Chapter 18: An Extravagant Welcome

"Well said," Lady Chen Xi chimed in. A small part of her was pleased that Li Wei had humiliated Zhou Wen, but another part was eager to receive a few grand gifts herself. As she stepped forward, she spoke in her usual sultry tone, normally reserved for her husband. She even walked a bit closer to Li Wei, giving a minor bow while gesturing for him to enter the Liu clan residence. As she bowed, her robe clung tightly to her, showcasing her already tantalizing curves even more.

Lady Chen Xi's flirtatious gesture didn't go unnoticed by the elders and even the younger members of the clan. Normally, they would brush this aside as Lady Chen Xi using her charm to make a guest feel more welcome, especially in circumstances involving negotiations or potential marriage alliances. However, this was neither, and people could easily tell that she was trying to win favor to perhaps receive better rewards from Li Wei.

"Lady Chen Xi, that's a bit…" one elder trailed off, wanting to point out her actions but unable to bring himself to do so. Another simply glanced at the patriarch, hoping he would speak up. Yet Patriarch Liu Feng kept his stern expression and watched his wife warmly welcome Li Wei, as if he hadn't just humiliated their clan.

'Ungrateful woman. How come you never welcome your husband like this every time he comes home? Is it because I don't bring gifts every time?' Liu Feng bitterly wondered but didn't treat the matter seriously. Deep down, he knew she only wanted gifts from Li Wei and was using her womanly charm to get ahead of the others. 

He had long known Lady Chen Xi's mannerisms and wasn't surprised by them. Despite this, he wasn't worried about infidelity. After all, they already had children together, and he had given her a more than comfortable life as the matriarch of a midsized clan in a very reputable city.

Li Wei turned his attention to Lady Chen Xi and was immediately impressed. So much so that he struggled to hide his impression on the surface as he cracked a small smile, looking at her. "Interesting, so you are the mother of little Mei Mei. It's a shame to see she hasn't yet lived up to her full potential," Li Wei vaguely complimented as his eyes wandered all over Lady Chen Xi's body, an action he didn't even try to hide in the least.

"Patriarch…" the same elder wanted to speak up but trailed off yet again. This had now changed from a friendly welcome to an obviously flirtatious exchange. Though it wasn't strange for someone of Lady Chen Xi's beauty to receive compliments whenever guests visited the Liu clan residence, those guests always knew their limits and how to remain within boundaries. Li Wei, however, seemed to have none.

In the next moment, as he finished looking Lady Chen Xi up and down, he turned to Leng Yue and instructed, "Leng Yue, give our welcoming lady the Heaven Grade Body Cleansing Elixir."

Li Wei's command prompted everyone to feel instantaneous shock. 

'Heaven Grade!' they all inwardly thought. 

Though it was only two stages away from the Mortal Grade, there was a vast difference between Mortal and Heaven Grade. The fact that one of the best shops in the city only sold items up to High Earth Grade quality was evident of this. And though not exactly extremely rare, they were incredibly expensive, with very few available. Cultivators lacking connections relied on auctions, as they were the one chance they could stumble upon Heaven Grade items or higher without allying themselves with a powerful force or sect.

Leng Yue inwardly sighed but, on the surface, said nothing and took out a beautifully decorated jade bottle from her spatial ring, nonchalantly tossing it over to Lady Chen Xi. The beautiful lady couldn't hide her excited expression as she excitedly reached out to grab the bottle. Upon holding it, she could feel the dense spiritual energy circulating around it. "High quality!" she yelled out, causing what was already considered an extravagant gift to be even more extravagant.

The elders watching were completely left speechless. 'Whose this person who hands out Heaven Grade elixirs like they're candy?' one thought as he observed Lady Chen Xi with envy and jealousy. 

'Dammit, why was I not born a woman?' another elder thought, shaking his head, knowing he wouldn't be so lucky.

Even the angry Liu Mei couldn't help but be genuinely surprised by this. She and every other young member of the clan knew all too well just how valuable a Heaven Grade item was. 

Even Patriarch Liu Feng was genuinely left speechless. He felt deep jealousy seeing his wife receive such an extravagant gift that he knew he couldn't provide her easily. As a cultivator, he only needed to fulfill his duties, but as the patriarch, he had to maintain his image. So he cleared his throat before stating, "Darling, why don't we show our guest inside? It is rude to keep him standing out here."

After saying this, he took the initiative to turn around and begin walking back. As he walked back, one could closely see that he was clutching his hands extremely hard, so much so that the veins could be seen. Lady Chen Xi and the others, however, were currently too mesmerized by the extravagant gift from Li Wei to pay Patriarch Liu Feng any mind.

"This way, Young Master Li Wei," Lady Chen Xi spoke, bowing even deeper than she had before. Leng Yue, standing behind Li Wei at this time, couldn't help but let out a minor sigh of relief. 'Thank goodness they didn't cause more trouble. It would become problematic if I had to start stripping and looting patriarchs.' 

Unfortunately for her, the young master had other ideas. Because just at that moment, a system prompt appeared before him. 

**Side Quest: Every Woman Under Heaven Belongs to Me**

**Objective**: Bed Lady Chen Xi

**Reward**: 1000 EXP, 300 System Coins, 3 Reputation Point