Laura was too anxious in her seat; she wasn't in her right mind at all. How could she have hurt her potential boss? At this point, she was convinced that she wasn't going to get the job; she became too discouraged.



Malthus' eyes kept glancing at Laura; he recognised her. The elevator doors stopped closing because her hand had obstructed them just in time, even he was impressed, he was curious about who this person could be. When she came into view as the elevator doors opened, he was taken aback by the sight he saw. Her cleaves were open, her skirt was so short and her hair was a hot mess; she looked like a sex worker.



When the elevator started moving, he saw as she began to put herself in order. She did this very fast. His eyes noticed the slight surprise and discomfort of the others in the elevator, but they all tried their best to ignore her. He too decided to ignore her, not until she suddenly posed as a disturbance for those who wanted to leave the elevator. He wondered what kind of person was this.



He thought he was safe from her in the back of the elevator, but he was wrong. He didn't see her hair coming his way at all; he couldn't have ever anticipated it. Seeing her seated now, no one would ever believe she was the same person terrorising the serenity of the elevator.



He noticed her discouraged posture; she was slouching on her seat as if she was no longer interested in getting the job. Her head was also bowed, her eyes focused on her fingers, which were resting on her lap. He could sense she was embarrassed.



"Laura?" Hearing her name, Laura was pushed back into reality from her drowning thoughts.



"Yes, please." She responded.



"Malthus relaxed his back on his chair. "How come you've not asked me about my eye? I'm the victim, you know." After saying this, he broke into a warm laugh. Laura was left clueless about what to do.



"Was she the one who made your eye to be in this state, sir?" The woman who asked Laura to sit asked.



"Yes, Rita, it was initially worse than this. I needed immediate attention." Malthus replied. "I was all better, but now that my hurt eye has sighted the perpetrator, it's beginning to sting even more." Malthus placed his hand over the eye.



"It just told me that it needs to be compensated handsomely." Malthus paused; this made the smile on everyone's faces become even wider. "…It says it can only receive compensation in gold bars." As he ended, Laura burst into laughter.



Comporting herself, Laura spoke. "Pardon me for laughing, that was very hilarious. It caught me unawares. I apologise again for putting your eye in this unfortunate state, sir." Malthus only smiled, he was glad that she was now in good spirits.



"Now that you're happy, please answer me a question." Malthus' voice returned to his usual business voice.



Hearing this, Laura could only reply with an "okay".



"From what I see here…" Malthus straightened a sheet which appeared to be her CV. "You took a long break from work." Realising what he meant; Laura's palms began to sweat. She felt a drop of sweat trickle down her back. "A…3-year break, I presume. Could you give a reason why you have such a gap?"



Laura, from experience, knew that she was going to be questioned about her gap away from work, but she was too stunned to speak. She struggled to say 'I was pregnant', but the words were stuck somewhere in her throat.



"Miss Laura?" Malthus called.



"I was in an accident. I needed three years to fully recover." Laura blurted out.



Hearing this, Malthus was stunned. "You were in an accident? How are you feeling now?"



"I am better now. Having to learn how to walk again was a very challenging point for me in my life, I never thought I could ever walk again, but this experience taught me what resilience and determination truly means." Laura could not believe the words that came out of her mouth, but she didn't stop there.



"Taking steps when the doctor said I might never walk again, has been my greatest achievement yet. It has taught me the importance of never giving up even in the face of difficulties." Pausing, Laura looked at the interviewers one at a time, afterwards, she continued.



"I guess it was a preparation for me to show you that I have learned the hard way to be a woman who embodies the values for the position of Assistant Secretary, I am sure that I won't fail you," Laura concluded. She noticed as the eyes of all three interviewers glowed in admiration of her.



Laura had always been a very good orator. Such skill was the reason she could successfully get scholarships, admissions and volunteer work. She was always very favoured by those she spoke to, but the only issue was that she downplayed her skill. She rarely spoke unless necessary; she didn't speak to get friends as that wasn't her priority.



"Wow, Laura!" The second woman who sat on the other side of Malthus, commented. "You speak so well!"



"Pamela, you took the words right out of my mouth." Malthus immediately spoke.



"First, I'd like to congratulate you for beating such a damning phenomenon, Laura." Rita began. "And second, I am happy that you now stand as an example for many others to look up to, and possibly transform their lives." She concluded.



"Thank you, you're too kind," Laura responded; her face bent low modestly.



"Clara, you once worked as a PA to Jeff Bezos?" Pamela questioned.



As the interviewers focused on the other interviewees, Laura was so stoked. She could not believe the extent of her lie, but she knew that she could not tell the truth. She feared that she would lose such an opportunity if she revealed that she decided to be a responsible mother.



No matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn't tell the truth.