Think about the Devil, and it will appear.

A long trail of smoke rose in the air, slowly merging with the dark night sky.


Fire raged and burned intensely; the sound of dry wood cracking and popping echoed in the surroundings from time to time.

David looked at the scene lost in thought, with orange flames dancing all around him.

Beside him were four people and a duck.

The duck's eyes at this time were focused intensely as he looked at his surroundings with awe and pride in his small beady eyes.

"My father is so capable! Who would dare to bully me in the future?"

While Burrito was thinking, the next moment his gaze landed on a white-haired woman with skin as white as snow.

Burrito suddenly shivered; the scenes of the battle a moment ago flashed in his head.

How a single gaze of the white-haired woman made those puny humans kill each other.

"But he still won't call her mother no matter what."