Chapter 5 - Dream

Words of power flowed through her mind like streams of light, each syllable carrying an ancient resonance that lit up the space around her.

As she descended back to solid ground, her once-flowing hair now settled on her shoulders. A deep sensation raced through her spine, her mind now filled with every secret of magic known to the first queen.

Though empowered with this new knowledge, Ravenna remained physically weak, aware that mastery over magic required progression through various stages. The most powerful spells demanded a large store of mana that she had yet to acquire.

The chamber, once filled with faint and warm white light, faded into darkness as the light merged with Ravenna.

The statue, once a channel for the first queen's voice, fell silent as its purpose was fulfilled. The queen's awareness had passed on, leaving Ravenna alone with her new duty to rebuilding her kingdom from impending conflict.

In the silence and darkness of the chamber, Ravenna faced her first trial: navigating its complex illusions without the guiding light. This chamber was no ordinary room; it existed as a different space, a different dimension beyond the physical confines of her castle.

Initially accessed through what appeared as a normal gate but was, in fact, a dimensional portal, it connected one dimension to another.

Its dimensions challenged conventional space, expanded by spatial magic and shrouded in illusionary spells that had kept it hidden for centuries.

As Ravenna wander deeper, it felt like an eternity navigating this otherworldly dimension within the unfamiliar walls.

Surprisingly, she didn't feel any hunger, but wandering in darkness challenged her spirit. As time passed, Ravenna began to experience the strange nature of this dark world.

In the beginning, the darkness was terrifying. Her body trembled without light, and she dreamed of monsters lurking in the shadows, haunting her even in sleep.

It was a place where time lost all meaning. There was no day or night, just an endless black void.

Days blended together. At first, she feared the darkness. Her body shook, and she imagined monsters in every corner. When she felt tired, she slept.

When exhausted, she rested. Her sense of time vanished. She coughed, felt dizzy, and often puked, her body reacting to the confusion of not knowing when to sleep or wake up. She had no idea how long she slept or stayed awake.

Gradually, she began to accept the darkness. The constant fear and trembling lessened. The darkness no longer seemed to hide monsters but became a vast, silent companion.

She felt tired, but it was a different kind of tiredness. It was a deep, soul-weary fatigue that made her want to lie down and rest forever.

She started to embrace the darkness instead of fighting it. The idea of rebuilding her kingdom faded.

She no longer cared about her past dreams. The peace she found in the darkness was so overwhelming that she wished she could sleep there for eternity, letting go of all her worries and responsibilities.

In the endless darkness, Ravenna began to drift into dreams. The passage of time became meaningless. "Days? Months? Years? How much time has passed?" she wondered aloud, her voice could not even echoing into the void.

The darkness transformed into a bright, warm day. Ravenna found herself back in her castle, filled with light and laughter. She ran through the halls, her feet light and her heart even lighter. "I feel so happy," she murmured, a smile spreading across her face.

"Mother, let's play hide and seek!" she called, her voice ringing with childlike joy. She darted around a corner and saw her mother, her eyes kind and warm. They laughed together, their hands reaching out to each other, fingers brushing lightly.

"Father, where are you going?" she asked, seeing her father in the distance, his strong figure a comforting presence. He turned and waved, his smile reassuring. She ran towards him, her heart full of love and trust.

"Brother, see, I can cast magic!" she exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over. Her brother stood nearby, watching her with pride.

She conjured a small fireball, its flames dancing in her palm. "Brother, here, a giant fireball!" she laughed, the flames growing larger and brighter.

"I will protect you, Mother and Father," she declared, her voice firm with resolve. She stood tall, her eyes shining with determination. "I am your good girl," she said softly, her heart swelling with pride and love.

In her dream, she was surrounded by her family, their love and warmth wrapping around her. She felt safe, loved, and whole.

The darkness outside her dream was no longer in her mind, replaced by this perfect, happy reality. She lived in this dream, her body relaxed and her mind at peace. She felt as if she could stay here forever, in this world where everything was as it should be.