Family Outing

Prime City 

(Mech flying over the city)

(Trackers talking on communicators)

Mech: I don't see any crime over this part of the city.

Half: Keep on looking. After Triangle breakout crime has been up.

Power: You telling me. I stop a bankk robbery and car chase in 5 minutes.

Mech: Fine I'll keep looking.

(Mech turing off his communicator)

(Mech scanning the area)

(Mech detecting something)

Mech: That's interesting.

(Mech flying down at empty street)

Mech: I thought some technology was at this spot.

(Mech using his powers to turn off the jet camouflage mode)

Mech: Fansating.

Fenris: Don't touch it you fool, you will turn on the jet's defense systems.

(Fenris appearing)

(Mech blushes)

Mech: Fenris I thought you went back to your country.

Fenris: Why were you hoping I was leaving?

Mech: No I was just thought you had to go back to rule your country.

Fenris: Well I have some unfinished business involving you.

Mech: We're not going to fight again are we, I'm still feeling your last punches.

Fenris: No I 'm just returning a favor .

(Fenris uses a high tech electrical device that knocks Mech unconscious)

Fenris: Sorry Mech.

(Fenris carries Mech to her jet)

(Half and Power flying over Mech and Fenris area)

(Half uses his communicator)

Half: Mech Mech. His not answering.

Power: Mech always answers something wrong.

Half: Look.

(Both of them seeing Fenris flying of with Mech)

Power: Is that Fenris.

Half: And she taking Mech. Quick we have to catch up.

(Both of them fly after the jet but in it moves at sonic speed)

Power: Please tell me you noise can smell across the ocean.

Ferality, Lab

(Mech waking up on a lab table)

Mech: Waking up a dissenting table is never good sign.

(Mech getting of the table and looking around)

Mech: Where am I?

David: In a lab in Ferality.

(To scientists walking over)

Mech: Stay back I don't how you tricked Fenris to bring me here but if you hurt her I'll…

Iris: We didn't do anything to her, Max.

Mech: Max, I think you mean Mech.

David: We should know your name we named you.

(Mech shocked)

Prime City, Junkyard 

(Power and Half in the T-Jet)

Power: Please tell me you know how to fly this thing.

Half: No, do you.

Power: Unless testing for space simulator counts.

Half: Mech plans for anything there's must be something in here that will let us track him down.

(A.I. activities)

A.I.: Trackers tracking mode activating.

Power: That is kind of redundant.

A.I.:Who would you like to find?

Half and Power: Mech.

A.I. Tracking Mech's communicator and turning on auto pilot. Sit down please.

Power: Yes ma'am.

(T-Jet flies at super speed)

Fertality, Lab

(Mech and his parents)

Mech: You named me, are you…

Iris: Yes, your parents.

Mech: I don't think so. I know about the lab in Prime City. I know you created me to be a copy of Steel. 

Iris: It seem like you don't remember everything.

David: Let go to the beginning. I was a brilliant young man who dreamed of helping people and the world with my inventions. But not many believe in my ideas except for my big brother, who went to join the military and your mother who I was lucky to meet. We tried to combine technology and organic device that could help people who lost limbs or even once in critical conditions, the Biotic Tool. One day my brother, your uncle, was injured in the line of duty. It looked like he was about to die.

Iris: Until I came to use Biotic tool fix him. It was more the we imagined.

Mech: What happened to him?

Iris: It created a new techno organic body and transferred his mind in it. After that he became the superhero, Steel.

Mech: Steel, you telling me I'm related to my favorite hero Steel. This has to be a dream or something.

David: Is not a dream, after that we tried to recreate the process but we needed help.

Iris: That's when a mysterious group came out of nowhere and promised to help us with our funds.

David: The plan was to create a pure techno organic droids to protect the world.

Mech: So I am some kind a machine and not real person.

Iris: No your are more human then you know.

David: You were always meant to protect the world but you more then we imagined. David when we tried to recreate the process that made Steel we used both of DNA to make sure you were an organic being but also unexpectedly made you into a human child, our child. 

