Chapter 2: Exploding Corpse

"Ahhh..." I screamed as soon as I came to my senses, frantically grabbing the rope to climb back up as if my life depended on it.

But I hadn't climbed more than a meter when a strong light suddenly shone from above, followed by my senior officer's cold voice, "What's the matter with you? Haven't you seen a corpse before?"

I looked up to see her squatting at the well's edge, her face full of disdain. Her words made me feel a lot better.

Quickly, I looked down and saw a large corpse floating in the water. I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I wasn't scared of corpses. After six months in the Cold Case Squad, I'd seen plenty of bodies and was quite desensitized. My earlier reaction was purely due to Li's ghost stories. Seeing someone suddenly appear behind me made my mind jump to the worst conclusions.

Given the well's small size, the stiff corpse couldn't lie flat or face down but floated upright in the water, making it appear as if she was standing.

Realizing it was just a corpse, I felt much better and began to examine the grotesquely swollen female body closely.

After death, bacteria inside the body, no longer controlled by the immune system, proliferate rapidly, producing large amounts of foul-smelling gases. These gases cause the body to swell like a balloon, a phenomenon known as "giantism."

Clearly, this corpse had reached that state. Bodies in such an advanced state of decomposition become grotesquely bloated, their faces unrecognizable, their skin turning a sickly green. It was horrifying and nauseating, especially due to the overwhelming stench.

"Stop staring and get the body out," snapped Officer Zhang Yihan from above.

"Senior Officer, the body is already in a state of giantism. I can't handle it alone," I replied, feeling a bit helpless. She was being quite unreasonable.

"Didn't you see the body when you went down?" Old Ge suddenly leaned over the well and asked.

"No, I didn't," I replied, puzzled by his question.

"Was the body submerged before?" Old Ge's expression changed suddenly. "Watch out for an exploding corpse. Get out of there, now!"

"Ahhh..." I screamed again, desperately climbing up the rope. My heart was pounding. I'd heard many veterans talk about how bodies in giantism could explode, spraying putrid remains everywhere.

I climbed with all my might. Just as my head emerged from the well, I heard a loud "boom" from below.

A powerful shockwave burst out from the well, followed by an unbearable stench. The blast propelled me out of the well, and I rolled several times on the ground.

A "torrential rain" of putrid water and body parts showered down. I looked around to see the area within four or five meters of the well drenched in greenish water and bits of decomposed flesh.

Old Ge, Officer Zhang, and I were soaked. Officer Li, who had kept his distance, was the only one spared, though he was vomiting profusely.

I was shaken. The explosive power of a body in giantism was incredible, especially in a confined space. It seemed the body had been submerged before floating to the surface due to the disturbance I caused.

Old Ge's quick thinking saved me from a potentially deadly explosion. Reflecting on this later, I still felt a chill down my spine.

We reeked of decay and couldn't continue working. We called the Baiqu County Police to secure the scene.

After they arrived, Old Ge and Officer Zhang arranged for them to guard the site, and we left.

Officer Li wanted to go home, but Officer Zhang insisted he come back to our hotel.

After showering and eating, we interrogated Officer Li. We needed to know when the "hauntings" at the Guo family yard began, suspecting the cries for help were actually the dead woman in the well.

Li's answers only deepened the mystery. The hauntings began two or three years ago, contradicting our initial theory.

However, Li mentioned something intriguing. In recent years, several people had committed suicide by jumping into the well, known locally as "King Yama's Well."

We dismissed the supernatural explanation, considering it might be a serial murder case spanning years, with the well as a dumping site.

We continued questioning Li and let him rest after getting some information. Then we began analyzing the case.

I shared my thoughts with Old Ge and Officer Zhang, who seemed to have reached similar conclusions. If this were a serial murder case, the Guo family members were prime suspects.

However, we needed evidence, not just conjecture. Our immediate task was to determine the time of death for the woman in the well.

Research shows that bodies typically reach giantism in 3-7 days during spring and fall, 2-3 days in summer, and 15-30 days in winter. Given it was fall, she had likely been dead for four or five days. But the well's cooler temperature complicated the estimation.

Only forensic analysis could provide a precise time of death.

Exhausted, we discussed the next day's tasks and investigation direction before resting.

The next morning, we arrived at the Guo family yard by seven. About thirty police officers were present to assist us, including the county's deputy police chief, indicating their respect for our squad.

Given the Cold Case Squad's reputation, no one wanted to offend us. Failure to solve cases, especially those under Ministry of Public Security supervision, could cost them their jobs.

Old Ge and Officer Zhang gave instructions to the officers, leaving only five of them and us three at the scene, including Officer Li.

Officer Zhang circled the well, then smiled at me. I immediately sensed something bad coming.

Sure enough, she said, "Lin, get ready to go down the well again..."

I was frustrated. Why me, when so many others were available?

Reading my thoughts, Officer Zhang smiled again, "I don't trust outsiders. They might contaminate the scene..."

She was beautiful, but at that moment, I found her smile quite annoying.

Was she trying to make me quit? I wouldn't fall for it.

Determined, I gritted my teeth and prepared to descend again.