Chapter 10: Favor.

"I want your son."

I felt amusement as I pronounced these words. From another point of view, it could be understood as a marriage proposal. But I don't think he's stupid enough to think about that.


His response was firm and immediate, in response I just smiled. Just from my memories of Mo Hei Xin, I already understood Zheng Wei's overprotective nature towards his son. Although he stood his ground, he looked at me uncertainly as he knew what I would say next.

The reason behind his overprotective nature towards his son and his strange reaction towards my smile are interconnected. The reason is quite sad, since everything originated from the position he currently holds in The Celestial Court.

The fight for control of the Heavenly Court can be very savage, using methods that very few heartless people would do. Unfortunately, he was one of the victims of these dastardly tactics.

Zheng Wei is a person with honest and fair nature. His name, which means 'justice', honors his way of being, given that he prioritizes justice over personal interests and adversities. Sadly, not everyone is like him.

The position of Court Leader was contested by the former Court Leader's two disciples, and Zheng Wei was the elder of the two. The two students were opposite sides of the same coin. Unlike Zheng Wei, His martial brother resorts to many unorthodox and questionable methods to achieve his goals. It is quite confusing to me how he became a disciple of the former Leader with that character of his.

After a long struggle, the position was awarded to the man in front of me.

Months after this event, his beloved wife became pregnant. It would have been a very joyful event for everyone, since the eldest son of the current Court Leader would be born. But all that was a faded illusion; since the day his son was born was also the day his wife died.

This could be considered unfortunate; but not impossible, in my old world. But in this world, it is absurd. It must be taken into account that his wife was not a normal cultivator, she was in the void stage; only two whole realms shorter than me. Those who have reached that level do not die from a simple birth that went wrong.

Nothing else was uploaded publicly for a long time. It was not until years later that an event arose that shocked many. The public execution of the youngest disciple of the former Court Leader was announced. Even the stupidest people could connect dots and guess the reason. But they also knew what; Although the position was granted to Zheng Wei, the former Leader pampered his younger disciple more. Everyone believed that he would appear and annul the conviction; but strangely nothing was heard from him since that day.

The story may be confusing to many, but not to me. Since I am the cause of this strange event.

Days before the sentence was announced, he appeared before me; He knelt down and begged for my help. I was quite interested in what drove him to such extremes, so I listened carefully to his story.

Apparently, his martial brother poisoned his wife with a poison called Moral Dilemma. The name may not sound very intimidating, but its effect is very sinister.

The toxin only takes effect if it is found simultaneously in two individuals related by blood. In that case, if one of the two does not die of their own free will, both will. It must be considered that the poison is for single use; and that, the poison will be different, even if you use the same ingredients. Therefore, it is useless if you give the toxin to people who have blood relations. It only takes effect on living beings that give birth from their own body.

The toxin has no effect on men but can cause severe trauma for women. Since, when giving birth, the condition is met for the effect to be activated. As if that were not enough, the symptoms only appear when the child is outside of its mother's body. Therefore, you have to choose whether to commit suicide, or murder your own son.

I felt sympathy for the man, it was a method that not even I would use. While I like torturing those who deserve it, I don't want to resort to using family ties against them.

I thought that your favor would be to retain your master from participating in this matter. But unlike my thoughts, he asked me to kill him. I was surprised by his words; I didn't think that someone of his nature would ask me for something like that. As it turns out, that wasn't the whole story. Apparently, the former Leader was aware of everything, and despite this, he covered up for his youngest disciple until that day.

Outwardly I showed neutrality; but internally, I felt compassion for him. Despite everything, I was not going to accept his request for free.

'You will owe me a favor, and I will use it whenever I want. I hope you are aware of what it means to owe me a favor, and not pay it back.'

I could see the determination in his eyes at that moment, as he responded immediately. I always ask the same thing to anyone who approaches me for help, so they must have been conscious by now.

After accepting their deal, I disappeared in front of him, only to appear seconds later with his master's head in my hands.

I noticed the disbelief in his eyes when he saw the object in my hands. The person he couldn't get over in his entire life was killed by me in seconds. After lifting his head with his trembling hands, he returned from where he came with unsteady steps.

Two days after that, he executed his wife's murderer with his own hands.

And now, I'm going to use the favor that I've been saving for years. While I can threaten to kill him, I don't want to. Mo Hei Xin was not like that, and neither am I.

"Are you going to use it now? I don't think my son is worthy of such a great honor."

"You have nothing to fear, I will only ask to speak to your son. I will not force you to deliver it to me with your own hands. I won't do anything to harm him either, I just want to help him a little; He looks a lot like my younger self."

"My son similar to you? Help?"

Distrust was clearly written on his face. I understand that it may seem strange to many, but I don't have the need to explain anything to him.

"I've already been indulgent, don't make me repeat it."

"…, I agree."


I think there are very few words in this chapter

But I don't want to fill it with filler information

I'm sorry, tomorrow there will be more