Chapter 0: Infinite Knowledge

Georges Richard blinked in the dim light of the expansive hall, his eyes adjusting to the strange glow that bathed the immense rows of bookshelves.

"The Primordial Origin Library," he murmured to himself. Hearing, the name Georges felt cold shivers running down his scalp, as a mix of awe and curiosity invaded his very self. He had no idea where he was or how he had arrived there, it was suffocating when one thought about it.

He stood there in silence. He was unsure where to begin and where to go, as the library was gigantic. "Where do I start? There are so many shelves here... I can't even see the end of them. Who created this library? What is its purpose?"

The scent of ancient parchments was fairly thick, hung in the air as Georges' nostrils absorbed them. The silence there was as nearly absolute, it was insufferable. 

Georges hesitantly moved towards the spine of a nearby book. Raising his hand, he placed it on the book; the leather cover was cold and smooth like a jade under his five fingers, and he felt a strange energy pulsating through it, as if threatening to gush out of him.

"What kind of energy is this? Are all the books here like this?"

His eyes scanned the titles, written in an unfamiliar language that strangely he could read without difficulty.

Then a book caught his attention: "Celestial Dragon Fist."

"What is this book about? Perhaps martial arts, judging by the name," murmured Georges, intrigued.

The title was in gold, and the cover showed a dragon coiled around a martial artist in mid-strike. Georges carefully pulled the book from the shelf and opened it, the pages gently crackling.

The initial pages contained complex diagrams of stances and movements. The following pages detailed the "Celestial Dragon Fist," a technique that directed the practitioner's inner energy, or Qi, into their fists, allowing them to strike with the force of a dragon's tail.

"I was right, it is about martial arts! This is incredible! Could I learn this?" Georges' eyes gleamed with a radiant light.

With closed eyes, he imagined himself in mid-air, levitating above the ground, facing a formidable opponent. He visualized each movement, each strike as described in the book, preparing to execute the Celestial Dragon Fist.

Georges felt a strange energy coursing through his body as he imagined himself performing the Celestial Dragon Fist. "How strange! Just imagining it makes me feel this way. Imagine if I actually start training!"

He thought about the other techniques the books could contain and, without further ado, picked up another book.

"Wow," exclaimed Georges, flipping through the pages quickly. The book featured a martial art called the "Dragon's Roar," a Qi-infused shout capable of stunning opponents. Another book he found detailed the "Flight of the Dragon," a series of agile jumps and spins that made the user as fast as a shadow.

"This is simply fantastic! What else does this library have?" Georges exclaimed, surprised.

Setting aside the martial arts books, Georges was drawn to another, with a dark green cover: "Pill of Eternal Flame: A Guide to Alchemy."

"Pills... to become an alchemist like in cultivation novels?"

The book's pages were filled with amazing recipes for elixirs, each more incredible than the last. For example, the "Essence of the Phoenix Pill", a pill that promised to heal even the gravest wounds and grant temporary immortality. But for being refined, the pill required rare ingredients such as Phoenix feathers, Dragon blood, and a special herb called Moonlight Petal.

The illustrations in the were extremely detailed, with the precise steps to follow to prepare the pill, from carefully grinding the ingredients to the exact temperature required for melt them and combine them into an pill.

"If I can master this, I would be with no equal. But, I can't let this make me arrogant, I can be confident but not arrogant like these cliche young masters."

Next, he had picked up a slender book titled "Celestial Talismans: Symbols of Power." The book was full of complex symbols and enchantments, each designed to harness different types of energy. There was the "Talisman of Protection," a simple yet powerful amulet that could create an invisible shield around the bearer, deflecting physical attacks and others.

"This could be very useful in combat."

Another incredible talisman, was a talisman called the "Talisman of Agility," which, when activated increased the one's speed and agility to abnormal levels compared to one's initial speed. The instructions were very clear, showing how to draw the symbols and infuse them with one's Qi; it was almost impossible to make multiples mistake consecutively.

"With this, I could move like the wind."

The last book that caught his attention was a hefty tome with a dark blue cover: "Mystical Formations: The Art of Spatial Manipulation."

The pages were filled with detailed diagrams of various formations, each a complex arrangement of symbols and energies designed to manipulate space and reality.

"Manipulating space? Is that even real?"

One formation, the "Celestial Portal Array," could create a portal to another location, allowing instant travel across vast distances.

"Instant travel... this would change everything."

The formation required the precise placement of talismans and an immense amount of Qi to activate.

Another, the "Stormcaller Array," could summon a fierce storm, complete with thunder, lightning, and torrential rain.

"The descriptions are so vivid... I can almost hear the thunder." Georges couldn't stop smiling, knowing he was in a library that harbored cultivation secrets, much like the novels he read in his previous world.

He knew that with this library, absorbing the knowledge within, he could become a master of cultivation, alchemy, talismans, formations, or even smithing, though he had not found anything about the latter.

However, that didn't stop him from being happy. He could dominate a cultivation world with the information from the Primordial Origin Library.

Georges couldn't contain his curiosity and excitement. So he continued to explore the books of the Primordial Origin Library.

He quickly skimmed through a book titled "Chronicles of Qi Masters," absorbing the legacy of legendary practitioners who mastered advanced cultivation techniques. With each turned page, his understanding of the art of cultivation expanded.

Time seemed to lose its meaning in the Primordial Origin Library. Georges didn't realize how many days had passed since he entered the library; he was completely absorbed in satisfying his curiosity.

The light that bathed the bookshelves remained constant, with no signs of night or day outside.

Exploring a volume titled "Spiritual Manifestations: Communication with Divine Beings," he found himself immersed in knowledge that was infinitely different from the usual information on Earth.

Each book, a new information, from cultivation methods, martial arts techniques to formations and then to alchemy, formations and smithing.

Georges experienced the sensation of touching ancient cultivation's secrets themselves, as if he were becoming part of something greater than himself. Like a an Immortal Emperor that lived for countless eons. 

He spent days, nights, hours, seconds, minutes, months, weeks, reading multiple of book in the library…. Then, years passed without Georges realizing it. 

Without any warning, "some little years" had passed since he had appeared in the Primordial Origin Library