Chapter 2

Before going into the ring, I couldn't help but steal glances towards the entrance, hoping to catch another glimpse of Samantha. 

But she was nowhere to be seen, as the bell rang, signaling the start of the match, I and The Hooker came together in a show of mutual respect, our heads touching briefly before the battle started. 

The crowd burst into cheers, their voices blending into a noise of support for their chosen fighters.

I danced around The Hooker's relentless advances, each blow met with calculated accuracy. Despite his formidable strength, I refused to relent, my determination unyielding even in the face of adversity.

"You're quick, but you can't dodge forever!" The hooker said.

"Just trying to tire you out before I land the knockout punch!" I replied. "Ha! You'll have to catch me first!" he answered.

But as the fight wore on, tiredness began to set in, my muscles protesting which movement.

The hooker noticed this and seized the opportunity upon my weakness at that moment, launching an overwhelming attack that sent me crashing to the mat.

I lay there, with blood dripping from the side of my lip, the taste of defeat threatening to overwhelm me, suddenly my eyes met Samantha's across the crowd. 

At that moment, her smile was all the motivation I needed to rise again, a newfound sense of strength running through my veins.

Summoning every bit of resilience within me, I surged forward, pinning The Hooker to the mat with a brutal born of desperation. 

With the referee's count echoing in my ears,

"One! Two!! Three!!!" I held my breath, willing myself to endure just a few moments longer.

And then, with a triumphant ring of the bell, victory was mine. 

Amidst the deafening roar of the crowd, I stood tall, the weight of the prize money insignificant compared to the sense of accomplishment that flooded my soul.

Samantha POV.....

My mind was still reeling from my encounter with the Caveman. When the commentator called out the fighter's name, I was perplexed as I heard the familiar name: THE CAVEMAN. But this time, he was wearing a mask.

I couldn't believe I had bumped into him earlier, and now he was inside, about to fight. I have always wished to see him without his mask, and he ate up the look I had envisioned in my mind.

Chloe, who had been overexcited, looked curiously. "Did you say something?" she asked.

 "No, nothing," I replied, shaking my head. Was the Caveman the guy I had run into earlier? The thought nagged at me, but I pushed it aside, trying to focus on the fight unfolding.

Even with his mask on, the Caveman seemed to exude an undeniable charm. I could hear the whispers of admiration from the other girls in the crowd.

Isn't he so cute?" one of them said, giggling.

"I wish he was mine," another girl added dreamily.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at their words for reasons unknown to me.

As the fight progressed, I watched with bated breath as the Caveman and his opponent, the Hooker, exchanged blows.

I couldn't help but marvel at their skill and agility.

Just as I was beginning to worry that the Caveman might not win, I could see the weakness starting to set in, and my heart sank as I feared the worst.

he seemed to find a burst of energy. 

His deep gray eyes locked deeply into mine,with determination in his eyes and a soft smile, it felt like the whole world stood still as we smiled at each other, launching a series of powerful attacks, dodging the Hooker's blows with impressive speed.

Chloe, who was a fan of the Caveman, was practically jumping out of her seat with excitement.

She screamed and cheered at every punch he landed, nearly deafening me in the process.

The Caveman fought with precision and strategy, remembering me of my dad, but the Hooker was a strong opponent. 

But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the Caveman launched one final attack. With a smart, swift and decisive move, he knocked the Hooker to the ground, the sound of the bell signaling the end of the match after three counts.

I couldn't hide my excitement as I jumped to my feet, cheering along with the rest of the crowd. 

Chloe threw her arms around me in a tight hug, screaming in victory, almost choking the life out of me.

"He won! Yes, yes... I won the bet!" Chloe exclaimed, barely able to contain her excitement.

I laughed, with my heart pounding. "You placed a bet on this fight?" she asked incredulously.

Chloe grinned mischievously. "Of course I did! Chris and Jade doubted the Caveman's chances of winning, so I had to prove them wrong."

shaking my head, still in doubt. "You didn't have to do that," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. 

"What if he didn't win?" Chloe shrugged, her confidence unwavering. "He wouldn't dare," she replied confidently.

As they made their way out of the venue, I couldn't shake the feeling of joy that danced through my veins. 

I couldn't wait to see the Caveman again, to thank him for an unforgettable night. But as we got to the parking lot, my joy was dimed by a sight that made my heart sink. 

There, in a red '68 Mustang, was the Caveman, locked in a passionate embrace with a lady. 

My stomach stirred with jealousy and confusion as I watched them, with my mind racing with unanswered questions.

He noticed my gaze on him, and turned, looking surprised and shocked, he tried to put on his clothes and get down from the car.

"Are you gonna stand there all night, looking at thin air, or are you gonna get into the car and drive me home, then you can come back and keep staring?" Chloe's voice broke through my thoughts, snapping me back to reality.

With a forced smile, trying to push aside the feelings of hurt and betrayal that threatened to consume me.

"Right, sorry," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let's go."

I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, my mind swallowed by thoughts of the Caveman and the woman in the car.

I couldn't shake the feeling of sadness that weighed heavily on my heart, even as I tried to focus on the road ahe


I drove home in silence, couldn't help but wonder if I would ever get to see him again…..