, sending sparks flying everywhere.

David felt as if his hand had been struck by a hammer. The impact pushed him backward.

"This bastard is too strong," David thought grimly. Suddenly, the middle-aged man disappeared and reappeared directly on top of Sophie, where his other dagger had landed.

"He switched positions with his dagger," David thought with a dark face.

"Stay still, otherwise I will kill your little lover," the middle-aged man threatened, placing the tip of his dagger on Sophie's fair neck.

"Hmph! The young man is too naive. Did he really think I would waste my energy fighting?" the middle-aged man happily thought, smiling. As he couldn't see David's cultivation level, he didn't want to take any risks.

After hearing the middle-aged man's words, David stopped and calmly looked at him.

"Now tell me, what did you find in the Dimension Gate?"

David wasn't stupid. He understood what a Dimension Gate was, although he hadn't heard about it before. But he pretended not to know what the middle-aged man was talking about.

"You think I won't harm her?" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed with a cruel light as he coldly snorted.

"Hmmmph!" He applied a little force on the dagger that was placed on Sophie's neck.

Instantly, a red line appeared on Sophie's neck, and blood started to flow.

"Speak, or this is the last time that you see her," the middle-aged man threatened again.

"Oh really?" Suddenly, the middle-aged man heard a gentle voice coming from behind him. Unknowingly, a handsome young man had appeared beside him. Dressed loosely in a navy blue robe, the man's sword-like eyebrows were scrunched together in a knot.

To the middle-aged man's horror, he couldn't move his body. No matter how much he tried, his body refused to listen. An unknown force seemed to have enveloped him.

"Threatening to kill my daughter under my watch. Has the world forgotten about my name?"

Looking at the appearance of the man, David sighed with relief. He realized where Sophie got her good looks from.

The newly appeared cultivator was the sect master of North River Sect.

"These Black Spades people are really getting out of hand," Andrew thought to himself as he looked at the middle-aged man once again. Following his gaze, a white line that connected the middle-aged man to this world was cut, and he fell to the ground like a broken puppet.

How dare this bastard lay a hand on his little princess.

Andrew was really worried about his daughter's safety, but he couldn't even stop her from going out. After all, he wouldn't be here forever to protect her. Some time ago, her presence had suddenly disappeared, making him greatly worried. Now that it reappeared in the world, he rushed to her location as soon as possible. And thank God he came, otherwise...

Andrew shifted his gaze away from the middle-aged man and looked at the black-haired youth. When he tried to read David's fate, he realized he couldn't.

"Interesting," Andrew muttered. After one last look at David, he disappeared along with Sophie.

Whew! David sighed with relief and looked at the bodies lying on the ground. Looking at them, he grinned. After walking near them, he directly sold them to the bank. Shortly, 100,000 spirit stones were credited to his account.

Storage rings! David found three storage rings lying on the ground. Two seemed to belong to the Black Spades duo, and the origin of the third ring remained unknown. Without thinking much about it, David silently pocketed them and quickly left. He was worried that there might be more people from Black Spade. Staying in this place any longer was nothing more than courting death.

Thunder flashed around him, and he disappeared.