I am escorted to Orange Peak Public Hugh School by Jewel. We walk along the sidewalk in silence. I can't believe my mom did something like this again. She's always doing things that involve me without involving me in them. It's almost like I have no say. Scratch that the hierarchy at the Marcus household goes mom, sis, dad, then myself at the bottom of the pole.
I'm by no means bullied. I get anything I want. I am spoiled by my family, yet they spoil me too much by being overprotective. Not that I have a right to complain. If I did my mom and sister would go even further by placing a guard to sleep with me all night. The thought alone sends shivers down my spine. After thinking about how unfair my life is we has made it to the school.
Girls wearing skirts as far as the eye could see. Some were prim and proper while others looked more, how to put it, wild then the rest. The wild girls, I prefer calling them aliens, wore their skirts short enough that you could almost see their panties. The top button of their blouse would be unhooked, and they were extremely loud talkers unlike any creature I've ever seen, thus they are aliens. After watching a scene of two aliens playing leap frog together, Jewel led me to the office to sign in and receive my things for class.
Inside the office sat a young, beautiful woman in her early twenties looking at her computer. She looked up and noticed Jewel and I standing there.
"My apologies," she cried," I didn't realize that a student was in here." She offered a handshake but Jewel stopped her. Her eyes began to pop out of her head. She was shocked, frankly I was shocked too. Too shocked to say anything.
"Please refrain from touching Mr. Marcus."
Whoa, I didn't think Jewel could have such an attitude with how playful she was with me when she kidnapped, I mean stopped me from running away earlier. But that's beside the point.
"I'm so sorry," yelled the woman, "I meant absolutely no harm or disrespect. My name is Aki Smith. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled as she got my things I'd need for class such as notebooks, pencils, and textbooks.
"I am June Marcus," I responded with a smile, "it's a pleasure to meet you. Judging from your name I'd guess you are half Japanese. " Ms. Aki looked shocked. She probably didn't think I knew about Japanese names, or she hated the fact that I blurted out she is not from America or something. I'll never know.
She blushed as she urged us to follow her to my classroom. I looked at Jewel and she shrugged. I don't know either ok Jewel. You should know from my file I am the world's worst. When I open my mouth s**t just falls out. Ugh.
We follow Ms.Smith, I won't call her Aki since I obviously made her angry enough to almost blow up, to my classroom. She turned away and went back to the office faster than a rabbit when it flees from a lion.
I stand there, sweating and shaking. I'm obviously scared alright. The creatures behind this door are evil. The only females I've dealt with on a day to day basis that were normal were my mom and sister, the rest were always, odd. So as I'm preparing myself Jewel opens the door and kicks me in. She doesn't guide, she doesn't give me a push ok the back she kicks me. She kicks my a** alright. As I fall face first ìnto class I realize that I'm about to mess myself. MOM LET ME COME HOME!!