Grandmaster Ron

Well, the old man was in for a surprise this time, for David knew the technique like the back of his hand.

His face remained calm as he faced the old man's punch.

"Momentum Reversal," David lightly said and threw a punch of his own.

When the old man saw David's actions, he coldly snorted—it was too late.

In the next moment, their punches collided in mid-air.

Suddenly, the old man's wrinkled face stiffened. He felt as if he had punched an iron block, and in the blink of an eye, his body was blasted backward like a cannonball.

The blood vessels in his body had ruptured, blood started to flow from his mouth, and in the next moment, he died of excessive blood loss.

The old man died a painful death, or so David thought, but the reality was completely different. The old man himself didn't know how many times he had died in his long life; he had become numb to pain after so many deaths.