8.Love and hate fairies

She was still in the towel that had become useless on her body, and she was still trying to calm herself. She swallowed her saliva, responding to that strange voice.

"Who...Who are you?"

A laugh echoed in her mind, followed by a sarcastic voice

"who am I? My dear, thanks to you and your companion, I am here...in fact, I am already inside you, but now you have woken me up from my long slumber! And by the way, this puppy who shares with me is really annoying! "

"Who is this annoying!? You are truly unbelievable! I too was resting in the back of her mind but suddenly you came from nowhere and were even trying to get out and control my owner!"

White says angrily, and the stranger responds

"Your owner!? My dear, neither you nor I belong to anyone and we have the right to this body just like her! "

"Shut up!"

Bella screamed angrily, trying to regulate her breathing. For God's sake, there were two voices fighting in her head!! And now she shares her body with another being!

"Can you explain to me who you are!? How did it suddenly appear and what is it made of? Are you the cause of the violet flash?"

Before he answered her, Bella was surprised when the door opened quickly and Lucifer entered, a cold look on his face that quickly turned into a disgusted one.

"what are you doing? Are you trying to get my attention, Bella? Don't even try, you're all so ugly I can't stand looking at you, even in my worst nightmares!"

He ended his speech with a loud laugh that greatly provoked Bella! She quickly got up and grabbed her towel tightly, saying with a sarcastic laugh

"You are the last person I would try to beautify for or even look at!"

She continued her speech, turning her back to him and going to the closet, closing the door forcefully

"You were strong, I liked you, girl! I didn't know you were brave!"

The stranger spoke with amusement

"Be quiet!"

Bella gasped sharply

She got dressed and slowly came out of the closet, examining the room. Then she saw him sitting on the sofa as usual.

She ignored him and lay on the bed while thinking about this being inside her and this strange power!?

"Don't think too much, you give me a headache!"

This was his response to her questions

"Let us introduce you to me through a short story. What do you think?


Once upon a time, we lived in the world of fairies.

As you know, there are fairies of love, fairies of hate, and the rest of the fairies of feelings.. and each is separate from the other..

My mother was a love fairy, and do you know that love fairies will marry a love fairy as well? But here things are different..

My mother loved my father and he was a genie of hate! No one ever knew about their relationship! Rather, they got married and gave birth to me and my twin sister.

I was a genie of hate and my sister was a genie of love. My mother was very afraid for us and always told us that she was afraid for us because we were special from others! Days passed and everything was going smoothly until my sister and I turned eighteen.

Then a very strange disease struck us! We were tired all the time, vomiting a lot, there were purple spots on our bodies, and we were getting weaker day after day.

My mother was very afraid that she would lose us, so she took a risk and took us to the sage of the love fairies.

She introduced us to him as the children of a friend of hers, and when he began examining us, he was shocked by what he saw and began muttering words we did not understand, and when he opened his eyes, fear was evident in them! Then he told us something we never expected!

"They are the chosen ones!"

He was muttering these words for a long time as if he was trying to comprehend this! Then my mother could not bear it and shouted at him, asking him to explain to us what was happening

"Madam, there is an old prophecy that states that there will be love between a hate fairy and a love fairy, and the result of this love will be two children who will change a lot! And these two children are these two children! Their destiny is very clear! They were born to die!"

I remember my mother yelling at him forcefully to explain what this meant!

"These two are destined to die and then their souls enter with two wolves, two companions! Their mission will be to explain to each of them their true feelings, and according to what was said, they have another mission as well, but no book or prophecy has mentioned what it is... This is all I know, my lady. I'm sorry"

And then, as the wise man said, we continued to fight the disease until it took our last breath, and now here I am, opening my eyes again to find me in your body, miss."

All this time, Bella was silent, trying to understand what was happening to her.

It took her a long time to comprehend what was happening to her, so she asked unconsciously

"But I'm not strong! My wolf is smaller than other wolves and I am very weak!"

"I don't know and I have no explanation for this! But I think my sister has not woken up yet...and by the way, we will only wake up when one of you feels the feelings that we represent. For example, I appeared now because Lucifer hates you far more than you do, and since I woke up, my sister will wake up soon too, but she is the opposite, meaning she will appear when you are no longer in love and disappear. When you love him...and as for your question: Why am I inside you now? This is because you hate Lucifer less than he does. Do you understand me?"

Bella closed her eyes in incomprehension and nodded unconsciously

"What I mean is that our mission is to make you feel better about Lucifer's feelings for you! My sister and I are reversed! We can say that Lucifer hates you more than you do, so I am in your body because Lucifer hates you... and since you hate Lucifer less than him, my sister is now in his body...

In short, our mission is to make you feel better about his feelings and make him feel your feelings...that is, I am Lucifer's feelings of hatred, and whenever his hatred increases or decreases, I will tell you the same thing, my sister."

Bella said angrily

"But I don't like Lucifer, so what feelings will your sister show him?"

"You stupid! My mission is to tell you that Lucifer hates you, and when his hatred ends, I will disappear, and my sister will tell Lucifer how much you love him, and since you do not love him, she will work to make him love you by telling him the things that you love! It's the same with me. I'll tell you the things he hates...and when Lucifer's hatred for you fades away and he begins to love you, my mission will end, and when your love for Lucifer reaches its maximum, my sister's mission will end and we will return to our lives again!

Our mission is to make you decide what your feelings are!

Hate or love?!"

Bella said without understanding

"What is the benefit of all this!?"

He sighed and said

"I also don't understand what's the point of wasting my life because of you and him! But what benefit will I gain after you love each other! And discover your feelings! Let them burn in hell. What has to do with me and my sister? I don't know either!"

To say Bella

"Well, what is the secret of that violet energy that was radiating from me!?"

"This is my strength and the color of my magic that has truly increased while I am in your body! You have to learn how to control it and I will help you with that and you can even be half werewolf and half fairy! This power will also appear to Lucifer, but my sister's aura is red."

Bella nodded to him while she was still thinking and trying to understand what the meaning of all this was!?

Little by little, drowsiness began to creep into her eyes, and she closed them and slept peacefully.



I opened my eyes as my whole body ached from sleeping on this couch.

I looked at that emaciated body in the middle of my bed.


I really hate her so much! I can't stand her look! Not to mention, it's now in the middle of my comfortable bed!

How I miss that soft bed instead of this hard sofa! Damn it!

I got up after the series of insults I threw at Bella, the sofa, and my entire life.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower to relax my damaged nerves with her being here.

After half an hour, I got out of the bathroom, wrapping the towel around my waist, but I was stopped by my image in the bathroom mirror!

"Does it happen that I can literally shoot beams out of my eyes when I'm angry? I've been told this before but I didn't know they meant it literally!"

He looked at his eyes, which were shining bright red in shock! The poor guy thinks that because of his intense anger, his eyes will emit a beam like a laser!

The bathroom will explode! This is not possible! When I discover this ability of mine now, how will I control it!?

I closed my eyes in thought as I felt energy flowing through my body.

"What the fuck?!!!!! I turned into a bomb and this is the end of me!? To blow myself up? Well, looking on the bright side, this spoiled girl is going to explode with me! Hurrah!"

I said this happily while looking at my hands that were glowing red.

"Hello handsome!"

"What the fuck!!!!?"