Stirring the Silent Fury

*Year: 18900, Month: February Day: Thursday Morning*

Ethan makes his way towards the study, grasping the doorknob and entering the room as he does so. The sun's rays pour in through the window, illuminating the space with a bright light. He settles into his seat and takes a moment to compose himself before waiting for Gaia to arrive.

After a few minutes, there is a gentle knock on the door. "You wanted to see me, Ethan?" Gaia's voice comes from outside. "Come in," he replies, giving her permission to enter. She steps inside and closes the door behind her. "What did you need?" she asks, holding a notebook in one hand and standing in front of the desk in her elegant white dress that reveals just enough skin.

Ethan glanced up, his piercing green eyes reflecting the weight of his recent discovery. "I've found out something troubling," he began, his voice cool and measured as he gestured for Gaia to take a seat. He couldn't help but clench his fists unconsciously, his nails digging into his palms as he continued, "It seems that Princess Seraphina's life is in danger... and the culprit is none other than her own father."

Gaia's tranquil blue eyes widened slightly, a subtle break in her usually serene demeanor. "Her father?" she echoed, her voice low and thoughtful. Her fingers traced the intricate weaving of the chair armrest as she absorbed this piece of information.

"Yes," Ethan confirmed, his voice grim and resolute. He slid a parchment across the desk to her. Upon it was detailed information on the guards that had been assigned to Seraphina, their hidden orders, and proof linking it all back to the king. "It seems this was all planned... orchestrated with ruthless precision."

The room fell silent as Gaia studied the document before her. Outside, Havenwood seemed to hum with life; birdsong filled the air, and distant laughter could be heard from the village square. But within Ethan's study, a cold fury simmered beneath the surface.

"I see," Gaia finally murmured after what felt like an eternity. She set aside the parchment and met Ethan's gaze squarely.

A tempestuous passion flickered in Ethan's eyes. The thought of someone plotting against Seraphina stirred a protective flame within him that threatened to consume everything in sight. But he knew better than to let his anger take control. He breathed in deeply, letting the scent of old books and warm sunlight ground him back into reality.

"We must act wisely," Ethan declared, unclenching his fists slowly. His tone was firm but laced with underlying rage. He continued, "I will not let harm befall her... Not while I can still do something about it."

With Gaia by his side and the power of the Global Bank at his fingertips, Ethan was ready to challenge any odds. For Seraphina, for justice, he would move even the heavens if necessary. In this game of royal deceit and treachery, he was more than willing to play his part.

"I do have a question for you, Ethan," Gaia said, setting aside the documents. "Why is this princess so important to you? You haven't known her for very long. Are you truly willing to risk starting a war for someone you hardly know?" Her tone was serious, searching for an explanation. In response, Ethan rose from his seat and turned towards the window, gazing out at the view. "Yes, I am," he replied with unwavering confidence.

"Because," Ethan began, choosing his words carefully as he kept his gaze fixed on the horizon, "I see in her a kindred spirit. She, too, is trapped by forces beyond her control. By her father's expectations, by the limitations of her royal blood." He paused, his heart pounding with an intensity that surprised even him. "She deserves better."

Ethan's eyes moved towards Gaia then, green pools ablaze with determination. "And yes, she is a princess I haven't known long," he confessed, an underlying earnestness permeating his voice. He took a step forward. "But she is also a woman who dreams of freedom and love...just like anyone else."

He turned back to the window, where the sun was setting and casting long shadows across Havenwood forest. The pinks and oranges merged beautifully with the verdant green canopy, painting a breathtaking panorama that mirrored the swirling emotions within him.

"I won't stand by while she is used as a pawn in someone else's game," he declared resolutely. His fingers clenched into fists at his sides again, his nails biting into his palms until they threatened to break the skin.

Gaia observed Ethan intently, her gaze lingering for a while before she spoke again. "What do you suggest we do?" Her voice was low and calm.

"Get Rolan on the line and have him come to my study," Ethan instructed, scribbling something down on a piece of paper. "And as for your assignment, I need you to speak with Eliana about the cost of purchasing all the villages in the surrounding area and constructing a wall." He handed her the paper with further details written on it.

"You're different now," she comments as she rises from her seat and walks off to comply with Ethan's request.

Ethan didn't turn from the window to acknowledge her words. He simply stood there, watching light fade into darkness, the endless expanse of Havenwood disappearing as night claimed its dominion. A gust of wind whispered through the trees, rustling leaves in a symphony of nature's own making. The scent of pines and fresh earth filled the room with a comforting familiarity. "I have to be," he murmured just loud enough for her to hear as she exited the room.

After Gaia left, Ethan moved to stand behind his desk again, his gaze falling onto an ornate map that detailed the layout of the kingdom and its surrounding territories. His fingers trailed across various locations, each one representing a pivotal point in their plan.

His eyes lingered on Seraphina's castle and then shifted towards the lush green forest surrounding it. This was where the second part of their plan would take place—with Gaia's wisdom and his capability to manipulate Gilla, they would construct a wall around Havenwood. It would serve both as protection and a deterrent for those seeking to harm Seraphina.

Ethan sat back in his chair, feeling the weight of his decision settle on his shoulders. He knew that this move could provoke powerful enemies and cost a fortune. But what choice did he have? At least it was a decision he could control, unlike so much else in recent times.

He remembered how Seraphina's emerald eyes had looked at him with such trust when he had sworn to protect her, how her fiery hair had danced in the wind, reflecting her spirit- wild and untamed. He felt an intense desire to preserve that spirit from being extinguished by cold-hearted schemers.

An unexpected knock on the door interrupted his reverie. "Come in," he called out in his cool, measured voice. The door creaked open slowly to reveal Rolan standing at the entrance.

"I got your message," he said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. He looked at Ethan, not batting an eye at the palpable tension in the room. "What's the situation?"

Ethan turned to Rolan with a serious look on his face. "I have something important for you to do," he said, crossing his arms. "It's time for you to gather all of my lieutenants for a meeting." His voice commanded respect and obedience.

Rolan nodded, his stoic face revealing no emotion. "Understood, sir," he replied, then turned on his heel and exited the room. Ethan watched him leave, the silence descending over the room like a thick fog. He allowed himself a moment to collect his thoughts before turning his attention back to the map spread before him.

Each village, each forest, each castle marked had its own unique share of challenges and opportunities. Ethan's keen intellect ran through multiple scenarios at once, weighing pros against cons, identifying variables, and calculating odds with an efficiency that might have appeared coldly clinical to anyone observing him.

But underneath that analytical exterior was a passion fueled by fierce determination and an unwavering resolve to protect those dear to him. The stakes were high, but failure was not an option.

*Year: 18900, Month: February Day: Thursday Evening*