Iris: You were so small and beautiful we immediately loved you when you reached your arms to us.

David: We tried to teach you how use your powers for good but our benefactors had different plans. They wanted to use you as a living weapon but we refused. I called Steel and he stopped them.

Iris: We destroy the Biotic Tool to stop them.

David: But we feared they would be others who wanted to use you, so we had one choose. We put you in the system and went into hiding. We prayed for your safety.

Mech: But why are you here.

Iris: We went to most secure place on Earth, Ferality.

Iris: We were imprisoned by the king for trespassing. Steel came to our rescued and fought the king to a stand still.

Mech: Fenris told me that story when we fought.

David: Yay, she as strong and loyal as her father. After the fighting stopped we explained why we came here. He let us stay. We help them advance their technology.

Iris: We sorry we abandoned you.

David: It was our greatest mistake.

Mech: Don't be sorry, for so long I thought you didn't want me but you only tried to protect me. I love.

Iris: We loved you to Max.

(All three of them hug)

Ferality, Outside the city

(T-Jet flies over them)

Power: So what's the plan.

(T-Jet getting shot by giant energy cannons)

Half: Not getting blasted. A.I. please tell me Mech put in the offense systems. 

A.I. Yes, I would think the force blasts would be the best option.

Power: Ok activate them and aim them at the cannons.

Half: Make sure not to use full power, we are not here to hurt people.

(T-Jet fires the force blast at the cannons disabling)

(Force blast causes a massive shock wave that knocks out the rest of Ferality defenses)

Power: Man, that wasn't on full power.

Half: Let's just fly in.

(Unknown figure run into the city)

(T-Jet fly into the city)

(Half and Power run out)

(Both them surrounded by Fearlity warriors)

(Fenris walks over)

Fenris: Trackers how dare attack my home.

Power: How dare us how dare you kidnapped Mech.

Fenris: Theirs a lot of things you don't know about.

Half: Then explain it to us.

Power: Before we get punchy.

Mech: Stop.

(Mech flys in)

Half: Mech, you ok.

Mech: Yay sorry to worry you. Let me explain.

(Man wearing a cougar themed uniform watches then runs to a building)

Ferality, Lab

(Trackers, Mech's parents, and Fenris talking)

Mech: Then I heard you guys use my force cannons. Still can't believe they packed so much of a punch.

Power: I can't believe you two are his parents.

Half: How did even know he was your son?

David: When we heard Fenris came to America to fight "Steel son" we knew it was you.

Fenris: They help obtain the throne when others say couldn't, so I owe them.

Mech: So I'm guessing my parents told me my real name. So much for secret identity.

Fenris: Don't think I can't keep a secret. You were the very first one who believed in me so I also owe you.

Mech: You don't owe me anything I'm just glad I have someone as cool as you as my friend.

(Both of them blushes)

Iris: I can't believe we're family again.

Power: Does that mean Mech will stay here.

Half: Is his choose.

(Loud boom)

Power: That time that wasn't us.

(Soldier walking in)

Fenris: What's going on.

Soldier: My queen, the Cougar has returned.

Power: Who's that.

Fenris: A traitor of our kingdom, he was a brilliant scientist and warrior before he tried to take the throne from my father. He created tech claws that used mystical energy to give him great power. He was defeated and went to the Triangle.

Half: But now since the breakout his back.

Fenris: He must have came here when the defense were down.

Mech: Because you guys tried to rescue me, this is my fault.

Fenris: Don't be so foolish, the only reason you here is because of me this is my fault. So is my job as queen to stop it.

(Fenris and soldier walks out)

Half: We can't let her take that guy alone.

Mech: Agreed.

Iris: Max is to dangerous.

Mech: I know I'm really scared.

David: Then why are you doing this.

Mech: Because I'm scared of everything so if I can help others who scared I can help them feel less scared.

Power: Let's go.

(Trackers run out)

David: Go get him.

