it's the thought that counts?

The next morning, an uncomfortable silence lingered in Kazekabe's cramped apartment. The Seven Sins hovered about awkwardly, no one daring to bring up yesterday's disastrous attempts at "helping."

Wrath sulked in the corner, arms crossed. Lust tried to catch Kazekabe's eye with a coy smile that he stoically ignored. Even the normally unflappable Pride seemed subdued.

Finally, Sloth's languid voice broke the tension. "You know...perhaps we've been going about this the wrong way..."

The other Sins turned towards the lilac cloud, surprised she was exerting the effort to speak up.

Sloth let out a long sigh. "All our grand gestures and harebrained schemes...when the simplest solution is staring us in the face."

"Wait, you mean like...taking a nap?" Gluttony asked hopefully.

"No, you ignoramus." Sloth somehow managed to sound even more lethargic. "I mean making sure Kaze is in a proper...state of mental wellness before demanding he pursue all these lofty ambitions."

The lightbulb seemed to go on for the others. Greed rubbed her essence togetherly thoughtfully.

"You mean like...getting the guy some professional help? With his issues and all?"

"Precisely," Sloth said. "Why have we been wasting time trying to inspire him to work, woo lovers, or punch people, when he so clearly needs to face his inner demons first?"

Envy harrumphed. "Speak for yourself. My approach to self-care is perfect."

"Oh, is that why you spend every waking moment sulking about how inadequate you are?" Pride boomed.

Lust twirled a lock of her lavender mane between her fingers. "I don't know, Slothy. Self-help gurus are all well and good, but don't you think some more...hands-on therapy could be helpful too?" She eyed Kazekabe suggestively.

Wrath scowled. "Enough with your nasty stuff, Lust! Kaze needs to get mad - at himself and all the jerks who've made his life suck."

"Or just get out there and experience the joys of food!" Gluttony piped up, licking her lips. "Bacon makes anything better."

As the bickering threatened to descend into chaos again, Sloth's wispy form zipped between them, tendrils holding them apart.

"Enough! Clearly we're terrible at this helping business because we only think about our narrow vices." She swirled around to face Kazekabe, who'd been watching the debate silently.

"Kaze...we know we've made a muddle of things lately. But this time, we'll put our selfish interests aside and actually listen to what you need, not want we think you need. So please, let us try again - the right way this time."

Kazekabe looked around at the Seven Sins, finally seeing the genuine concern behind their antics. He let out a heavy sigh.

"Okay. You want to really help me? Then...then I guess I need to see a therapist or something. Figure out what's really going on upstairs."

Sloth nodded slowly. "An eminently sensible suggestion. Now the rest is up to you choosing the proper help you require."

"I know a guy!" Greed interjected. "This radical analytical psychologist who guarantees to cure your ennui for three easy installments of —"

"We will pursue whatever options Kaze deems appropriate," Sloth cut Greed off with a warning glare. "No coercion, no agendas."

For perhaps the first time, Kazekabe felt a tiny inkling of hope flicker within him. His demonic roommates were still a bunch of bickering, personified neuroses...but they were trying, in their own skewed way.

Maybe with some unvarnished self-reflection - and the occasional intervention when they inevitably derailed things - he could find his way out of this fog.

The first step was getting the kind of help he really needed. Not pushing himself into a new passion project, not recklessly overindulging, not retreating into nihilistic apathy.

Just laying himself bare and being honest about the personal demons haunting him.

With a silent nod to the Sins, Kazekabe headed for the door, his step just a little lighter than before.