Emanation Fruit and Dragon

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Lu Ze continued his journey. Before long, he arrived ten miles southeast.

There was a pool of water where Lu Ze, standing 300 meters away, caught a refreshing fragrance. On a rock at the center of the pool grew a black plant with stems standing upright like swords, semi-transparent leaves, and a red and white fruit hanging from its stem.

The fruit looked like grapes, resembling cherries but slightly larger. It appeared somewhat like an apple, with faint golden patterns on its surface, emitting a refreshing aroma that invigorates the spirit.

"What kind of spiritual herb is this?"

Lu Ze was astonished at the fragrance. Although his knowledge of spiritual herbs was limited, he could tell this one was extraordinary.

A gentle sniff invigorates him, making his blood boil and even accelerating his cultivation speed. If consumed, wouldn't his cultivation progress rapidly?

"This is the Emanation Fruit. It takes root in ten years, grows leaves in a hundred, bears fruit in a hundred, and matures in a thousand years!"

"Mature Emanation Fruits are comparable to miraculous panaceas, benefiting both the soul and the body of others significantly."

"Currently, this Emanation Fruit is still in its growth period, but it's enough to rival a sixth-grade pill and nourish the soul. Can you bring it for me?"

At this moment, the old man's voice echoed again in Lu Ze's mind.

"No problem, Senior. Please wait; I'll fetch it for you now."

Lu Ze responded without hesitation, grateful for the old man's guidance.

"Thank you, little one. However, for now, find a place to hide. Someone will arrive shortly."

The old man expressed gratitude with a smile and issued a warning to Lu Ze.

"Shouldn't I fetch it before hiding? There's still time."

Lu Ze was puzzled by the old man's instructions, but he still found a hiding place.

Shortly after, Lu Ze heard a series of urgent breaking sounds in the air. Simultaneously, dozens of formidable auras shoot toward him from afar. Several of them were particularly terrifying, like roaring gusts of wind.

The sharp winds swept through the surrounding mountains and forests, causing leaves to rustle like rain, and rocks to scatter.

"Are those... True Profound Realm experts?"

Hidden in the shadows, Lu Ze sensed the approaching people and his heart tightened. He concealed his own aura, afraid of being discovered.

Never would he have thought that the incoming individuals would be True Profound Realm experts. A single gesture from them could break mountains and rivers, making their strength vastly superior to those in the Innate Realm.

With Lu Ze's current strength, he could easily handle ordinary experts at the Ninth Level of the Innate Realm, but confronting True Profound Realm experts was simply a delusion.

Moreover, there were multiple of them.

"Senior, why didn't you let me collect the herb earlier? What are we waiting for?"

Facing these sudden formidable enemies, Lu Ze's heart was pounding as he complained to the old man.

Even earlier, he could have collected the herb and left. If he had done so, he could have taken advantage of the complex terrain of the Magic Beast Forest to escape. Even True Profound Realm experts might not find him!

"Little one, be patient. Soon you'll understand."

In response to Lu Ze's complaint, the old man just smiled calmly.

In the time they converse, thirty-three figures have already arrived at the edge of the pool.

The leading three emitted the most terrifying aura—indeed, the True Profound Realm experts that Lu Ze sensed before. The thirty people following them were all Innate Realm experts, and each one's aura was exceptionally stable, surpassing the Eighth Stage.

A few of them, despite Lu Ze's considerable improvement in strength, would be challenging to defeat.

"Hahaha, indeed there is the Emanation Fruit here!"

"If we pluck this fruit and present it to that lord, they will surely be delighted and reward us generously!"

"If they are pleased, perhaps they will even bestow divine pills and elixirs, helping us break through the Transcendence Realm. After that, we won't have to worry about the Qiantian Sect anymore."

The three True Profound Realm experts, all elderly and usually composed, were now laughing uproariously like children, their voices filled with endless excitement and enthusiasm.

However, their words made Lu Ze's heart tighten.

"The lord?"

Hearing those fervent and devout titles, Lu Ze recalls Black Tiger. When Black Tiger spoke of the person behind him, he also used this nearly fanatic tone, addressing them as "that esteemed lord".

Could these people all be subordinates of the same person?

But it shouldn't be!

Each of them is so much stronger than the Black Tiger. How could they willingly become someone else's lackeys?


Before Lu Ze could figure it out, there was a loud noise from the front.

The smooth surface of the water broke in an instant.

A colossal creature shot up from the pool.

Simultaneously, a fierce and powerful aura, like a storm, swept out, covering the entire mountain forest.


With the appearance of the figure, cries of surprise rang out.

