
The door had barely hit the ground before El-Kharis stormed in, his presence a terrifying mix of raw power and unyielding fury. The air seemed to crackle with energy as he stepped into the room, his electrifying blue eyes locked onto the scene before him. Levy, Leon, and Rowland followed closely behind, their expressions grim and determined.

For a split second, the vampires froze, their predatory confidence wavering in the face of such a formidable opponent. But then Vincent's brother sneered, stepping forward as if to challenge the Demon God himself.

"Fools," El-Kharis's voice was like the rumble of distant thunder, dark and ominous. He moved with lethal grace, faster than the eye could follow. In one fluid motion, he was upon the first vampire, his hand crackling with dark energy. With a mere flick of his wrist, the vampire disintegrated into ash, a scream of agony dying in the air before it even began.