The bond of energy.

Esteria was walked back to her room with Levy and Adrian escorting her. Levy kept his distance, wearing a grave expression and acting cold, but Adrian was the opposite. At first, he acted cold, but the ice melted away.

"Woah, I can't believe I'm seeing a human-demon. What kind of combination are you? Half-demon, vampire, or what?" Adrian kept going, his fiery red hair flying back and forth, his green eyes gleaming with excitement.

"I honestly don't know, and to begin with, I'm not fully human," Esteria spoke up suddenly. She had wanted to keep her space like Levy, but Adrian made it impossible.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Adrian asked, curious.

"I'm a human orb," she said simply.

"Human orb? What's that?" he asked again.

"I don't really know. My father told me days before my wedding, and I came here after that," she said.

"Has this place always been quiet?" Esteria asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, after the war," Adrian's face darkened, and he paused for a moment before moving again.

"How did the war affect this place?" she couldn't help but ask. Her hunger for answers returned after El-Kharis had left her feeling starved the other night.

"All thunder demons died in the war. They were in the front row because of their high destructive power. The officials thought that would be helpful, but humans..." Levy, who had been quiet and cold, finally spoke, gritting his teeth at the last word. "Killed them all. Of the surviving demons, thunder demons have the lowest population. We are the remaining four, and we survived because we were children during the war." His voice was filled with pain.

"I'm sorry," Esteria said quietly, matching the serious mood.

Levy didn't react, but Adrian did. He tapped her shoulder and gave her a bare smile. His face lit up again. "Don't worry; you are now one of us, our lord's mate. You are no longer human," he said, and for some reason, she felt a little upset. She was still human, with her roots and loved ones there. She was even their orb, meant to protect them like her father said. But she couldn't say anything; she needed to get on their good side.

Finally, the trio reached the room, and Adrian politely opened the door. As she was entering, Levy asked, "Should we get some maids to help you freshen up?"

"No," she said simply. "We have to wait for, umm..." She hesitated to say El-Kharis's name.

"Lord El," Adrian guessed, and she nodded.

She entered the room, and Adrian shut the door behind her. She sat on her king-sized bed and awaited El-Kharis's return. "What if she is not a demon yet and is still a human?" she asked herself. Her physical changes already proved that, but she couldn't help but feel scared. What if she didn't have enough power to take him down? And she was still a weak orb like before, dying from a single sword attack. As she pondered the possibilities of still being weak, she dozed off.


"Her body is still getting used to the transformation," Esteria heard his voice—alluring yet dangerous. She rose from the bed. The duo paused their conversation and turned their gazes to her. Her eyes met his—long white hair and cold blue eyes staring at her. Her gaze then shifted to the demon beside him, Levy, with his black hair and bright yellow eyes. Then to the familiar lantern in his hands, still glowing with five different colors.

"You are awake," El-Kharis finally broke the awkward silence.

"Any progress?" she immediately asked, her eyes still fixated on the lantern.

"I don't think you're quite ready to know the results yet," El said, smirking.

"Just tell me. I need to prepare myself or at least know what's next," Esteria pleaded, her patience running out.

"Calm down, darling. Let's just say you'll be training with me for now," he said, his smirk turning into a grin.

"So I'm a thunder demon?" she asked.

"Partially, yes," he answered, adding to her confusion.

Since she had known him, he had always added more questions with his answers, and she hated it. She always wanted immediate responses. "What do you mean by that?" Esteria asked, holding back from screaming.

"You're not the patient type, huh?" he said, smiling. "Well, the answers will be revealed during training, and that's not now." He turned to leave with Levy.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Going to train my men. Any problem?" he said without turning back.

"I want to join," she said suddenly, making him pause and smirk.

"Really, your highness? You need to rest," he said teasingly.

"No, I don't need to," she insisted. He was right—there was no time to dwell and take things slowly. It was time to do things the demons' way.

"Okay, let's go," he said.

Esteria immediately jumped off the bed and followed him. As they walked outside the room, he grabbed her and carried her. Drawing his long black wings from his back, he flew with her. Holding him close, scared she might fall, she peeked over his broad shoulders to see Levy walking behind them.

"Don't worry about him. He doesn't know how to fly yet; he still has a lot of training," El-Kharis said, answering the question in her mind. For the first time, he wasn't adding more questions.

Esteria clung tightly to El-Kharis as they soared through the air, her heart racing with both fear and exhilaration. The wind whipped past her, carrying with it the scents of the training ground ahead—sweat, earth, and the faintest hint of smoke from distant fires. Below them, the sprawling expanse of the training grounds came into view, dotted with training dummies, sparring areas, and groups of demons honing their skills.

"Are you always this tense when you fly?" El-Kharis teased, glancing back at her with that devil-may-care grin that made her stomach flutter.

"I'd be less tense if I were used to this," she retorted, trying to sound brave. It didn't help that she was half afraid of falling. The landscape blurred below them as they descended, and soon they touched down gracefully on the soft earth of the training ground.

Rowland, Leon, and Adrian were already there, clad in their training clothes—simple yet functional, allowing for freedom of movement. They were in a heated debate about the best way to handle a sword, their voices rising and falling with the intensity of their discussion.

"Look who's finally here!" Rowland shouted, grinning broadly as they landed.

