
Just when things seemed to be going smoothly, a loud murmur erupted in the crowd, causing Tessa to halt.

She could already guess the cause of the commotion, and it made her inwardly pleased. Who knows, this foolish audience might even expedite her escape plan by disrupting the wedding. If they managed to call off this absurd ceremony, she promised not to rob every one of them in the hall. She was going to flee out of the kingdom as soon as she left the castle anyway. 

"She's the one!"

"What's happening? Why is she the bride?"

"Is she impersonating the bride?"

People stood up and started voicing their observations. Many recognized her instantly, especially those she had once robbed, though some were uncertain about her identity.

"It's her! I was robbed by her. I will recognize her even in my dreams," a victim stepped forward, pointing at her, confirming everyone's fears.

"This can't be happening! She will ruin us all!" Another victim cried in anguish.

"My king, you have been deceived. She is not who you think she is. You need to call off the wedding now," one of the ministers said, standing beside Elias, speaking with horror in his eyes.

"Go for it, boy. You will never be robbed again," Tessa muttered, carried away by the satisfying cries of the people. She forgot she needed to act like she wanted the wedding to gain their trust.

The crowd went silent, and all eyes turned to her, including Elias's, causing her to quickly change her words. "I mean, I have changed my ways and hope you all forgive me. Those were times of ignorance," she said, forcing out tears that refused to come out. 'I need you now, stupid emotions,' she cursed inwardly.

"Over my dead body will I watch you marry the king! Guards, seize her!" The minister commanded, spitting at her.

"Oh, finally," she muttered happily, turning toward the guards as if inviting them to take her. This was her best escape plan yet, even though she had barely planned it. Once the guards took her out, she would use the uproar to sneak into the red ruby crown's room and steal it. Hopefully, that moody king would be too distracted to care about the crown, giving her the chance to escape.

'Yes, walk faster, babies!' She said inwardly, smiling at the guards as she watched their steps. She had never been so excited to be manhandled by guards, especially ones who were no match for her skills.

Just as they were about to grab her, she felt her body spin around and only comprehended the situation when her face came into contact with Elias's intense gaze. Gasping, she pushed him away and began to fall, only for Elias to grab her before she could hit the ground.

"Pheww, that was c…l…o…s…e." Her last word went slurring when Elias suddenly released his hold on her, causing her to fall. 

"Ouch!" She yelped, rubbing on her butt before raising her head to glare at him.

"Are you nuts? What was that for?" She asked, ignoring the already angry gazes on them. Why did he help her only to push her to her death again? 

"Let the wedding continue," not even caring to ask if she was fine, he ordered, waking back to the altar.

"Wait, what? Your people just told you about my past, and you still want to proceed with the wedding?" Unbelievably, she asked, standing up and walking up to him only to bump into his back when he abruptly stopped.

"You are my mate, the one that will conceive the heir they want. They can either forsake the future of the kingdom or accept reality," blankly, he stated, causing Tessa's heart to skip a beat when he mentioned the heir.

"Aren't we going too fast here?" Laughing nervously, she said and faced the crowd hoping they would at least intervene but surprisingly, they seemed to back down.

Were they being serious? Where was the, 'over my dead body energy?' What happened to her deceiving their depressed king? Was that all it took to change their minds? A fucking heir they weren't even sure she could conceive. Any woman can give birth, it doesn't have to be from his mate.

"You are right, Your Majesty, but are you sure you want to take this path?" The minister asked, suddenly sympathizing with the king.

"As long as it keeps your naggings off my back," he answered and faced the priest.

"Hey, I am still a thief. Why do you care about his decision when a danger is about to become your Queen? I don't know, whatever it is I am becoming," snapping her fingers in front of the minister, she reminded, resting her hands on her waist.

"The only reason you are not being married as my Queen is because of that danger you speak about. Watch your mouth," Elias disclosed, warning her without even glancing at her.

"You think that's a punishment? I don't even have a rival, why would I feel threatened while being a consort?" Rolling her eyes at him, she asked and groaned in frustration.

"Watch your tongue, woman! We might accept you now but this is only until you give birth to a son." Another minister stepped up, scolding her which didn't sit well with Tessa.

"Who are you to order me around? I can easily send my men to kill you, fool." Retorting, she moved closer to the minister and threatened making the crowd erupt in disbelief. She was even threatening a minister in front of the king, she truly had no shame and didn't deserve to be a king's mate.

"Your majesty, are you sure she is your mate?" The minister who was finding it hard to accept Tessa's identity inquired, worried that she might have found a way to deceive him. 

"She is," he answered and Tessa brought out her tongue, wagging it at the minister to mock him.