Chapter 10: Secret Capture

"Criticize yourself, my foot..." That's what I wanted to say to our team leader. Although I held back, I was genuinely furious.

We risked our lives, almost losing them, and instead of praise, we got a scolding. At that moment, I felt a strong urge to just quit.

However, Zhang Yihan was obviously less tolerant than I was. The leader scolded me first before telling me to hand the phone to her. She listened quietly for about thirty seconds. I could hear our leader's roaring voice even though I was standing next to her. Then, Zhang Yihan suddenly snapped, "Old man, you think we'll just come back because you say so? If we don't catch the killer with our own hands, I'd rather die than return!"

She finished her rant by smashing the phone to the ground.

Damn, that phone belonged to Jin Zhijian, the newly arrived team leader of Squad Five in our investigation unit.

No wonder, if it had been her own iPhone 5, would she have smashed it so confidently?

Seeing this, I finally understood why so many people in our unit feared her. Our team leader in the Cold Case Squad was indeed old, but how many people in our entire provincial police department would dare to call him "old man"?

Silently, I gave Zhang Yihan a thumbs-up in my mind and supported her openly by saying, "Exactly, even if we haven't achieved much, we've still worked hard!"

"Who cares about your hard work? The officials take all the credit, and we foot soldiers bear all the blame," Zhang Yihan said before turning to leave. As she walked away, she didn't forget to call me, "Xiao Lin, let's go!"

I was conflicted at that moment. I wanted to catch those killers myself and join Zhang Yihan. But if I followed her, it would be a clear violation of orders.

I was caught in a dilemma.

This case finally had some leads, and the mastermind was starting to show himself. It would be much easier to catch them now. Should we just let this opportunity slip away?

While I was still undecided, Jin Zhijian, the leader of the squad, suddenly said, "Xiao Lin, do you really want to break the rules with her? You're not the same as her. At most, she'll get a reprimand. But don't forget, you're still not officially employed. If you follow her, forget about continuing as a cop!"

Hearing this, I finally gave in.

I looked apologetically at Zhang Yihan in the distance and walked over to Jin Zhijian and the others.

I admired Zhang Yihan's personality and wanted to be as free-spirited as her, but I couldn't. I didn't become a cop just for myself; I had something important to do.

"Hmph..." Zhang Yihan glanced at me disdainfully and walked away. Her look was full of contempt, as if she was saying she looked down on me.

At the same time, the three from the Cold Case Squad also looked at me with disdain.

At that moment, I felt like I didn't belong anywhere.

Then, Jin Zhijian patted my shoulder and said, "Xiao Lin, that's more like it. I heard your father committed suicide after raping and killing someone. I thought you might be as lustful as him, losing your mind over a pretty woman."

"What do you mean by that, Jin Zhijian?" I couldn't hold back and shouted at him. Jin Zhijian was a senior member of the Cold Case Squad, but he was from the Fourth Team, and I was from the Fifth Team. I didn't have to listen to him. Most importantly, he had crossed the line.

Jin Zhijian smirked, "Oh, Xiao Lin, quite a temper you have! You're just an intern, and you're already shouting at me. Do you believe I can have you fired with just one word?" Jin Zhijian shouted the last part at me.

I was so angry my face turned blue, but I couldn't find the words to reply.

"Jin Zhijian..." Just as I didn't know what to do, Zhang Yihan suddenly turned back. She walked over, pushed me aside, and pointed at Jin Zhijian's nose, saying fiercely, "You're nothing but a scoundrel!"

"Heh, Zhang Yihan, no need to get so worked up at me. The decision to call you back was made by the leader and your team leader," Jin Zhijian said smugly.

When we came to investigate this case, Jin Zhijian had competed with us. Back then, Zhang Yihan had argued with him, but in the end, the leader sent us. Now, with us halfway through the investigation, he was sent to replace us, so of course, he was smug.

Zhang Yihan suddenly smiled, "I take back what I said..."