Esteria felt a rush of warmth at the welcoming banter, but her nerves still fluttered. El-Kharis set her down gently, and she immediately adjusted her posture, trying to exude confidence.

"Just giving my mate a grand entrance," El-Kharis replied, folding his arms with an amused expression on his face.

"Yeah, but did you have to carry her like a sack of potatoes, Lord El?" Leon chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I bet she clung to you for her life up there!"

"I was not!" Esteria protested, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Well, it certainly looked like it," Adrian added with a laugh, and soon all of them joined in, the lighthearted atmosphere easing some of the tension she had felt earlier.

But her moment of levity was short-lived. Just as the teasing subsided, Levy arrived, breathless and slightly disheveled, a sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand, glaring at his companions, who were laughing their hearts out. "Could you possibly stop making fun of me for five minutes?"

"Oh, come on, Levy!" Rowland laughed. "You can't blame us for enjoying the show! Look at you, all flustered and sweaty. It's hilarious!"

Levy shot him a withering look but couldn't help the slight twitch of his lips. "Next time, I'll make sure to arrive in style, just to see you lot choke on your words."

Esteria couldn't suppress her smile, her nerves starting to ease in the camaraderie. It was nice to see them so at ease, despite the weight of the world that hung over their heads.

As Levy joined the group, El-Kharis cleared his throat, his demeanor shifting to that of a commanding leader. "Alright, everyone, enough banter. We've got serious training to do today. Esteria's joining us, which means we start the process over."

Esteria's heart sank slightly. "What do you mean, start over?" she asked, her brow furrowing.

El-Kharis stepped closer, his blue eyes piercing into hers. "We need to start the process all over again, Esteria," he said. "The first step in mastering your abilities is to mold your energy and channel it properly. It's not just about wielding power; it's about understanding it."

Esteria nodded, even though she knew nothing about what he was saying.

With a wave of his hand, El-Kharis gestured for them to gather in a circle. "Everyone, form up. Esteria, I want you to stand in the center. You'll absorb our energy and learn to feel it flowing through you."

Adrian moved to her side, his energy already pulsing around him, a vivid green that danced like fireflies. Rowland and Leon mirrored him, their own auras complementing each other in shades of blue and orange. Levy remained slightly apart, his energy darker, crackling with the remnants of his frustrations.

"Focus on what you feel," El-Kharis instructed. "Let their energies intertwine with yours. Find the rhythm."

Esteria took a deep breath, her heart racing. She felt their energies surround her, a tangible force that made her skin tingle. It was overwhelming yet intoxicating, and she closed her eyes, trying to attune herself to the sensations.

"Feel the warmth of their power," El-Kharis continued, his voice soothing. "Let it guide you."

At first, it was chaotic—colors blurred together, sensations ebbed and flowed like the tides. Panic rose within her, but she forced herself to focus. She thought back to her father's words about her purpose as the orb, her responsibilities. Slowly, she began to find her center.

"Good, good," El-Kharis encouraged. "Now channel that energy into your body. Imagine it flowing through you like a river."

Esteria's heart raced as she concentrated. She envisioned the energy weaving through her veins, merging with her own essence. The sensations became more distinct, and she felt a spark within her—something dormant yet powerful.

"Open your eyes," El-Kharis commanded gently.

She did, and the world seemed sharper, more vivid. The colors of their energies were clearer now, and she could see how they danced around her, wrapping her in warmth and strength. A sense of belonging surged within her—these demons were not just her companions; they were a part of her now.

"Good, Esteria," El-Kharis said, pride evident in his tone. "Now we move to the next step."

But before he could continue, Levy interrupted, his voice a mix of frustration and eagerness. "Can't we speed this up? We've done all this beforehand."

El-Kharis shot him a warning glance but smiled slightly. "Patience, Levy. Esteria's safety is paramount. Rushing this will only lead to disaster."

"Fine," Levy grumbled, crossing his arms. "But I hope you're ready for a real challenge, Esteria. You'll need to keep up with us."

Esteria felt a surge of determination at his words. "I won't back down," she declared, surprising herself with her conviction. "I want to learn. I want to be strong."

"Then show us," El-Kharis challenged, stepping back. "Channel your energy and summon it forth. Show us what you're made of."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Esteria concentrated once more. She drew in the surrounding energies, letting them wash over her, pulling them into her core. It surged within her, a tide of power waiting to be unleashed.

"Now, release it!" El-Kharis commanded.

Esteria thrust her hands forward, channeling the energy outward. A brilliant light erupted from her palms, swirling with the colors of her companions' auras. It flickered and danced, illuminating the training ground with a radiance that made the others pause in surprise.

"Not bad for a beginner!" Rowland shouted, his voice filled with excitement.

"You've got a spark!" Adrian added, clapping his hands together.

Even Levy looked impressed, his mouth slightly agape. But he did not say anything.

"Keep it up!" El-Kharis encouraged, his smile broader now. "Harness that energy and mold it into something powerful."

Esteria pushed harder, focusing her mind and spirit into the glow before her. The warmth of their energies surrounded her, lifting her, strengthening her resolve. She felt the connection deepening, her fear fading into a sense of purpose.

The energy training continued until Esteria finally crashed down, but El-Kharis caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Enough training for today. She has exhausted herself."

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