Chapter 7


"Come on man, you can do this, let go this time harder alright?" my coach encouraged patting me on my shoulder

"Yeah," I said, jumping up to continue punching the punching bag.

"One, two, three" I punched as hard as I could.

I needed to keep training to keep fit, also I had another tournament coming up and I needed to prepare for it.

The fight with the hooker was one hell of a fight, he was a strong opponent no doubt but I won.

For me last night was a great night, I won the fight and I met a new girl. 

I kept wondering if I would ever see her again after that night, I guess the Universe was by my side, I saw her again today, and we will be going on a date tonight. I just can't wait.

I continued training for a while until I heard some screams coming from outside, looking to know what was happening, maybe it could be from the guys training but they didn't have to be so loud, I thought to myself.

Just when I was about to refocus on my training, I looked up and saw her approaching, "what the hell was she doing here"? I thought...

"Babe can you imagine those fools at the entrance, they didn't want to allow me in, as if that wasn't enough they tried to harass me when I managed to get in, you should get them all arrested now" she barked.

"Amelia, what are you doing here? I thought we agreed to meet tonight, are you following me around ''? I yelled, dragging the attention of almost everyone.

Angry about her attitude I packed my stuff into my bag, "come here" I said as I dragged her arm as we walked out, " ouch my arm, it hurts. I'm not to be blamed for anything they harassed me you are supposed to deal with them" she kept nagging.

I got to the car and threw my bag inside. Looking at her like I should strangle her, "What do you think you are doing huh? Are you aware that you just embarrassed me?" I questioned.

"Are you mad at me for coming to see you? Well, I came because you have been ignoring my calls and messages, and I miss you. I'm your fiance for goodness sake, what is wrong?" she whined.

"We are getting married soon" she mumbled

With my eyes rolled I replied "Hey, enough with this marriage drama, wait for us to get married before you start stalking me" I fired as I got into my car and drove off.

That was Amelia, another complication weighing on my mind, My Father's golden girl. He wanted me to marry her, but I had other ideas. 

Sure, we had history, we met in law school and became friends but that was all it was. I don't keep female friends because I would end up screwing them, which I did to Amelia. And now she wouldn't leave me alone. 

She was a continuous reminder of the expectations my father had for me. 

He wanted me to marry Amelia, to settle down and follow the path he had chosen for me. But that wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't ready to give up my freedom, to be tied down to a woman I didn't love.

While driving I checked my phone just to find 10 missed calls from Dad, oh goodness. That man is going to be the death of me.

I know the reason for this call. I was supposed to go defend a case for one of his business partners today, but I couldn't make it.

Sorry, I forgot to add, that I'm a lawyer, the cutest, sexiest, hottest, and reliable lawyer you can find, I never lose a case that's about how good I'm.

On my way to my hotel room, I saw a pretty lady which I picked up t

o, warm my bed before I go for my date tonight...