The bloody deal

Esteria's heart pounded as the ink from the god's signature dried on the bloodstained contract. The weight of the deal she had just made pressed heavily on her chest. She looked up at the god of demons, whose electrifying blue eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that was both terrifying and mesmerizing. She could barely comprehend the enormity of what she had just committed to.

In one swift, fluid motion, he unfurled a massive black wing from his back, the feathers gleaming with an almost otherworldly sheen. Without a word, he scooped her up into his powerful arms, and with a mighty beat of his wings, they soared into the night sky.

Esteria's breath caught in her throat as the ground fell away beneath them. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the wind that whipped through her hair and the remnants of her wedding dress. She clung to the god's robes, her fingers digging into the fabric as if it were the only solid thing left in her world. Each beat of his wings seemed to echo the frantic rhythm of her heart.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. How could this be happening? How could she, a human princess, be in the arms of a god of demons? She had thought demons were extinct, mere stories told to frighten children. Yet here she was, soaring through the sky with one. The realization was almost too much to bear, and she felt a sob rise in her throat, choking her. Her mind raced, trying to reconcile the terrifying reality with the myths and legends she had grown up with.

As they ascended higher, the air grew cooler, and the sounds of chaos faded, replaced by the rush of wind and the steady, rhythmic beating of his wings. The clouds enveloped them, a soft, misty cocoon that muffled the world below. Esteria's fear began to ebb, replaced by a strange sense of calm, though her mind remained a storm of emotions. The mist was almost comforting, like a barrier separating her from the horrors she had just left behind.

She dared a glance downward, the sight of her family's lifeless bodies etched in her mind. A vow formed silently on her lips—she would avenge them. She looked back up at the god's inscrutable face, her resolve hardening even as her tears continued to fall. The determination in her eyes was met with an unreadable expression from the god, his face a mask of stoic serenity.

They broke through the clouds, and Esteria's breath caught in her throat once more. Below them spread a city unlike any she had ever seen. The Demon City, nestled in a vast, verdant valley, was a marvel of architecture and nature intertwined. Towers and spires of obsidian and dark stone rose gracefully, their surfaces glistening like polished onyx. Rivers of molten lava flowed through the city like veins of fire, casting a warm, ethereal glow.

In the distance, a vast ocean stretched out, its waters shimmering under the moonlight. The city was alive with movement, the streets bustling with activity. Houses of various sizes and styles were scattered throughout, some perched on cliffs overlooking the sea, others nestled among lush, glowing trees. It was a stark contrast to the desolate ruins she had left behind.

Amongst the city's architectural wonders were five distinct castles, each more magnificent than the last. These castles, with their towering spires and intricate carvings, stood as the guardians of the Demon City. Each castle had its own unique design, symbolizing different aspects of the demonic hierarchy and culture. The grandest of these castles, situated at the heart of the city, was their destination. Each castle seemed to pulse with a life of its own, the walls glowing faintly with the energy of the demon world.

At the heart of the city stood the grandest castle of all, its towering spires and intricate carvings dominating the skyline. It was a fortress of dark beauty, both imposing and inviting. Esteria's eyes widened in awe and fear as they descended toward it. She could see creatures of various shapes and sizes moving about, their demonic forms highlighted by the eerie glow of the lava rivers.

They landed gracefully in the castle courtyard, the ground made of polished stone that reflected the fiery rivers and glowing trees. Esteria's feet touched the ground, and she took a moment to steady herself, still reeling from the flight and the surreal beauty of her surroundings. The cool stone beneath her feet was a welcome change from the oppressive heat she had expected.

The god of demons set her down gently, his grip loosening as he guided her through a series of grand archways and corridors. The walls were lined with intricate tapestries and torches that burned with a blue flame, casting eerie shadows. Esteria followed in a daze, her mind still grappling with the enormity of what had just happened. Each step echoed in the silent halls, amplifying the sense of otherworldly stillness.

They finally arrived at a large, ornate door, which he pushed open to reveal a lavishly furnished room. The room was spacious, with a grand canopy bed draped in rich, dark fabrics. A large fireplace crackled with a blue fire, casting a warm, inviting glow. The furniture was made of dark wood, intricately carved with scenes of demon folklore. Soft rugs covered the floor, and a table in the corner was set with a variety of exotic fruits and delicacies.

Esteria's eyes roamed the room, taking in every detail. The luxurious surroundings were in stark contrast to her current state of mind, a dizzying blend of exhaustion and heightened awareness. She turned to the god of demons, her gaze a mix of gratitude and confusion. He met her eyes briefly before turning to leave, the door closing softly behind him, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She looked around the room once more, her exhaustion beginning to catch up with her. The events of the day had left her drained, both physically and emotionally. She sank onto the bed, the soft mattress and luxurious fabrics providing a welcome comfort. The warmth of the fire and the softness of the bed were a stark contrast to the cold fear that had gripped her earlier.

As she lay there, the reality of her situation began to sink in. She had made a deal with a god, and her life would never be the same again. Despite the fear and uncertainty, a spark of excitement ignited within her. She would find a way to navigate this strange new world, and she would use every ounce of strength and power she could muster.

With a final glance at the ornate room, she closed her eyes, her last thought being of revenge and the faces of those who had betrayed her. She would make them pay, and with the god of demons by her side, she knew she had a chance. Her determination gave her a sense of purpose, a drive that she clung to as she drifted off.

