An unmarried lady

"She wouldn't have tried to run away if you hadn't scared her, this is all your fault!!" Infuriated, Veronica scolded Elias, angry at him for causing Tessa to escape.

"She never wanted to be here," Elias calmly responded and it irked Veronica so much that he was nonchalant.

"She could have died out there," she reasoned.

"But she didn't," Elias responded and before Veronica could talk, a maid interrupted them.

"Alpha, Mother, Consort Tessa is awake," the maid relayed and Veronica started making her way to Tessa's room.

In Tessa's room.

Tessa was already awake and she was finding it hard to believe that she was back to the castle. She remembered escaping and encountering the Slice gangs, but how had she survived the gangs?

"Why? If not for this bloody bite, I would have been long gone. Urghh!!" Mumbling and pacing about the room, she would throw away things and also drag her hair to express how frustrated she was.