The days rolled by too fast. Two days swept past quickly, leaving Laura in her seat in great agitation. She was at work very early today, anxiety prevented her from sleeping peacefully. She couldn't still reconcile her current situation, how was she ever going to cope?


Although Malthus has been very helpful, she still wasn't confident. The last two days, she couldn't do much because Ralph was on a short business trip with Malthus, he only returned today.


Laura looked at her tablet again for the thousandth time, Ralph didn't have much to do today, as per his schedule; because he returned only today. He could as well not come to work because there was nothing essential scheduled for him to do, Laura could only wish he stayed away from work.


Her palms were sweaty, her legs couldn't stop shaking; she was officially now working as the CEO's secretary.




Laura jolted; it was the elevator. She knew what that sound was about, Ralph was here. Laura scurried around trying to get up on her feet until she did. She came out beside her desk and stood in her high heels with shaky legs.


Ralph came in his familiar splendour. She saw as he walked majestically, as usual, with graceful steps; this only made her heart pound faster.


"Good morning sir," she said, hoping he couldn't hear her pounding heart. Surprisingly, all she received was silence. Laura saw him walk into his office without as little as glancing at her. She was speechless.


Did she do something wrong? So, she thought.




Ralph exited the elevator as soon as it opened on the penthouse floor. He walked knowing she was going to be resuming today as his secretary; he was expectant. This was his chance to focus on frustrating her from working with him without receiving a lecture from Malthus.


That was why he ignored her greeting; he hated the sight of her.


He was sitting comfortably in his seat when he heard a knock on his door. He looked up and saw her come in. She was in high heels and a short fitted dark brown office gown; her hair was neatly packed too. Looking closely at her, Ralph never realised how beautiful this woman was. He'd never seen her this way before. Or was it the way she packed her hair?


Realising his thoughts about her, he shook his head to brush it away.


"Sir, I'm here to update you on your day's schedule," Laura said, holding her tablet in both her hands.


Ralph was aware of his day's schedule. He was free. Malthus let him know after they returned from the business trip at 2 am, early this morning. Coming to work today wasn't necessary, he also needed to sleep, but he made sure to come today.


"Please do," he said as he gestured for her to come closer.


Ralph saw her take her steps further, she seemed confident; but that was about to change, he thought.


"Before we begin, I need something to drink," Ralph said as he opened his laptop, feigning to work.


"Uh?" He saw as Laura looked at him in confusion. "Um, I'll get that ready for you, sir."


Ralph was certain she didn't know that he usually drinks tea, let alone know the type of tea he drinks. He thought that this was perfect for him to successfully infuriate her. He normally would drink coffee during the day, and oolong tea during the later hours of work.


There was a high chance that she was going to mix them up. He saw as she walked to the kitchen uneasy; her legs shook unnaturally. How she walked, it was obvious that she wasn't too familiar with the high heels she wore, although she moved confidently. The situation was perfect for Ralph.


Soon she was out of sight, inside the kitchen. Ralph mentally plotted how he was going to throw the cup of beverage in her direction, in dissatisfaction. He drafted the plan about the tone of voice he was going to use on her, and his grimacing look. He was sure that she was going to be in tears after he was done with her.


"Aaahhh!" The piercing scream shook Ralph from his mental crafting. He knew it was Laura. He stood immediately and made his way to the kitchen.


There she was at the sink; she was holding her hand tight. "What happened?" Ralph asked, trying to maintain composure as he walked further into the kitchen. He noticed that Laura was clutching her hand in pain, looking closer, he saw blood dripping from her hand, into the sink.


In reflex, he grabbed her hand and opened it up for him to see. There it was; a huge cut on her wrist. Ralph was too speechless and shocked. He wondered in what manner she got such an injury.


He didn't spare a minute. He stretched her hand to the sink, turned the tap on and washed the blood that stained her hands. Closing it shut, he instructed, "Come with me."


Walking her at a more cautious pace, they finally reached the couch of his office. As Laura sat, Ralph briskly walked to his wardrobe, fixated behind the couch, and retrieved a First Aid box from it. "Stay still," he ordered when he returned to the couch as he opened the box.


Laura saw as he unbuttoned the first and second buttons on his shirt, revealing his firm neck and his structured collarbone. He also unbuttoned his wrist buttons and proceeded to roll his sleeves up to his elbows, revealing his veiny arms. It was then she saw it.


There was a huge birthmark on his left hand, it was positioned on the inside of his elbow. It was big enough and would seem like a tattoo at first glance. Laura was shocked when she saw this; her eyes widened and her teeth clenched in confusion. At the same time, it all began to make sense.


The naked man who spent the night with her. No wonder Ralph appeared too familiar, no wonder his presence did a thousand and one things to her. It was all because…


Her billionaire boss was her baby's father.