Chapter 28: Exploring the Tunnel

Staring at the pitch-black tunnel beneath the coffin, I couldn't help but curse Zhang Yihan internally. This woman always sent me into dangerous situations while she stayed behind.

"Hurry up and get down there. I'll be here to protect you!" Zhang Yihan's words sounded reassuring, but the reality of me being in the tunnel and her staying up above was laughable.

Of course, I only dared to think these thoughts; I wouldn't dare say them out loud. Being the newbie, I had to listen to Zhang Yihan, even if she didn't have a formal title in our team. Disobeying an experienced officer was an unwritten rule. Plus, Zhao Mingzhu was right there, and I didn't want to cross him.

While I hesitated, Zhao Mingzhu spoke up: "Yihan, you go down with Xiaolin. If there's danger, you can watch each other's backs."

Hearing Zhao Mingzhu say this, I felt elated inside. I shot Zhang Yihan a triumphant look, feeling smug.

"What are you standing there for? Move!" Zhang Yihan glared at me, making it clear she wasn't pleased. I didn't mind her attitude. I had grown used to it.

So, with a flashlight in my mouth, I climbed into the coffin.

The tunnel under the coffin was rectangular, sloping down from the coffin. Once inside, I saw it extended into two pitch-black passages—one towards the mountain, the other towards the marsh. My flashlight revealed that both tunnels curved out of sight about twenty meters ahead.

"What's it like down there? Check for any ghosts. If there are ghosts, I won't come down," Zhang Yihan joked, trying to scare me. I gave her an annoyed look and reported to Zhao Mingzhu instead. "Captain Zhao, there are two dark tunnels about twenty meters ahead. No immediate signs of anything unusual."

"Alright, proceed cautiously. Check for any clues," Zhao Mingzhu advised.

Upon hearing this, I began examining the ground carefully. Soon, I found distinct footprints—one deep and one shallow—along with marks from a cane.

The tunnel was clearly old, with loose dirt on the floor showing clear footprints.

"Captain, I've found the old man's tracks," I announced excitedly. The mysterious old man seemed to move through Lotus Village unnoticed by others. I believed he might be behind the strange occurrences and deaths.

"Show me," Zhang Yihan said, climbing down into the tunnel.

I pointed to the footprints. "Here, heading towards the mountain."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go," Zhang Yihan commanded, leading the way.

"Hold on, take these knives just in case," Zhao Mingzhu handed us each a machete.

We set off, Zhang Yihan in the lead and me following. The tunnel was only half a person high, forcing us to crouch as we moved. It was also narrow, only allowing one person to pass at a time.

After several twists and turns, we encountered a fork in the tunnel. Here, the old man's tracks abruptly ended. The two new tunnels were covered in spider webs, suggesting they hadn't been used in years.

Seeing this, I recalled my first encounter with the old man on the mountainside. His tracks had vanished similarly, and I had assumed I missed them. Now, it seemed he might have a way of disappearing.

"Sis, these tunnels look abandoned. We probably don't need to check them," I suggested, feeling uneasy.

"Scaredy-cat, even a woman like me isn't afraid," Zhang Yihan mocked, then headed into the right tunnel. "We'll split up. If you see a ghost, scream and I'll come save you. My grandmother used to say that if you see a ghost, just kiss it."

Annoyed, I shot back, "Did she also say to strip naked when you see a ghost?"

"Get lost!" Zhang Yihan snapped, brandishing her skeletal hand. I dodged, and she continued into the right tunnel, cutting through webs and roots.

I cautioned her, "If you encounter another fork, don't go further. We might get lost."

Ignoring me, she soon vanished around a bend. I entered the left tunnel, determined not to appear cowardly.

Cutting through the obstacles, I proceeded cautiously. Soon, I reached a bend, beyond which the tunnel was clear and stretched far into the distance.

Realizing this passage was exceptionally long, I decided it wasn't worth exploring alone. Just as I turned to leave, I heard a cough from the dark tunnel behind me.

My nerves tightened, and I quickly shone my flashlight back into the tunnel, seeing nothing.

"Who's there?" I called out, but there was no response.

Turning to leave again, I heard the cough once more from the tunnel. This time, I was certain it was the old man. I hurried forward, but just as I reached the bend, I heard Zhang Yihan scream behind me.

"Yihan!" I shouted, rushing back to the fork. I dashed into the right tunnel, only to find another long, straight passage.

Desperate, I called her name repeatedly as I ran, but there was no answer.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my arm from the right side.

"Ah!" I screamed, swinging my flashlight wildly. The light revealed Zhang Yihan, who blocked my swing.

"Are you trying to kill me?" she snapped.

"Are you crazy? Why did you scream?" I yelled back, thinking she was pulling another prank. But I was wrong.

"Look," she said, stepping aside. I saw a bloodied figure lying in the tunnel ahead.

It was Elder Ge, missing and covered in blood.