Chapter 42: Events Unfold


**Name**: Li Wei

**Cultivation Rank**: Core Formation (Later Stage) 

**Spiritual Roots**: Dual Element Root (Ice and Fire)

**Meridian Status**: Harmonious Meridians

**Elemental Affinity**:

- Ice: Strong

- Fire: Strong

**Soul Depth**: Deep Soul

**Combat Aptitude**: Combat Expert


**Experience Points (EXP)**: 1750

**System Coins**: 46 System coins

**Skill Points**: 0

**Reputation Points**: 5



- **Health**: 128/128

- **Spiritual Energy**: 120/120

- **Strength**: 19

- **Agility**: 15

- **Intelligence**: 16

- **Endurance**: 17



- **Ice Techniques**: Novice Ice Manipulation

- **Fire Techniques**: Novice Fire Control

- **Combat Techniques**: Expert Swordsmanship


The rising sun marked the start of a new day, and as the sunshine began to dye the land and the buildings with its brilliance the people of Crescent Moon City had begun to go about their daily lives. Although most of the people living in Crescent Moon City had just woken up, there were those who were awake long before the sun had risen.

The sky was beginning to turn a soft shade of pink as the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon. Li Wei calmly admired the scenery with a mile on his face from the roof of his temporary residence as the new day had brought great changes. "These items turned out to be worth it after all." Li Wei was amazed by the power of the items within the system, which had inadvertently boosted several of his stats in just a single night.

Due to the Phoenix Feather Amulet purifying his meridians his affinity with Fire Cultivation Techniques and Martial arts had strengthened dramatically, it felt like the potential of his Dual Element Roots were finally being excavated.

[Scorching Tiger Palm]

Li Wei lashed out with a palm strike causing flames to manifest into the shape of a vicious tiger as the seething fire tore through the air and scattered several clouds in the distance before vanishing silently, it was a scene that could take one's breath away.

"The essence may be superficial, but the power is more than sufficient." Li Wei was simply executing the moves as illustrated within the manual, but due to his high affinity with fire the destructive might was immense. 

The Scorching Tiger Palm was one of the many Heaven class techniques bestowed upon him by his mother, previously he had no use for the majority of these techniques except amassing followers and support. However, due to the system enhancing both his intelligence and Endurance practicing these powerful Martial arts was not out of the question.

"The Wind Step Technique and Iron Fist Technique Scrolls have enhanced both my agility and hand to hand combat skills." In one motion, Li Wei vanished from the roof of the residence and appeared in the middle of the courtyard again. Using his bare fist he struck a wooden pole in the distance that had a diameter as thick as two human beings, it took a single breath for the shockwaves to reach the pole causing it to fracture into two parts before dissolving into dust much to the satisfaction of Li Wei.

Li Wei turned his head and greeted his humble assistant. "Good morning, Leng Yue."

Leng Yue responded plainly, her voice steady. "Morning, Young Master. Your progress is impressive, but there are a few things I must bring to your attention before you stray too far from the ideal path." Previously, Leng Yue had come during the night and had just lent her expertise regarding the Talisman he had acquired.

She stepped closer, her robes shimmering in the morning light. "While your techniques are powerful, a firm foundation is essential. Mastering the basics ensures that you don't falter when executing advanced moves." Her cheeks flustered slightly clearly concerned about the pace he was progressing with his Martial arts.

Li Wei nodded, listening intently as she continued. "Maintaining a steady pace in your cultivation techniques is crucial, especially for someone like you who can practice both fire and ice cultivation with relative ease. Recklessly progressing can lead to disastrous consequences. The intense volumes of fire and ice qi within your meridians could cause them to explode if not handled properly."

Li Wei playfully nodded, confirming that he had heeded her advice. "Of course, Leng Yue. I will be cautious." The fact that Leng Yue worried about his safety to this extent allowed Li Wei to breath more easily, after all their was nothing that worried a figure in power more than a subordinate with ill intentions

'I appreciate her worrying, but the system won't let me encounter a bottleneck.' Little did Leng Yue know that these issues had fallen under his scrutiny the night before. The system had given a plausible solution to this problem. By simply accessing the System Store, he had treasures that could further enhance his ice and fire techniques.

However, the cost of these treasures was not small. He had to earn system coins in the most straightforward manner possible. This was to wipe out the Shen and Zhou clans and establish himself as someone that could not be offended.

Leng Yue continued, her voice softening. "Remember, Young Master, true strength comes from balance. Cultivate both elements with care, and you will achieve greatness."

Li Wei's eyes gleamed with resolve. "Thank you, Leng Yue. Your guidance is appreciated." in the eyes of Li Wei, followers like Leng Yue were a rare commodity simply due to the fact that the young lady was not simply carrying out orders. She advocated his decision to cultivate and openly supported someone, who could be considered a hindrance to her goals and ambitions

As the first rays of sunlight bathed the courtyard in a golden hue, Li Wei knew that today would be the day he solidified his position in Crescent Moon City. The Shen and Zhou clans would learn the true extent of his power, and he would earn the system coins needed to further enhance his abilities.

The stage was set, and the players were ready. All that remained was to see who would emerge victorious when the Shen and Zhou clans arrived at the Liu residence.