Chapter 32: Tense Discussions

The tension in the main hall of the Liu house was tangible. Patriarch Liu Feng sat at the head of the room, his visage a mix of anxiety and resolve. The word of the coming arrival of the young masters from the Shen and Zhou clans had thrown the council into pandemonium. Elders whispered among themselves, shooting anxious eyes toward their leader, unsure of how to face the looming discussion

Just as the murmuring reached a height, the massive doors of the main hall swung open with a thundering bang. All eyes moved toward the doorway, and the room fell silent. Lady Chan Xi strode in, her vermilion-colored robe a stark contrast to the peaceful tones of the hall. The robe flowed about her like liquid fire, capturing attention and affection from everyone present. 

Patriarch Liu Feng, temporarily sidetracked from his fears, couldn't help but marvel at his wife's wonderful timing. "Chan Xi," he thought, "always knows how to make an entrance." 

Lady Chan Xi smiled, fully aware of the power she had on the room. Her husband might be the patriarch, but she was undoubtedly the star of this room. She floated across the room with the grace of a swan, if swans were known for their ability to induce mild heart attacks in middle-aged men. 

"My dear," she said, her voice as sweet as honey and as cutting as a dagger, "I see you've assembled everyone here. How considerate of you." 

Liu Feng cleared his throat, hoping to restore some sort of dignity. "Of course, Chan Xi. We were just going to discuss... hmm, the trouble that been brought to our doorstep" 

The other guys nodded excitedly, but it was evident that none of them had an idea what the solution of the issue was meant to be. They were too occupied mentally penning thoughts on how to proceed going forward.

Chan Xi flashed a faint, knowing smile. "I'm sure you were. However, I feel the true explanation is something considerably more intriguing." 

"Oh?" Liu Feng raised an eyebrow, attempting to play along. "And what might that be?" 

She leaned in closer, her eyes flashing with malice. "It's clear, isn't it? You believed that your spouse was involved in something scandalous..."

There was a collective murmur of agreement, and Liu Feng found himself nodding along with the rest of them. "Your jumping to conclusions, Xi'er. How could we be so shameless?" 

Before he could reply more, the double doors of the hall were flung open once more, this time with a force that sent them smashing against the walls. The young masters from the Shen and Zhou clans walked in, their features set in attitudes of outrage and barely hidden wrath. 

"Where is he?" Shen Mu demanded, his voice booming down the hall. "Where is the one who dares to offend the Shen and Zhou clans?" 

Patriarch Liu Feng stood from his seat, striving to keep his calm. "Young Masters, please, let us discuss this calmly." 

"Calmly?" Zhou Tian sneered. "There is no calm to be had when such a grievous insult has been dealt." 

Lady Chan Xi, feeling the building tension, moved forward with her usual beguiling grin. "Gentlemen, please. There is no reason for such animosity. Let us find a solution to handle this peacefully." 

Shen Mu's eyes furrowed as he gazed at Chan Xi. "And who might you be to talk of resolution? The one who consorts with the exact man who brought this humiliation upon us?" 

The room grew hushed, the allegation hanging heavy in the air. Liu Feng's face darkened, but before he could answer, Li Wei moved forward from the shadows, his attitude one of false innocence. 

"Ah, Young Master Shen, Young Master Zhou," Li Wei replied, his tone dripping with insincerity. "How nice to meet you both. I must apologize if my actions have caused any sorrow." 

"Distress?" Zhou Tian spat. "You have done more than create anguish. You have degraded our families!" 

Li Wei sighed heavily. "Humiliation is such a powerful term. I prefer to think of it as... character building." 

The elders around the room exchanged nervous glances, uncertain of how to interfere. Liu Feng tightened his hands, attempting to keep his composure. 

"Enough!" Liu Feng's voice pierced through the stress. "This is not the place for such debates. We shall address this problem with the dignity and respect befitting our tribes." 

Li Wei lifted an eyebrow, a cheeky smile flashing on his lips. "Very well, Patriarch Liu. I shall defer to your wisdom. But just remember, respect is a two-way street." 

As the main hall sank into an unsettling calm, Chan Xi walked forward once more, her presence demanding attention. "Let us not forget why we are here. We must find a way to go forward, for the benefit of all our tribes." 

Her words hung in the air, a reminder of the delicate balance that must be maintained. Liu Feng took a long breath, his expression stiffening. "We will resolve this matter, but we will do so with honor." 

The young masters shared a glance, their features relaxing somewhat. "Very well," Shen Mu answered regretfully. "We will listen to what you have to say." Liu Feng nodded, a gleam of optimism in his eyes. "Thank you. Let us sit and debate this as equals." 

As the elders began to rearrange the seating arrangements, Chan Xi glanced to Li Wei, a warning in her eyes. "Please behave yourself," she murmured. "For all our sakes." 

Li Wei chuckled gently, yet there was a gravity in his expression. "Of course, Lady Chan Xi. I wouldn't imagine doing anything differently." 

**Main Quest Initiated: A True Young Master Has No Rivals**

**Objective**: Young Master Shen And Zhou Have Been Smearing Gold On Their Faces, Show Them the Meaning Of A Sky Above A Sky.


- 1500 EXP 

- 800 System Coins

-Heaven Ascension Pill

With that, the hall relaxed into a nervous quiet, the chiefs of the clans ready to navigate the perilous seas ahead. And thus, the interminable quarrels started, with the destiny of the Liu clan hanging in the balance.