Chapter 2: Huang Longtian

Georges stood in a sea of green grass, the heat of the sun was shining down on him as he breathed in deeply, feeling life pulsing around him. 

He could already tell that this wasn't Earth; it was likely a world where only the strong survived and thrived—a cultivation world where danger and fortune went hand in hand. 

Of course, he couldn't be 100% certain it was a cultivation world, but his extensive experience in the Primordial Origin Library led him to believe it was.

After all, he hadn't spent 100,000 years in the library studying cultivation-related books for nothing, no ? 

So, he was 99% certain that he was in a cultivation world.

"Hm, since I've been transferred to another world, it wouldn't make sense to keep a name like Georges Richard," Georges said, stroking his forehead. "It would be awkward and out of place. I should probably change my name. When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"Huang Longtian," he murmured to himself. The more he repeated the name, the more he liked it. It felt powerful, incorporating the chinese characters for "Emperor," "Heaven," and "Dragon."

Since he wasn't sure if he could return to his previous world, this new name would symbolize his fresh start in this new world.

Finished with naming himself, Huang Longtian began to move through the forest. As he walked, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and vibrancy of this world. The towering trees swayed gently as if beckoning the wind.

The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers and the sounds of unseen insects. The environment was full of life and vitality, a stark contrast to the calm and stillness of the Primordial Origin Library.

However, Huang Longtian remained cautious. Despite the allure of this new and colorful world, he knew that it could be a mask for danger, and that risks lurked in any world, including this one.

He was not that naive. He was in an unknown forest and, lacking any cultivation, was vulnerable to both beasts and humans. 

Therefore, he couldn't help but to remain extremely cautious.He had learned from various novels that he had read, that he couldn't play when his life was on line or he would pay the price.

'Hm, should I try sensing the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth while I walk? So that even if I don't have any cultivation, I could cast some formation spells to protect myself when needed,' though Huang Longtian as he feet covered more ground  in the forest.

With that thought in mind, Huang Longtian immediately shut his eyes and tried to feel the concentration of Spiritual Qi in His surroundings. 

However, he didn't let that distract him as he knew perfectly where he was, it also because of this he didn't want to delay acquiring some self-protection methods. 

He had to protect himself or he would die a doggy death.

He didn't know if the Primordial Origin Library had modified his body or not, but he was even able to recall the all of his 100,000 years on the Primordial Origin Library like it was yesterday.

Gradually, the Huang Longtian began to spread his awareness through his body and outside into the Spiritual Qi that permeated the world around him. 


His heart raced for a moment, and he could feel the Spiritual Qi currents giving him a sort of thrill. A wave of Spiritual Qi surged through his body, washing his meridians, skin and bones. 

It was an extremely pleasant feeling, as if he was bathing in a holy pool devoid of any impurities. It had a familiarity yet one could not put their finger on it. 

While he had been in the Primordial Origin Library he had familiarised himself with the feeling of trying absorbing Spiritual Qi and managing it but it felt very different in this new world. 

The Spiritual Qi here was much denser than anything he could experience behind the protection of the Primordial Origin Library's walls. 

'Should I try cultivating right here? No, I shouldn't. It would probably attract too much attention…'

Huang Longtian didn't act recklessly, although he was very excited to try out the formidable cultivation methods that he had acquired. 

He understood that his cultivation methods could cause some special manifestations, specifically the one he had already chosen to cultivate as it might draw the attention of the not very friendly parties. 

Normally, cultivation worlds were filled with dangers which were quite obvious, and there were those one could not even perceive, so he was not eager to attract unnecessary attention or enmity. 

If he were suddenly captured by an extremely powerful cultivator, he would have to sacrifice nearly everything to save himself, so it wasn't worth the risk.

Silently like a true hunter, Huang Longtian went through the forest as he continued absorbing Spiritual Qi. 

He was quite sensitive to the endangering presence of different wild beast, some of which he could defeat while others when lethal to him. He moved around cautiously and skillfully, thus apprehensive of both the powerful and the frail wild beast should he confront them.

The trees themselves had noises in the wind blowing through the branches and faint grumbles in the distance. 

The connection between the danger and his heightened awareness was evident in Huang Longtian's vigilance and complete focus on his surroundings.

He understood that he needed to be ten times more intelligent than the average person, and he had to be exceptionally careful and cautious, as even a brief lapse could cost him his life.

As Huang Longtian was walking through the forest, he encountered  a small group of people. 

And he was surprised; they were Efls! 

Standing at the core of the group was a stunning young woman whose beauty could only be compared to an angel's. 

Her ears were pointy, as her silver and blue eyes shimmered with a captivating depth, and her movements were so elegant that she appeared to be schooled like a princess. 

She wore exquisite cultivator robes that accentuated her ethereal grace, adding to her enchanting presence. 

She was followed by several men that seemed to be her bodyguards. 

The moment when Huang Longtian approached the group, having left the narrow circle, he suddenly felt that group were tensing. 

The men glanced at him and clenched their weapons as tension arose within the forest. 

There was one man with pointed ears which was quite tall, and rather menacing, who gave him a look of pure and utter hatred. 

"What the hell do you want? Who are you, and what are you doing here?" the aggressive looking man demanded, his tone nervous yet menacing.

Appearing expressionless, Huang Longtian looked directly into his eyes. "I came into this in this forest looking for some rare herbs and ended up lost. I mean no harm." 

The young woman's eyebrows raised. 

The group was equally surprised and speechless. Where had this foolish human come from? And how could anyone get lost in the Fallen Desolate Forest?!

The aggressive man's eyes narrowed dangerously. "What an 'unfortunate' story. Your origins are suspicious and you could very well be an assassin sent to kill my young miss. We can't take any chances."

Huang Longtian's eyes glinted with an icy light. 

Did this man intend to kill him? His senses had been sharpened by the Primordial Origin Library, so allowing him to easily detect the man's killing intent.

However, at that moment, the young woman stepped forward, instantly drawing everyone's attention. 

"That's enough, Yu," she said softly, her tone brimming with authority. "We have no evidence that he's a threat. Even if he were, a normal human couldn't possibly dream of hurting me."

After what could have been a long pause, Yu shifted his gaze from Huang Longtian and his young miss before he responded: "But, Young Miss Leng—" 

Young Miss Leng raised a hand, silencing him and indicating that she would no longer listen to him. 

She turned to Huang Longtian, her cold gaze, penetrating yet strangely gentle. "You are welcome to join us, but as we're in tight position you will probably encounter danger if travel with us."

Huang Longtian looked at this so-called Young Miss Leng for a moment, surprised. How did she have that? Interesting, very interesting...

Reflecting on her words, Huang Longtian knew that they didn't had any deceit. He also had no clear direction or knowledge of this world, and accepting her offer seemed the most prudent course of action.

"Thank you," he replied. "I will accompany you."

Yu's face twisted in anger. "Young Miss Leng, you can't be serious! This man could be a spy or worse. We have a duty to protect you, and taking such a risk isn't prudent!"

Young Miss Leng heard his voice but  she  ignored him, her focus solely on Huang Longtian. "What is your name?" she asked, her voice icy.

"Huang," Huang Longtian said, meeting her cold blue eyes. "My name is Huang Longtian."