Master will have to sleep with Mary?

"Hahaha..Manager David, you won't be having it easy this time." Sebastian spoke while stroking his beard.

"We will see." David didn't say much, in terms of pure skills this oldie would never be able to defeat him.

Both of them walked towards a relatively open space and took their stance.

After sparring with David a couple of times, Sebastian had realized sparring with him was highly advantageous.

No matter which technique he used, David would always use a better version of it, thereby greatly benefiting him.

However, this time he had different plans, at that thought, Sebastian's eyes started to flash with a dangerous light.

Suddenly, David moved, his fist covered in Purple Thunder appearing in front of Sebastian in the blink of an eye.

Purple Thrust.

Swinging his arms backward, David released blades of thunder, however, they looked more like nails than blades, given their pointed edges.