Anna stood from the couch and walked into her room in a fit of anger, she could not continue exchanging words with Laura because deep down, she knew that all that Laura said was true, but she didn't want to admit it. She sat on her bed anxious.


All of this began when Jeff caught her in bed with 4 men; she had lost a bet at a party she once attended. Since then, he started acting differently. She always enjoyed sexual intercourse with other men, but he never knew. They had been dating for years, and she was already sexually tired of him. She longed to taste something new, so she started having affairs.


She was initially careful so that he'd never catch her, and spent a couple more years living that life until he caught her one morning. She slept off tired after having group sex with 4 men all through the night, Jeff naturally knew her door code and let himself in, that morning. He wanted to surprise her; it was their anniversary.


She woke up to a shocked call of her name, only to see Jeff's dismayed face. She was naked on a bed with equally naked men, Jeff fell to the floor. Anna remembered begging him, at times, she would spend the night in front of his flat. One time, she even threatened to commit suicide if he didn't come back to her; that was enough to bring him back to her.


Although Jeff returned to her, he was different. He started having numerous affairs, he wasn't even hiding them; it was as if he wanted her to willingly leave, but Anna would never leave. Anna never stopped going out with men, and bringing them into her apartment even after Jeff found out about her, she just had to hide them better.


No one loved her like Jeff did, she was never going to leave him. She knew that he was hurt, and she was ready to allow him to do all that he wanted until he was able to fully forgive her for what she did to him, 3 and a half years ago. Laura had no idea about all of this, from Anna's sexual lifestyle to how Jeff found out about her.


But when Laura accidentally saw the photos of messages between Jeff and his lover on her phone— Jeff accidentally sent them to her— Laura insisted that she break up with him. She talked her into breaking up with him, that's why Anna blindly took up her phone, dialled his number and voiced, "We're done, Jeff."


The time she couldn't meet up with the plan, at the club with Laura, 3 years ago, she was busy sending yet another suicide video to Jeff. She wanted to let him go at first because she was fed up with catching him cheating, and it seemed like he didn't care anymore about her, but remembering all his love, she couldn't let him go.


She held a knife to her wrist, letting the blood drop to the floor. Jeff was alarmed when he saw the video, he went to her apartment immediately, and spent the night with her; that calmed her down. She had to lie that Jeff came back to apologise because she didn't want to reveal anything to Laura.


With Laura and the child living with her, made her sexual expedites even harder, but there was nothing she could do. She saw Laura ending her career because of what she caused, Laura was not going to be able to afford her rent if she did that; she was going to be homeless. Anna had to house her.


Anna now spent even more time at work, because she had to continue her sexual indulgence with her colleagues. Anna was a wild lady; she had no sexual restraint.


She sat on her bed trying to calm herself down. While she was seated trying to gather her thoughts, there was a knock on her door, afterwards, the door opened slightly. Laura's head peeped in.


"Can I come in?" Laura said.


Anna was not willing at first until Laura brought forth her hand through the slightly opened space. A transparent cup of smoothie was in her hand. Upon seeing this, Anna's eyes widened. Realising this, Laura opened the door even wider and revealed her second hand. It was a bowl of red velvet cake with whipped cream on top.  


"Please come in." Anna surrendered.


Laura quickly walked in upon hearing this, as if she feared Anna would immediately change her mind. She sat right beside Anna, on her bed, and placed both items on her lap.


"Just got this, didn't want to enjoy it alone." Anna was so touched after she heard this.


"This one is for you to enjoy alone." Laura stretched the smoothie to Anna's hand; the cold droplets fell on her work gown. "I got it for you."


Anna collected it from her and immediately put the straw in her mouth, she drank the smoothie. Pausing drinking the smoothie, she shut her eyes and sounded a long "hmm," as if savouring the taste.


"A mix of banana, beets, coconut, pineapple and strawberry flavour; my favourite. Thank you, Laura." Anna smiled at Laura.


"Don't thank me yet, you haven't even tasted the cake," Laura said while placing the bowl of cake on Anna's lap. Anna excitedly took one of the spoons, cut a bit of cake and drove it inside her mouth. Munching the cake, her eyes widened.


"This is so nice!" Anna was overjoyed.


"I'm so sorry for provoking you earlier," Laura said. "I was just so pissed. I don't like that Jeff guy." Laura continued, her voice sounding more annoyed after each word. This made Anna shrug a little.


Seeing this, Laura immediately changed back her tone, "But because you love him, I'll accept him." She smiled.


"Laura, it's fine! Can we eat the cake already?!"  Anna pleaded. Laura nodded yes, smiling. Both friends happily dug into the cake, while Chance was held in the living room, engrossed in watching Paw Patrol.