
Bloodmoon Forest was huge, filled with various exotic species of plants and monsters. Its richness attracted a large number of cultivators from surrounding areas.

If you look at the forest carefully, you will find small temporary settlements made by these cultivators. In these temporary shelters, the cultivators strategize and planned their next course of actions.

David, along with his loyal companion Origin Guard, was floating above one such temporary settlement.

"Finally found one," David thought.

After searching for so long, he had finally managed to find one of these temporary settlements.

Below his feet lay a small settlement in triangular shape with a concealment Formation hiding it.

David wasn't annoyed by the fact that it took him so long to find this place; instead, he was happy in his heart.

The more time it took for him to find this place, the higher its safety was going to be.

Slowly, David started to descend.