Apart from the three True Profound Realm experts, the other Innate Realm experts standing by the pool were unable to stand firm. They were crushed by the terrifying momentum and sent flying, landing in a sorry state on the ground.

"Is that a Fifth Level magical beast?"

Hidden in the shadows, Lu Ze glanced up and his pupils contracted. He was shocked.

The magical beast in the water, both in size and aura, surpassed any magical beast he encountered before.

The beast in the water was covered in crimson scales, as thick as a water bucket, with a length of three miles. It had a pair of large, crimson snake eyes, emitting a cold and ruthless light.

The form was ferocious yet possessed an indescribable sense of holiness as if it were the most contradictory creation of the heavens.

Lu Ze took just a glance, but the dreadful aura emanating from the python's body intimidated him. His whole body stood on end, his heart pounding, and cold sweat poured down his forehead.

This was incredibly shocking. Although Lu Ze has encountered Fifth Level magical beasts in the Magic Beast Forest, this one was much stronger.

"Hehe, little one, this is not an ordinary magical beast. It's a Flood Dragon, born with rarefied dragon blood. Take a close look at its head; does it have a pair of sharp horns?"

"This Flood Dragon has the innate ability to cross levels in battle. Don't be fooled by its current strength; in a real fight, even a True Profound Realm Ninth Stage expert might not be its opponent."

The old man laughed lightly and introduced the origin of the magical beast to Lu Ze.

"Flood Dragon? Isn't that a legendary-level magical beast? It's supposed to only appear in the deepest parts of the Magic Beast Forest. Why is it here?"

Lu Ze looked at the crimson horns on the head of the Flood Dragon, about a meter long, similar to the legendary depiction. He is stunned.

"There's nothing to be surprised about. The Emanation Fruit is also a legendary elixir, and such extraordinary treasures usually have powerful guardians!"

"That's why I advised you to hide first. With your current strength, you're not a match for this Flood Dragon at all!"

The old man spoke with a light tone and a gentle smile.

"Hahaha, we're really lucky! I never expected the guardian of the Emanation Fruit here to be a Flood Dragon!"

"If we capture it and present it to the great person as a mount, the lord will definitely be pleased, and we'll receive generous rewards!"

At the water's edge, the three True Profound Realm elders, instead of showing any fear, became even more excited when they saw the powerful Flood Dragon suddenly appear. It seems that the Flood Dragon was not a formidable enemy to them; rather, it was a fat and juicy prey. Capturing it would undoubtedly bring them significant rewards.


Just as the three were getting excited, a hoarse and angry roar echoed from the enormous Flood Dragon.

Its massive body suddenly twisted, and a nearly invisible lightning bolt shot toward the three True Profound Realm elders.

"Humph, seeking death!"

Seeing the seemingly indiscernible thunderbolt approaching, the three elders showed a disdainful expression.

Although the strength of this Fifth Level magical beast was formidable, they didn't take it seriously.

They effortlessly dodge the Flood Dragon's attack.

Afterward, three powerful auras erupted from them as they revealed their true cultivation bases. The surging auras overflew, forcefully driving back the formidable pressure emanating from the Flood Dragon.

Each of the three elders was at the True Profound Realm Fifth Stage, with the strongest one reaching the True Profound Realm Sixth Stage. Their auras were majestic and surpassed those of ordinary True Profound Realm experts.

"Disciples, follow our command, set up the formation, and capture this beast!"

The three elders, after revealing their formidable cultivation bases, immediately issued orders to the disciples around them.

"Yes, sir!"

Deafening voices resounded from all directions.

In an instant, the Innate Realm experts who were previously thrown aside by the Flood Dragon transform into streaks of dazzling light and descend around the Flood Dragon, forming a mysterious formation. They launched an attack on the Flood Dragon.

For a moment, a formidable killing intent surged toward the Flood Dragon from all directions.

Feeling the overwhelming killing intent approaching from all sides, the Flood Dragon roared angrily. In the opening and closing of its scales, it charged towards the disciples.

Just as it opened its blood basin, spewing two spheres of scorching flames in all directions, a cold voice interrupted the atmosphere.

"Hmph, audacious beast!"

Without waiting for the two fireballs to land on the disciples, the elder with the highest cultivation base, at the True Profound Realm Sixth Stage, employed his martial arts to instantly disperse the fireballs.

The other two elders took advantage of the Flood Dragon's momentary confusion and joined the disciples in attacking its abdomen. Their attacks were coordinated and relentless, leaving no room for the creature to escape.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

As scales collided with sharp blades, sparks fly, and eventually, the scales shatter, with blood splattering in all directions.


Wounded, the Flood Dragon emitted a painful roar, violently shaking its body and breaking free from the encirclement.