Chapter 14: Brewing Storm at the Liu Residence

As Li We, Leng Yue and his newfound disciples exited the restaurant, he couldn't help but reflect on the situation. Inwardly, he knew the only reason the women had accepted his offer so quickly was because they thought they could leech off him. Coming from a world where women could marry a man, bear his children, and then run off with the benefits, he was well aware that the cultivation world wouldn't be much different—if not worse.

'The problem with the righteous ones is they cause too much trouble,' he thought. 'Unless you're a holier-than-thou individual, it's better to move with snakes you know are looking out for their own self-interest. At least you know where you stand, and the best part is, they are expendable.'

Leng Yue, walking silently beside him, shared similar thoughts. She eyed the women with a cold gaze, thinking, 'They're just here to leech off of young master. Nothing has changed, even in the lower world. They see him as a meal ticket, and he's letting them.'

Once outside, Li Wei turned to his new disciples with a commanding presence. "Lead the way to the Liu residence. That is where we'll be lodging," he ordered.

Jia Lin, Mei Yu, and Ning Xue exchanged hesitant glances. Mei Yu couldn't help but think, 'Isn't he pushing it? The Liu residence isn't exactly an inn you can just walk into.'

On the surface though, none of them dared voice their concerns. Jia Lin soon stepped forward, nodding reluctantly. "This way, Master Li Wei," she said, leading the group down the bustling street towards the Liu residence.

As they walked, Li Wei took in the sights and sounds of Crescent Moon City. He couldn't help but smirk as he imagined the reactions of the Liu clan when he arrived with his entourage. 'This will be very interesting,' he thought. 'Let's see how they handle a true young master.'

Leng Yue, walking just behind him, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. She knew that despite Li Wei's confidence, there were always potential threats lurking in a place like this. She was ready to act at a moment's notice, her hand never straying far from her sword.

The women also followed closely, each lost in their own thoughts.

As they neared the Liu residence, the large imposing gates came into view. The guards, recognizing the approaching group, straightened up and their expressions became wary.

"We've arrived," Jia Lin announced to Li Wei, stopping in front of the gates.

Li Wei looked at the grand entrance with a satisfied smile. "Good. But where is my welcome?"


Meanwhile, just before Li Wei and his entourage arrived, a commotion was brewing in the Liu residence. The estate itself was an impressive display of wealth and power. Manicured gardens with exotic flowers lined the pathways leading to the grand main hall, which was adorned with fine carvings and gilded accents. As for the hall, it was a spacious chamber, filled with grand decorations, from crystal chandeliers to banners depicting the Liu clan's symbol.

In the center of the hall, the Patriarch of the Liu clan, Liu Feng, was fuming with rage. A tall man with a commanding presence, he had sharp, piercing brown eyes and a stern face. His long black hair, streaked with silver, was tied back in a traditional style, and he wore fine robes of deep green and gold, symbolizing his high status and power within the clan. 

He currently stood at the head of a long table, his fists clenched in fury. "Zhou Wen, explain again what happened at the pavilion," Liu Feng demanded, his voice shaking with barely contained anger.

Zhou Wen, who was standing at the side, maintained his calm demeanor as he recounted the events. "Patriarch, this man, Li Wei, spoke of Lady Liu Mei in the most disrespectful manner. He publicly humiliated her and claimed to have done unspeakable things."

Liu Feng's eyes blazed with fury. "How dare he spread such vile rumors about my daughter!?"

At that moment, Liu Mei's mother, Lady Chen Xi, stepped forward. She was stunning beauty even in her maturity, possessing long, flowing hair the color of ebony and deep green, captivating eyes. Her figure was voluptuous, accentuated by a form-fitting, elegantly designed robe of crimson and gold. 

She placed a soothing hand on Liu Feng's arm. "Calm down, my love. We need to handle this matter delicately."

She then turned to Liu Mei, who stood a bit behind, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Daughter, tell us how you met this Li Wei. Did he really do anything to you?"

Liu Mei felt her face flush with even more shame. How could she possibly reveal that this man had made her kowtow naked in front of him? She'd rather die than admit to such humiliation. She bit her lip, unable to meet anyone's eyes, her silence itself speaking volumes.

Everyone in the hall saw her reaction and the look of utter dissatisfaction on her face. It didn't take long for them to jump to conclusions.

"That Li Wei must have taken her womanhood!" whispered one of the elders.

"She's ruined! What will we tell the Zhou clan?" murmured another.

Realizing what others were thinking, Liu Feng's rage reached a boiling point. His powerful mid Nascent Soul realm aura filled the room, causing the air to crackle with energy. "I will not spare that bastard!" he roared. "I will hunt him down to the ends of the world if I have to!"

Just then, a servant rushed in, his face pale with fear. "Lord Patriarch, a man saying his name is Li Wei is at the gate and is demanding you roll out to meet him at once. We tried to punish him for uttering such words, but one of the four women he's with stripped the guards and threw them away."

The hall fell into a stunned silence. The audacity of this Li Wei seemed boundless. Liu Feng's fury intensified, his eyes blazing with an unholy light. 

"Li Wei dares to come here? After what he's done?" Liu Feng's voice was dangerously low, filled with clear murderous intent.

Chen Xi stepped back, her expression one of concern as she suggested, "Feng, please, do not act rashly. We must handle this with care."

But Liu Feng was beyond reasoning. "Tell the Black Iron guards to drag him in!" he commanded. "I want to see the face of this insolent fool who dares to defile my daughter's honor and our clan name!"

As the servants scurried to obey, Liu Mei stood frozen, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew this confrontation would not end well.