On the brink of destruction

"Senior, can I leave now?" Jason Tiger looked at David and meekly said.

David had other plans. Ever since the bandit girl attacked him, he had been formulating a plan.

"You will work for me from now on," David casually said.

"What do you want me to do?" Jason was initially shocked but quickly calmed down. What could he possibly do for David?

"Don't worry, just keep doing what you always do." David smiled, a grin unknowingly appearing on his face.

Right! He was going to do business that required minimum investment—redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor, like himself.

"Okay, sign this employment contract." David bought a contract from the bank's shop and handed it to Jason. With no other choice, Jason reluctantly signed the contract.

After taking care of a few more things, David went back to the lake where his companions were staying.