Chapter 7 - Awakening P-1

In the endless void of the chamber, Ravenna felt the weight of her situation pressing down on her.

The darkness was all-consuming, surrounding her in a silent, oppressive embrace.

She stood alone, her body trembling, her heart pounding in her chest. Then, a voice broke through the silence, sharp and commanding of her inner voice.

"How?" Ravenna whispered, her voice shaky and filled with confusion.

"You ask how?" The voice of the first queen, now a part of Ravenna, echoed in her mind.

"How could you be this weak, my child?" The first queen's voice was stern, filled with disappointment.

Ravenna looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. Her eyes gazed through the darkness, but she saw nothing. "Who...?" she began, her voice barely a whisper. "Who are you?"

"I am the same old same first queen," the voice answered, cold and unyielding. "Having all the knowledge of god power, and you are still crying?" There was a harsh edge to the queen's words, like a blade cutting through the air. "Do you want to be labeled as a crybaby?"

Ravenna felt a surge of anger mixed with shame. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. "No..." she yelled.

"Rise," the queen commanded, her voice growing louder, more insistent. "Rise!"

Ravenna's legs felt heavy, as if she were walking against a desert storm, but she forced herself to stand straighter.

She could feel the presence of the first queen within her, a powerful force that demanded strength.

The darkness around her seemed to pulse with the queen's energy.

"You will bear the heavy weight of this world, my child," the queen continued. "The bloodline that created powerful queens throughout generations cannot end with someone as pathetic as you."

Ravenna's eyes widened. The words stung, but they also ignited a fire within her. She straightened her shoulders, her resolve harden like a unmoveable mountain. "I'm not weak," she said, her voice gaining strength. "I won't be a disappointment."

"If you cannot stop crying and acting like a stupid, pathetic girl who cannot even pass the first trial," the queen's voice was filled with contempt, "I will kill you here and now."

Ravenna's breath caught in her throat. She felt the weight of the queen's words pressing down on her, but she refused to back down.

"You are not worthy to carry the name of Bloodmoon," the queen spat. "The bloodline that created powerful queens throughout generations, and here you are, pathetic."

Ravenna's anger flared. "I'm not pathetic," she said through gritted teeth.

"Just die," the queen hissed. "If you wish to die, I will kill you here and now."

Ravenna closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She could feel the darkness pressing in on her, the weight of the queen's expectations heavy on her shoulders.

But she couldn't give up. She had to be strong. She had to fight.

Ravenna's mind was a battlefield, her own thoughts clashing violently with the consciousness of the first queen now mixed within her consciousness.

It felt like fire and water colliding, each trying to overpower the other. Fire sought to evaporate the water, while water aimed to extinguish the fire. Her mind was a chaotic swirl of conflicting wills.

"Dammit... dammit, Ravenna, just stand up! How can you be so pathetic?" Ravenna yelled at herself, frustration and anger evident in her voice.

"How... how foolish can you be? Do you honestly think some prince will come to save you from this endless dream?" she berated herself, her voice lost in the darkness. 

In the dark void, her voice seems to echo endlessly, lost in an eternal silence.

"Yes... yes... now you are getting it," another voice echoed within her mind. It was the first queen's consciousness, speaking to her from all directions, like an omnipresent whisper that she could hear but not see.

"Feel the power within you..." the queen's voice urged. "Feel it."

Ravenna's body trembled, caught between her own self-doubt and the commanding presence of the first queen.

She felt a surge of power within her, a force she had never fully understood or harnessed.

"Remember, my child," the queen's voice continued, softer now but no less powerful. "If kings are born to destroy the world, then queens are those who rebuild it."

The words echoed within Ravenna's thoughts, each syllable seeping into her awareness. A peculiar clarity enveloped her, as if her own will fused with that of the first queen.

"Not only rebuild, but they can also be the goddesses of destruction," the queen's voice grew more intense, "and dance in chaos to rebuild not only a kingdom but the whole world."

Ravenna closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. The fire and water within her mind began to find a balance, neither overpowering the other. Instead, they merged into a new strength, a harmony of destructive and creative energy.

"I understand now," Ravenna whispered to herself, her voice steadying. "I am both the destroyer and the creator. I can embrace the chaos to bring forth a new order."

The first queen's presence seemed to nod in approval within her mind. Ravenna opened her eyes, her vision clearer, her resolve stronger.

Ravenna stood in the darkness, feeling the clash of fire and water within her mind.

She knew she needed to find balance, to bring harmony to the conflicting forces.

She recalled memories of Yin and Yang from the ancient knowledge by first queen, two sides of the same coin - opposite yet complementary, forever linked in a perfect balance.