As sleep claimed her, Esteria knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities. For now, she allowed herself a moment of peace, drifting off into a restless sleep filled with dreams of fire and vengeance. Her last conscious thought was a silent promise to herself and to her lost loved ones: she would survive this, and she would emerge stronger than ever.


As El-Kharis watched her sleep, he marveled at the sight. Despite the turmoil she must have been feeling, Esteria slept peacefully, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. It was a rare sight, one he had seldom witnessed in all his years. His mind wandered, pondering the immense strength it must take to find such tranquility amidst chaos.

A sudden shift in the air caught his attention. The unmistakable presence of other demons drew near, their energy sharp and inquisitive. With a sigh, El-Kharis turned away from the sleeping princess and slipped out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

In the dimly lit hallway, a group of demons approached, their eyes glinting with suspicion and curiosity. One of them, a tall demon with rough, scarred skin and glowing red eyes, stepped forward. "Lord," he growled, "we heard rumors of a human in the castle. Is it true?"

El-Kharis's eyes narrowed. "It is none of your concern," he replied, his voice cold. "Leave now."

The demon scoffed. "None of our concern? After what the humans have done to us? We deserve to know!"

A murmur of agreement rose from the others. They shifted restlessly, eyes darting towards the closed door behind El-Kharis. He raised a hand, his expression darkening. "I will not repeat myself. Leave."

The demons hesitated, but their resentment was palpable. The lead demon took a step forward. "We won't leave without seeing her. If a human is here, she must be dealt with."

Without warning, the demon lunged for the door. El-Kharis moved with lightning speed, blocking his path and sending him sprawling with a powerful strike. The others reacted, attacking in unison. El-Kharis fought them off with ease, his power overwhelming them. Each movement was precise, controlled. Within moments, they lay defeated at his feet, groaning in pain.

Breathing heavily, El-Kharis straightened, his gaze sweeping over the fallen demons. "This is your last warning," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Do not test my patience again."

He turned and strode away, leaving them to nurse their wounds. He had more pressing matters to attend to. A meeting had been called in the royal chamber, and his presence was required.

Entering the grand room, El-Kharis found the other demon royals already assembled. The god of fire, a towering figure with molten eyes and hair like flames, glared at him. His skin was a deep, burnt crimson, and heat radiated from him in waves. Beside him, the earth demon, solid and imposing, watched with a stony expression. His form was like living rock, with veins of precious metals glinting through his granite-like skin. The water demon, fluid and ever-changing, regarded him with a mix of curiosity and concern. Her body shimmered with a translucent quality, her form constantly shifting like the surface of a deep, mysterious lake. And finally, the demoness, ethereal and dangerous, met his gaze with cold intensity. Her hair flowed like liquid darkness, and her eyes were pools of shadow, revealing nothing of the thoughts within.

El-Kharis took his seat, anger simmering just beneath the surface.

"What is this about bringing a human into our realm?" the fire demon demanded, his voice like a roar. "Have you lost your mind?"

El-Kharis's eyes flashed. "I have made a deal with her," he said firmly. "She will not remain human for long."

A stunned silence followed his words. The other demons exchanged incredulous looks. The demoness leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "You, of all beings, made a deal with a human?" she asked, her voice dripping with disbelief.

El-Kharis stood abruptly, his chair scraping against the stone floor. "She is under my protection," he snapped. "That is all you need to know."

As he turned to leave, a powerful presence filled the room. The temperature seemed to drop as a woman stepped forward, her aura commanding and fierce. Her long black hair flowed like a river of night, and her eyes gleamed a deep, unsettling red. Every demon in the room stood, bowing their heads in respect. Her skin was pale, almost luminescent, and her presence radiated a cold, unyielding power that sent shivers down their spines.

"Mother," El-Kharis stuttered, his anger momentarily giving way to surprise and deference.

She approached him, her gaze piercing. "Bringing a human here was a reckless decision," she said, her voice calm but firm. "Explain yourself."

El-Kharis met her eyes, his resolve hardening. "She will no longer be human soon," he repeated. "She has made a deal with me, and I intend to honor it."

His mother studied him for a moment, her eyes seeming to see into his very soul. Then she nodded slightly, her expression softening just a fraction. "Very well," she said. "But be warned, El-Kharis. The consequences of this choice are yours to bear."

With that, she turned and left the room, her departure as commanding as her entrance, leaving a tense silence in her wake. The other demon royals remained silent, their expressions a mix of shock and wariness.

El-Kharis didn't waste another moment. He left the chamber and hurried back to Esteria's room. Relief washed over him as he found her still asleep, untouched by the conflict that had just transpired. He approached her quietly, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair, a rare smile softening his features.

For a moment, he allowed himself to feel the warmth of her presence, the soft rise and fall of her breath soothing his frayed nerves. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but for now, he savored this brief respite.

As he watched her, a single thought solidified in his mind. No matter the cost, he would protect her. She was his responsibility now, bound to him by a pact of blood and fate. And with the dawn of a new day, their journey together would truly begin.

The night El-Kharis standing watch over Esteria, his mind a maelstrom of thoughts and emotions. He knew that the road ahead would be perilous, but he was prepared to face whatever came their way. For now, he allowed himself a moment of peace, content in the knowledge that she was safe. As the first light of dawn crept into the room, he made a silent vow to protect her, no matter what challenges lay ahead..