Towards Nether Empire

"Darling! Welcome back," Mary called out cheerfully, waving her hands.

"What the hell is wrong with this woman?" David wondered yet again. This time, however, her words and expressions seemed genuine, unlike before when he could tell she was just acting.

Thankfully for him, Ruby was nowhere to be seen—probably in her room cultivating.

Sebastian, observing the scene from the sidelines, also looked puzzled. He couldn't comprehend Mary's actions and behavior. She was supposed to be calm and calculating, but here she was acting like a pampered young girl.

"What is wrong with you, Mary?" David asked as soon as he was in front of her.

"What do you mean?" Mary responded, seemingly confused.

"Never mind, forget about it," David said, shaking his head. Her reaction made it clear she understood what he meant, but she was pretending not to.