"Heh, that's more like it. We're colleagues, after all. Even if we're from different teams and competitors, our investigation unit promotes healthy competition..."

"I mean, you're not a scoundrel, you're a bastard..." Zhang Yihan interrupted. Jin Zhijian's smile froze instantly.

"Xiao Lin, let's go. Don't forget who leads this team. I'll take all the responsibility, and you won't get into trouble. Even if I get fired, I promise nothing will happen to you!" Zhang Yihan said, pulling me away.

Hearing her words, I was really moved. A woman willing to take the fall for me—if I continued being a coward, I wouldn't be a man.

"Damn it, if breaking the rules is what it takes, so be it. If we solve the case, I refuse to believe the leader would really fire me." With this thought, I followed Zhang Yihan.

However, we hadn't walked far when Jin Zhijian muttered, "A pair of dogs..."

Before he could finish, Zhang Yihan spun around and charged at him. Before I could react, I heard a scream, "Owww..."

When I turned around, I saw Jin Zhijian lying on the ground. I didn't know how Zhang Yihan did it, but from the way he clutched his groin, it was clear he'd been attacked there.

"Jin Zhijian, everyone knows I have a bad temper. Why didn't you believe it?" Zhang Yihan said disdainfully before striding away.

Damn, I almost kneeled before her.

She left, but the rest of us were stunned. There were more than twenty local police officers present. They'd probably seen civilians fighting a lot, but this might have been the first time they'd seen police fighting each other. I guess only someone like Zhang Yihan could pull this off.

Even Jin Zhijian was stunned. He lay on the ground, clutching his groin, staring at Zhang Yihan's receding figure in pain.

Seeing Jin Zhijian's gritted teeth, Zhang Yihan became my goddess at that moment.

When I snapped out of it, I quickly followed her.

Damn, that was satisfying!

I followed Zhang Yihan out of the village without saying a word. I wanted to thank her or praise her, but I didn't dare. Zhang Yihan looked furious, and I was afraid she'd take it out on me. The best thing to do was to keep silent. "Less talk, less trouble," as they say.

While waiting for a car at the village entrance, Zhang Yihan coldly said, "How could you be so spineless? Everyone knows your father was wronged. How could you tolerate that insult?"

"..." I looked at her, saying nothing.

Seeing me silent, she glanced at me and said, "Forget it. Don't overthink it. I know you joined the Cold Case Squad to investigate your father's case. I'll help you find those files when I get the chance..."

"Thank you!" I said gratefully.

My father died when I was very young. He was a university professor and died in his dorm with a female student. It was a sensational case, initially believed to be a rape-murder-suicide, but later found to be a wrongful accusation. If my father had been guilty, I wouldn't have passed the police vetting.

In fact, I didn't really want to be a cop. But my father's case was never solved, and I wanted to catch the real culprit. It was a mysterious campus locked-room murder case, classified as a cold case. I learned about it from an uncle who was close to my father. That's why I worked hard to join the Cold Case Squad. But since I'm still not officially employed, I can't access the archives. Hearing Zhang Yihan's offer, I was deeply moved.

I suddenly regretted taking advantage of her in the water earlier...

A gentleman should reflect thrice daily. My first reflection today was on my inappropriate actions.

But then I changed my mind. Zhang Yihan suddenly kneed me in the groin, saying, "If you dare take advantage of me again, I'll castrate you..."

Damn, my previous gratitude vanished, replaced by deep regret. I regretted not taking more advantage earlier. I hated myself for being too kind; I'd probably never get another chance.

We flagged down a civilian car on the road. Zhang Yihan arrogantly "commandeered" it and had the driver take us to Baiqu County People's Hospital.

When we found Old Ge in the hospital, he was awake but looked unwell. The doctor said he had a concussion and needed rest, but should recover fine. Knowing Old Ge was okay, we were relieved.

Old Ge was in his fifties, close to retirement. If anything happened to him now, it would be our fault.

But as soon as we entered the ward, Old Ge whispered, "Go arrest Xiao Li immediately. Do it secretly, without involving the local police."