In his body, a dark crystallized heart was slowly rotating, the region around that space was dark. The darkness looks like it can absorb any light that comes close to it. He got close to it and what he saw was endless darkness, despair, malevolence, and an urge to devour every being in the world. In the deepest part of his emotion, malevolence is oozing out from him and he is feeling an urge to devour everything in the world. He opened his eyes and both of them turned pure black, it had taken over his mind.

"Calm" A thunderous voice woke him up from that state. His eyes turned normal and fear engulfed him. For that split moment, he felt as if he had lost all semblance of himself and the darkness in him was taking control of him.

"You once had a dark heart that gives you supreme control over shadow and it's a unique ability because what darkness does is to devour light. I also have a dark heart and I can devour anything. The dark heart is formed in individuals who have darkness in the depths of their bodies, and individuals who have experienced only pain and negativity. These negative emotions will come together and over time will form a dark heart" She said


Hah" he gasped for breath in fear.

"Even though it grants you the ability, it's a ticking time bomb that will eradicate you from existence and take control of your body. The one in your body is very dense and it has been tainted by the primal energy of destruction in your body. If left alone, within a week your will will be destroyed and you will be taken control of. As you break through it will also get stronger so even if you can luckily pass through this phase, it will devour you sooner or later" She said.

"You need my help to control that," She said.

"And the second one is, that your soul has been formed from the unity of the primal energy, chaotic energy, and the supreme five elements. The primal energy is divided into two. It is an energy that is used to create the world, we have the primal energy of destruction and that of creation. You already have enemies since that day underneath the river that will do anything to get to you because the energy leads to another realm. The chaotic energy is the energy of devouring, it turned everything into void and I already chased some of them from you that day but they will be back.

The five elemental crystals I gave you are the progenitor of a universe, they allow the universal will to form lives and other things in the universe. The one I gave you is the one I got from a destroyed universe in the void and you used it to form a body. You having it means in the nearest future, you will contend for power with the universe and can you face a universe power?" She asked. He shuddered when he heard that, he couldn't even face a family power presently not to talk of the world not to talk of the planet not to talk of the galaxy, and finally the universe. He felt a pang of headache when he heard what the woman said.

"the third one is...…." She wanted to talk but was interrupted.

"How many of those are remaining" He asked.

"Just these three" She answered.

"This is the least dangerous of them, you've formed a spiritual body that only immortals can form even though it's vastly inferior, and immortals are at the top of the universe so if anyone senses you, you should know what your fate will be coupled with the dark heart," She said.

"What will my fate be" He asked.

"There are five major families and two major organizations and their strength are around the same with each of them having seven immortals. They are always looking for ways to create more immortals in the family so that they can take control of this universe. Absolute power. You forming a spiritual body even though it's inferior to that of an immortal means reaching immortality is only a matter of time for you. Any force that you join has a future immortal in their midst. You won't have freedom and I can tell that you won't live past some months because all forms of assassinations will be carried out." She said.

"Or worst still, your body will be snatched and you will be turned into a guinea pig to make one of their heirs achieve an immortal body I'm sure you've already experienced it once and you will never want to experience it again," She told him. His eyes turned dark when he heard that and the malevolence he had been trying to suppress took control of him.

"Stop" A voice woke him up from it.

"And meanwhile my essence is already part of yours, the formation of the spiritual body would have already been a failure which will in turn make your soul disperse if not for me using one of my blood essences to make it successful. That means we will be connected until you become immortal yourself" She said. He was silent when he heard that.

"It's up to you now," She said. Wallace sighed as he looked at her.

"You've done a lot for me, why do you have to take me as a disciple" He asked.

"Because it's the first time I feel like training someone due to something that has happened to me in the past," She asked.

"Ok you will be my master then but I won't do whatever you say if it clashes with my principle and I'm not ready to be the savior of the world or join a group" he answered.

"Who the hell cares about saving this goddamned world, everything I do is only for my profit and the reason I'm taking you in is you will be of help to me in the future," She said.

"Ok then tell me more about this spiritual body," He said.

"The first thing is your sensory ability that should have been unlocked," She told him.

"Go back into your body and you will see your soul, the origin of your body," She told him. He closed his eyes and did as she said, he went to where his body started from and he arrived in his alpha region but this time it was vastly different. There is strange energy circling it and also a miniature version of himself that is crystallized but with its eyes closed. Along with it, there's also an orb that is slowly circulating. He felt like it was just a dream looking at the orb.

"You've seen it now so you should stimulate it," She said. His will slowly went into the miniature version and he lost control of himself but the miniature version opened its eyes and he felt his range of sense widen, he could see miles around where he was.

"I can see almost a hundred meters around me," He said.

"That's the first advantage of your soul, you will be able to see farther than your eyes can see and also monitor the difference in your body," She said. He slowly regained control of his body as he felt an invincible energy around his soul. He could see a drop of liquid in his stomach region, he could see the way his cells were working and he could also see the dark heart and how it connected to every part of his body. He even felt that he could stimulate his cells and turn them into a bundle of those dark energies but if he did that now he would lose himself.

He opened his eyes and looked at his skin, he saw the rings of light of mysterious energy on his body.

"What's this" he thought as he examined them and how they connected to every part of his skin and muscles like a root. He could tell that they were increasing his defense. He examined his skeleton and saw that it has over one thousand nine hundred bones.

"Why does my skeleton have over one thousand bones" he asked.

"That's the traits of the nether-beings. You are supposed to be able to transform into them but the primal energy inside you has mingled with it and both have balanced each other out so you won't be able to transform into any of them but you will be more terrifying than them in the future because the downsides of these two energies have been nullified only leaving their advantages. The skeleton should be able to amplify your strength by one thousand times" Floret told him.

"What's your ability" She asked.

"Oh about that, it should be related to the orb in my alpha region," he said. He used his will to communicate with it and he felt the one drop in his stomach region rush through his rotating nodes into the node in his brain stem, he felt that his rotating nodes were also absorbing energy to reinforce the energy. His pupils turned golden as the space around one meter of him changed, it's as if his eyes changed the environment around him as a golden wave engulfed the space forming a circular orb. Just as he wanted to know what this could do, it quickly receded into his swirling pupil and the pupil regained its color.

"It only lasted one second," he thought as he felt that the drop of liquid in his brain stem had been exhausted.

"Well you will get a gist of it in the future but from what I can see, it should be an ability that arises from the fusion of the five elements that make up a part of your spirit," Floret told him.