Ralph saw as the woman beside him began coughing nonstop. He noticed Malthus' concerned face, next to her, but all he could feel was irritation. Outright irritation.


"Are you okay, Laura?" Malthus asked, worry showing on his face.


"Yes, I am," Laura replied with a hoarse voice. "Could you excuse me, please?" She said as she rushed out of the office.


"What do we make of this, Malthus?" Ralph turned to Malthus, his hand softly pointing at the door Laura just stepped out from.


"Um…" Malthus was confused as to what to say. "She could have had a bad breakfast, sir."


Ralph wasn't buying what he heard. He didn't care whether she had a bad breakfast or the worst one; he didn't care if she didn't have any breakfast at all. He just wanted her out of his space. He saw the way she looked at him, those were not pretty eyes.


"Let's wrap this up," Ralph said, silently snapping his fingers, gesturing that Malthus finishes quickly.


Malthus finished updating Ralph about his day's schedule and exited his office. Immediately after Malthus left his office, Ralph stood from his seat, he walked to the window behind his seat, with his hand in his pocket, and stood in front of it looking out; he stared outside blankly. He had some documents to review and sign, but he couldn't because of her.

Her. What made her think she could come around him and behave however she liked? What made her think she could peacefully work with him? He didn't like her at all; he needed her to leave, soon.


Mentally concluding this, he walked slowly to his desk and pressed a button, in a few seconds, there was a knock on his door which opened after; Malthus walked in. "You called for me, sir."


"Hmm," Ralph was still standing. "Malthus, you're getting married soon, right?"


"Yes, sir, I am." After replying, Malthus became curious as to where his boss was going with the question, and why he called him; he never calls him before work begins proper.


"I want for you to take a month away from work to prepare for your wedding, complete it, and enjoy time with your wife before resuming," Ralph said as he went back to his seat.


"I am granting you two days to fully onboard the assistant secretary on her duties so that she can fully take over from you while you're gone, what do you say?" Ralph said as the corners of his lips curved.


"I-I don't know what to say, sir, I truly appreciate your kindness." Malthus was grateful, but he couldn't be more concerned. "But this is so sudden, the new employee…she needs at least a week to understand most of her duties, sir."


"So, you're saying she's not competent then?" Ralph asked.


"No, I believe she is, but—"


"Then it's settled. Please inform her of the new arrangements," Ralph said as he leaned his back and head on his seat, his eyes looking up, signalling that he was done with the talk.


"Okay, sir," Malthus said as he exited Ralph's office.




Laura couldn't believe her ears. Did Malthus just tell her that he'd be leaving her with the secretarial work in just 2 days?


"What do you mean?" Laura was in shock. "I only just resumed yesterday as an assistant secretary."


"Plans changed, Laura?" Malthus said apologetically. "The president, he just decided that."


"I-I…" Laura tried to speak.


"I'll make sure you have no problems settling in, and if you have any, my phone will be available 24/7," Malthus tried to ease her.


Laura was distraught, almost frustrated even. This was just her second day at work, why did it feel like she was being bullied? She mindfully pondered. If he didn't want her to work with him anymore, he could've simply told her. All of this was both childish and unnecessary, she thought.


"Do not worry, Laura," Malthus tried again to calm her down as he noticed the saddening look on her face.


"Is it possible to not be worried?" Laura questioned, worry evident in her voice.


"You have to be strong, please. This is just for the meantime, I believe it's just a test," Malthus tried his best to keep her in high spirits. "For now, we have to prepare for the president's meeting at 10."


This was too overwhelming for Laura but she still tried to keep herself composed, "Okay," she said.


Time went by swiftly, it was now 9:50 am, and Malthus was already putting in order his side of the desk. "It's time, Laura, we need to notify him," he said as he grabbed his tablet and headed for Ralph's door. Knocking as usual, he let himself in, Laura following behind.


"Is it time already?" Ralph's baritone voice resounded as he saw Malthus step in.


"Yes sir, it is," Malthus replied.


Laura saw as Ralph majestically stood from his chair, and grabbed his suit jacket from the coat rack. She watched as his tall and sturdy build descended the pavement and walked majestically in their direction. Now that Laura was seeing him up close, she couldn't help but notice that this man looked too familiar. Or did she see him in a dream? She mentally asked.


The meeting was supposed to be held in the conference room on the 52nd floor, Malthus naturally pressed the button 52 on the elevator control panel which would take them down.


Standing next to Ralph, Laura allowed herself to take in his distinct scent. This was the first time that they spent such prolonged time, that she was aware of, sharing the same space at such proximity. His cologne was unintentionally bringing back memories she couldn't quite piece together. His mesmerizing smell was evoking unnatural passions within her she hadn't noticed before. She found herself strangely being drawn to him as if she'd once known him.


Laura would often pinch herself to bring back her senses, but she couldn't very much handle it. There was something about him that called for her. At this point, she was convinced that she'd encountered Ralph before, yet she couldn't pinpoint where; more importantly, how?


How could she have met such a distinguished man? How on earth could she have met a billionaire?