Chapter 11: Mass Offensive

As they ascended the steps to the highest floor, the hostess glanced nervously at Li Wei. "A lot of the city's young elite are present up here, sir. It may be hard for you to compete for items."

Li Wei laughed, his voice practically echoing off the walls. "If I truly wanted something, not even the heavens could stand in my way."

The hostess inwardly rolled her eyes, thinking, 'He seems kind, but he's full of hot air.'

Leng Yue, walking a step behind, silently wondered how many more people she would have to strip and throw away today because of her young master. She could only hope he would calm down soon, 'I miss when young master was younger and more adventurous.'

Soon, the trio arrived on the highest floor. The atmosphere here was markedly different, filled with the conversation and the occasional clink of fine porcelain cups. The floor was adorned with luxurious carpets, and the shelves displayed items that had a certain aura to them that any cultivator could feel, a sign of good quality.

At this time, a more experienced hostess approached them, her demeanor was poised and confident. "Welcome to the highest floor of the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion. I will be your guide."

Li Wei waved her off. "Nonsense. You," he pointed to the hostess who had been leading them, "will continue showing me around."

The hostess hesitated, looking a bit flustered. "But sir, I don't know the prices of the items up here. It's really best I return to my floor."

Li Wei smirked. "There's nothing in this pavilion I can't afford, especially when everyone else is nothing more than trash in nice clothes."

He said this so loudly and clearly that all activity on the upper floor came to a sudden halt. A brief silence followed as everyone was taken aback by his bold, offensive words. One moment, the room was filled with the sound of socializing and bidding over items, and the next, everyone had been called trash for no reason.

After the brief silence, a chorus of angry replies erupted.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" a young man in elegant blue robes snapped.

"Such arrogance! You'll regret those words!" another, a woman in a crimson dress, said with a sneer.

"Who does he think he's insulting?" a third voice called out, this one belonging to a burly man with a shaved head.

Li Wei stood tall, his expression one of supreme confidence. "Who am I? I am the man your ancestors aspired to become."

Another stunned silence fell over the room. The sheer audacity of his statement left everyone momentarily speechless.

Liu Mei, who had been further up front, tracked back with her escort upon hearing the familiar voice. And surely enough, it was Li Wei—the same arrogant young master who had humiliated her not long ago. She couldn't believe her eyes. Here he was, still as insufferably arrogant as ever. 'Just who the hell is this man?' she wondered, her anger bubbling to the surface.

Seeing her reaction, the other people present began murmuring amongst themselves.

"That arrogant bastard is in trouble now," one man whispered. "He's offended Liu Mei. Does he even know who her fiancé is?"

"Right? Her fiancé, Zhao Tian, is from the prestigious Zhao Clan. They're one of the highest-ranked clans in the entire region," another added.

"Poor guy doesn't stand a chance now," someone else chimed in.

Liu Mei's face turned crimson with anger and embarrassment. As she stepped forward, her eyes locked on Li Wei, but before she could say anything, he spoke up.

"Little Mei Mei, is that you?" Li Wei called out, his voice filled with condescension. "I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on. Frankly, I prefer you without them."


A collective shock was felt through the crowd. People couldn't help but start murmuring their thoughts.

"I didn't think Liu Mei was that type of woman," one person said.

"Her fiancé has been made to wear the green hat," another commented, shaking his head.

"What green hat? He's been cucked despite coming from such a big clan. If I were him, I'd move cities and change my name," someone else added while snickering. Liu Mei's anger reached a boiling point. Her face flushed red with rage and embarrassment. 

Seeing her distress, her escort, a calm and composed man, stepped forward. He bowed slightly before addressing Li Wei.

"Friend," he said with a steady voice, "please do not slander and bully the young mistress. As top cultivators, we must set an example for those still growing."

The crowd immediately admired him. "That's Zhou Wen, isn't it?" someone whispered.

"Yeah, I've heard about him. Not much is known, but it's believed he's a Nascent Soul realm expert invited by the Liu Clan as a guest."

"And he's addressing that guy with respect," another murmured. "He must be of the same level, maybe even higher."

"But he looks so young!" someone exclaimed, astonished.

Liu Mei, meanwhile, was inwardly in shambles. She wanted nothing more than to skin Li Wei alive.

But for now, all she could do was glare at him as Zhou Wen stepped forward. 

"Finally, someone to put that arrogant brat in his place," one bystander murmured.

"Yeah, Zhou Wen will definitely make him back down," another whispered.

But Li Wei had other plans. Instead of stepping back, he threw his head back and laughed heartily, the sound echoing through the pavilion. 

"Who is this 'friend' you speak of?" Li Wei asked with a mocking smile on his face. "I have no friends, only loyal subordinates. And unfortunately for you, you don't qualify."


The crowd was stunned into silence. The audacity of Li Wei's words left them speechless yet again.

"Did he just…?" one person stammered.

"He's insane!" another whispered, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Zhou Wen doesn't qualify? He must be out of his mind!" someone else exclaimed.

Li Wei's gaze swept over the crowd, reveling in their shock and awe before turning his attention back to Zhou Wen, his smile never faltering. "And who is this 'we' you speak of also?" he continued. "I am the only top cultivator here."

The crowd's murmurs grew louder, a mix of disbelief and grudging admiration at Li Wei's audacity. 

"Who does he think he is?" one man muttered.

"I don't know, but he's got guts, that's for sure," another replied.

"He must be more powerful than we thought," someone else suggested.

Zhou Wen's calm demeanor never wavered, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—was it amusement or perhaps a hint of respect? Liu Mei, on the other hand, was seething. Her fists clenched at her sides, nails digging into her palms.

'This arrogant bastard,' she thought, her anger growing. 'He'll regret every single word.'