evryone wants to evolve

No one really knows where mana came from.

According to some legends prevalent in the world of Pandora, mana existed even before this world came into being, nourishing the world with its gentle strength.

Similar to mana, Crystallisations of Life were also filled with mysteries. After thousand years of development, the cultivators of the Pandora world weren't even able to unravel their mysteries, but they had a general idea.

According to some thinkers, Crystallisation of Life was part of the universe. They believed the universe was a living entity and, like everyone, it was also striving to reach an even higher level of existence.

Therefore, to achieve its goal, the universe lends a part of itself to people, who develop it, perfect it, and hone it to the extreme throughout their lives. When they die, this part merges back into the universe, thereby indirectly helping the universe evolve.

Hence, it is also one of the reasons why people die in the first place, and why it is harder to cultivate.

There were many ways to evolve your Crystallisation of Life, with one of the most popular being research and development. Cultivators study the laws of the universe and comprehend them, adding their insights into their Crystallisation of Life and helping it evolve.

As the Crystallisation evolves, their existence also evolves.

This is what David understood after visiting the North River Sect library every day.

"I would like to meet the man who discovered cultivation," David mused in his heart. He was filled with admiration for the person who came up with such an idea.

Sadly, he would never be able to, due to some unknown reasons.

"But how to understand the laws?" David sighed while thinking. In order to break through to the Foundation Building Realm, he had to comprehend laws and build a foundation with them.

After thinking about it for a long time, he gave up and focused on the rings lying on the table.

These were the three rings he had gotten that day after killing those cultivators from Black Spade.

He had kept them in his inventory, afraid that someone would track him down and retaliate in revenge.

After all, Crystallisation of Life was mysterious; there might be people who can track him down with the help of those.

He only decided to take them out today as he had a gut feeling they were safe now.

He used his mana to take a look at the ring which belonged to the young man. It looked like a circle with a gemstone stuck on the side of it.

"So rich," David couldn't help commenting, as the ring was filled with spirit stones.

Beside the spirit stones, there were a couple of books neatly placed in one corner along with some strange objects which David wasn't familiar with.

After taking one last look to make sure that he hadn't missed anything, David looked inside the middle-aged man's ring.

Like the first one, this ring was also similarly designed and filled with spirit stones.

David whistled as he did some mental math to estimate how many spirit stones were inside the ring.


"Not bad," David commented in satisfaction.

He deposited all the spirit stones in the bank.

In total, he now had 400,000 spirit stones.

"Quite a huge sum."

Knock! Knock!

"Master, it's time for us to leave," Mary spoke in a lovely voice from outside.

"Wait for me outside. I am coming in five minutes," David spoke in a plain voice and got up from his bed.

After taking a shower, he bought one black tuxedo from the shop.

He changed his clothes and got ready.

The suit fit his body perfectly.

His hair was neatly combed to give him a clean look.

After wearing his black leather shoes, he walked outside.

Similar to David, Mary was also elegantly dressed in a black gown made of luxurious fabric fitting her body perfectly. With her captivating face that could capture the soul of any man, she looked like a fairy.

Both of them were going to the Allison auction house to see what the buzz was all about.

Walking through the streets of Deadwood City, they attracted the attention of everyone.

Especially Mary. Although David was handsome, he paled in comparison to her.

Some young men couldn't stop staring at her.

At this time, David was starting to get annoyed. He released a little bit of his pressure to frighten them.

The young felt as if someone had placed a sharp sword on their neck, they shivered and hurriedly looked away.

After walking for some time, they finally reached their destination.

Following the directions, they found themselves in front of a huge castle made out of red marble, looking extremely impressive.

"Respected sir, please show us your invitation card," a guard dressed in plain white clothes stopped the duo from entering and politely asked.

David looked at the guard while raising an eyebrow.

The guard was surprisingly at Body Refine realm rank seven.

Not willing to waste his time, David flicked his wrist and showed him his golden envelope.

As soon as the envelope appeared, the guard's expression changed.

He hurriedly bowed and spoke.

"This way, sir," the guard showed them a different direction which was less crowded.

The people behind David had shocked expressions on their faces. Someone couldn't help muttering unconsciously.

"A golden envelope."

From what they heard, a golden envelope is only given to people who have spent at least one million spirit stones in the auction house.

"Sir, this is your waiting room. We will notify you once the auction begins."

After saying those words, the guard hurriedly left.

David's room seemed to be situated on the third floor; it gave him a clear view of the stage below.

In barely half an hour, the seats were completely filled.

The hall was filled with heated discussion.

"Have you heard that the Allison family managed to capture a beautiful Sithian?"

"I'm not interested in that trash. What I really want to know is the treasure of the century."

"Hmph! They are lying to gather attention."

"Nothing but cheap tricks."