Palace, Outside 

(Cougar blasting everything)

Cougar: I knew the old king thought the way I did. That's why he didn't destroy these, he craved their power.

Fenris: You truly out of your mind.

(Fenris appears)

Cougar: So it is true the king's cub is now the ruler. This kingdom needs my leadership.

Fenris: You have to beat me first.

(Fenris creates a wolf spirit over herself and rush at Cougar)

(Cougar blasts at Fenris but she evades them)

(Fenris jumps at Cougar but Cougar shoots a massive blast that sends her flying)

(Mech flys and catches her)

(Mech flies down the ground)

Mech: Fenris please be fine.

(Fenris blushes)

Fenris: Oh course I am.

(Trackers come together)

Cougar: Of course more weaklings.

Power: You must be talking about someone else.

(Cougar levitates rocks from the ground and throws then at them)

(Four of them evade)

(Power throws his staff at Cougar)

(Cougar levitates the staff in mid air)

Cougar: Pathetic.

Power: It calls a distraction.

(Half and Fenris hits Cougar to the ground)

Fenris: Nice hit.

Half: Same to you.

Cougar: I had enough of your children.

(Cougar creates giant handss from materials around him and grabs Fenris, Power, and Half)

Mech: Guys.

(Cougar blasts Mech)

Cougar: You go first.

(Mech's parents shoots Cougar with a large energy blaster)

Iris: Looks like your calculations on Cougar claws were correct.

David: Only because you modified the energy readings.

Mech: Mom, Dad what are you doing here and how exactly does that work.

David: Well we found some designs of Cougar claws and built this device to weaken him.

Iris: We so proud of you for helping others.

Power: I don't mean to ruin this family reunion but do you mind freeing us.

Cougar: Not if I have anything to say about it.

(Cougar shoots a massive energy blast at Mech's parents)

Mech: NO!

(Mech gets in front of the blast saving his parents)

(Mech walks through the energy blast)

Cougar: Impossible I'm invincible while wearing these.

(Mech walks more closer)

Cougar: Who are you.

Mech: I am many things but you can call me Mech.

(Mech grabs Cougar claws)

Cougar: Fool they can't be destroyed when activating.

Mech: Sorry but I disagree.

(Mech uses his powers to disassemble the claws)

(A big explosion happens)

(Mech on the ground)

(Mech parents come to him)

David: No.

Iris: Please don't leave us.

Mech: Don't cry mom I just need to take a nap.

(Cougar tries walk away but Power and Half stand in his way)

Power: Half do you want to take the finale punch.

Half: No, I think is more polite to let the queen do it.

(Fenris punches Cougar unconscious )

Palace, Inside

(Ceremony for Mech)

Fenris: Mech you risked you life to protect this city and is queen for that you officially a knight of it.

(Everybody cheers)

Power: He went from dreaming of being a knight to being one.

(In a private room with Trackers and Mech's parents)

David: We are proud so of you.

Half: Mech looks like you new home loves you.

Mech: What.

Power: Is ok Mech we get it. Now you found your parents and you a knight you will live here.

Mech: Guys I'm not staying.

Power: You not.

Mech: Mom, Dad I love you and I want to spend more time with you but I'm Tracker that means I have to protect my city with my friends, my other family.

Iris: We get it son.

David: Just make sure to call us.

Mech: You don't have tell me.

(Trackers walking over to the T-Jet)

Fenris: Wait.

(Fenris walking over)

Mech: Fenris what's wrong.

Fenris: Nothing I just want to thank you again.

Power: It just want us heroes do we help each other.

Half: If you want you can join us.

Fenris: I will be there when you call. And Mech I know as the queen I thank you but I want to thank you myself.

Mech: What does that mean?

Fenris: You know, for so smart you're really dumb.

(Fenris kisses Mech)

(Mech powers causes the machines to act funny)

Fenris: I hope you appreciate my thanks.

(Mech blushes and falls to the ground over the shock)

Power: I think he enjoyed it to much.

Half: I hope auto pilot can take us home.