Global Heroics: Nuclear Power

Russia, Fallout Town

(Power teleporting over the city and falling)

Power: Why can't I teleport on the ground?

(Power flying safely on the ground)

Power: Looks like I'm alone here, whatever here is.

(Power looking at old Russia flag on the ground)

Power: Russia huh, this must be one evacuated city when they use nuclear power. I really hope I'm radiation proof.

(Power flys up and looks around)

Power: What is that?

(Power seeing two flying glowing lights)

Power: I must be seeing things.

(Power dodges a nuclear radiation blast)

Power: I guess that answers my question.

(Blind fighting a humanoid radiation villain, Meltdown)

(Meltdown about hit Blind with radiation in fused punch)

(Power punches Meltdown before he hits Blind)

(Power hand getting burned)

Power: Ok resistance to radiation not so much for the heat coming from it.

Blind: Your Power from American Trackers, correct.

Power: Yes and you're Blind.

(Meltdown shoots a massive nuclear blast)

(Power tries to block it with his staff but he and Blind get's blast into a building)

Meltdown: Hungry.

(Meltdown looking at a old nuclear reactor)

Meltdown: Food.

(Meltdown flies to the reactor)

(Power pulls of the rubble of him and Blind)

Power: You ok.

Blind: I'm fine thanks to you.

Power: Since I am not from here could explain to me who or what we fought.

Blind: That thing was Meltdown, he was a scientist who was experimenting new forms of nuclear radiation before one of his experiments turned him into that thing. Now he is just mindless monsters who feed on any radiation he finds.

Power: Like the radiation from a old nuclear reactor.

(Both of them seeing Meltdown going into the reactor)

(Both of them flying to the reactor)

Blind: If we don't stop him from accessing the reactor it can cause an explosion that could start a nuclear apocalypse for the whole earth.

Power: Is not like I'm not capable of stopping this guy alone but where are the other Russia super heroes.

Blind: Not many can stand up to Meltdown radiation, I can block it with my light manipulation. Is up to us.

Power: I'm likening that odds.

Nuclear Reactor

(Power and Blind flying into the holes Meltdown made in the building)

Power: This guy really can't weigh food huh.

Blind: Is this American humor?

Power: Yay, I should leave the jokes to Trick.

Blind: Up ahead.

(Power and Blind coming near the reactor core)

(Meltdown coming closer of the reactor core)

Meltdown: Lots of food, me want food.

(Meltdown puts his hands into the reactor core feeding from it and causes  it to overload)

Power: We have to stop him now.

Blind: How my light blast doesn't hurt him that much and you can't hit him without hurting yourself.

Power: I have a plan but involves you living up to your name.

(Meltdown absorbing more nuclear energy)

Meltdown: More. MORE!

(Power throws his staff at Meltdown hands knocking him of the core)

(Meltdown about to blast Power)

(Blind creates a big blinding light burst that temporarily blinds Meltdown)

(Power uses his staff to hit the VR at Meltdown and wrapping it around him)

Blind: You did it.

Power: I should plan more.

(Meltdown slowly melting the VR)

Blind: He won't be contained for long.

Power: Ok time for plan B. Blind creates the biggest light blast you got and shoots him outside.

Blind: I'll try.

(Blind creates a powerful light blast that shoots Meltdown outside and frozen lake)

Power: Since you already ate it's bath time.

(Power throws his staff at Meltdown and pushes into freezing water)

(A cooled down and unconscious Meltdown floats up)

Power: Looks like it is nap time.

(Blind flights up to Power)

Blind: The reactor core is about to blow.

Power: Not here.

(Power flies under the reactor core)

(Power flies the core out of the building and in space)

(Power uses his all his strength and pushes Miles away from Earth)

(Core explodes away from Earth)

(Power looking space)

Power: Cool.