Near their mate

Tessa didn't stop smiling and even bowed her head slightly when Elias came out of his tent. He blankly stared at her, wondering why she was back to herself after leaving his tent unhappy.

He had been worried about the bite but could not bring himself to go check up on her. It seems like he was worrying for nothing and she wasn't suffering from any pain.

He resumed walking and glanced at Tessa's neck when he got to the entrance of his carriage, briefly noting the bandage before entering his carriage.

'Let's get her to ride with us, you can use the opportunity to check up on her wound.' Eli suggested though Elias knew Eli just wanted to be near their mate, and wasn't entirely interested in getting her wound treated.

Eli had already seen her bandaged neck and was aware of her being treated, so Elias knew it was an excuse to be near her.